Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 327: violent destruction

"Captain, one and a half minutes..."

There was less than a minute and a half left before the launch of the "Insight Plan" from the aircraft carrier's satellite connection, but Steve, who was on the aircraft carrier A, still did not put the template on the original plan.

Agent Hill looked at the decreasing time on the computer screen, and the reminder in his mouth became more and more anxious.

"Be sure to catch up."

In the office, Nick Fury looked at the broken window of A Xing, his eyes twinkling in thought.


The arm that turned into a sharp blade slashed over the shield in Steve's hand. Bucky looked at the shield in front of him that didn't hurt in the slightest. Huge hooks were firmly fixed to the edge of the shield.


Feeling the tremendous power coming from the shield, Steve gritted his teeth and clung to the handle inside the shield: "Didn't you forget it all? Bucky Barnes, we grew up together and went to war together. Fighting against Hydra together, don't you have any memory of these?"

"I do not know what you're talking about."

Behind the shield, Steve's words made Bucky's indifferent eyes a little loose, but then it turned into a cold color again, controlling his arm that turned into a claw to generate huge power, Bucky said coldly. said.

"Do you still remember our promise that after the war is over, we will go back to our hometown together..."

The muscles in his arms swelled, and Steve burst out all the power given by the super soldier serum, resisting the huge power from the metal arm, and moved the shield back little by little.

"I said it all, I don't even know what you're talking about!"

It can be seen that Steve's words seem to have played a role.

As the content of memories in his mouth continued to appear, the original indifferent face of the Winter Soldier also shook.

Shaking his head, Bucky suddenly let go of his arm holding the vibranium shield, transformed into a huge hammer and smashed it heavily towards Steve in front of him.


The hammer slammed on the shield and made a dull crashing sound. Steve Li took advantage of the situation to retreat behind him, and without hesitation, rushed towards the direction of the aircraft carrier control room.

Although, he really wanted to wake up Bucky's memory where he was.

However, Agent Hill's voice kept reminding Steve that there was less than a minute left before the official launch of the "Insight Project".


However, just as Captain America turned around, there was a sharp piercing sound.

A sharp pain came from Steve's chest, and when he looked down, he saw a sharp gun protruding from his chest.

Behind him, the blank expression on Bucky's indifferent face became more and more obvious, and the arm that twitched the metal arm to turn it into a spear was slowly withdrawn from Steve's chest.

The severe pain from his chest made Steve subconsciously cover his wounds, kneeling weakly on the ground, and the template that was tightly held in his hand also fell out.

Seeing the template that fell to the side, Steve stretched out his blood-stained palm, and weakly went deep in the direction of the template.


Lifting his foot and stepping down on his palm, Bucky looked at the injured Steve, the blank look on his face was replaced by indifference again, and raised his dark metal arm into a sharp blade again, aiming at Steve's head: "everything is over!"


Seeing that, the blade on Bucky's arm was about to fall on Steve's head.

If this attack goes on, even Steve, who has undergone the transformation of the super soldier serum, has absolutely no chance of surviving.

"Buddhism is boundless!"

At the critical moment, bursts of Sanskrit sounds accompanied by the Buddha's light turned into a huge Buddha's palm, which directly penetrated the hard shell of the aircraft carrier and hit the Winter Soldier who was waving his arms. Moreover, the power of the Buddha's palm penetrated the other side of the aircraft carrier, directly hitting it in the opposite direction.

"Sorry, Captain, I'm a little late."

After the Buddha's palm passed, Ah Xing quickly flew into the aircraft carrier and looked at Steve, who was seriously injured on the deck, with obvious guilt on his face.

"Axing, template..."

Looking at Ah Xing coming, the hopeless expression on Steve's face was replaced by hope. He stretched out his blood-stained fingers and pointed to the template that fell not far away, shouting with almost all his strength.

"The aircraft carrier has been connected successfully."

At this time, in the S.H.I.E.L.D. controlled by Hydra, the Hydra spy looked at the data displayed on the screen, and immediately started a countdown.

"The weapon system starts to lock!"

"Captain, only the last five seconds are left, five, four..."

On the aircraft carrier, Agent Hill made the final countdown in Steve's ears.

Following the direction Steve pointed, Ah Xing saw the falling template, and without any hesitation, he immediately reached out and rushed towards the position of the template.


At this moment, the Winter Soldier controlled his arm that turned into a grappling hook and jumped onto the aircraft carrier again. Looking at Ah Xing who picked up the template, his face changed immediately, and he controlled his metal arm to turn into a spear towards the aircraft carrier. With A Xing rushing to attack.


Bucky, who has been transformed and upgraded by Dior, may be a difficult opponent for Steve, but it is obviously not the case for Axing.

Facing the indiscriminate attack of the Winter Soldier, Ah Xing dodged the spear at a very fast speed.


At the same time, he controlled his body and rushed to the control center of the aircraft carrier at a high speed.


Finally, at the last second of the countdown, insert the template in your hand into the card slot.

At the moment when the template was replaced, the aircraft carrier control room, which was originally emitting red light, immediately returned to a green safe state.

And Steve, who fell on the deck and clutched his chest, finally breathed a sigh of relief, fell down the body he was holding, and struggled to report to Agent Hill in the computer room: "The replacement of the A ship is complete."

"Okay, Captain, get out of there now!"

Hearing Steve's report, Agent Hill's originally anxious body disappeared, and then he immediately tapped the keyboard to control the three aircraft carriers.

According to the plan determined by the previous Avengers, after replacing the templates of the three aircraft carriers, Agent Hill immediately issued an order to destroy these aircraft carriers according to lethal weapons, completely eliminating the possibility of restarting the "Insight Plan".

Fingers tapped quickly on the keyboard, and in the computer room, Agent Hill pressed the final confirmation button.

However, at this moment, the replacement aircraft carrier that had been displayed on the computer screen suddenly turned on again, and automatically identified the target according to the "Insight Plan".

"Why, wasn't the template of the B ship's aircraft carrier replaced from the beginning?"

Looking at the screen showing the weapon restarting, the expression on Agent Hill's face changed greatly. He could barely reach out and type the program on the keyboard in an attempt to prevent the aircraft carrier from restarting. At the same time, a warning was given to Nick Fury in the office.

"Sir, just now, the replaced B ship started its weaponry again."


In the office, upon hearing Agent Hill's report, the look in Nick Fury's eyes suddenly changed.

He rushed to the window and glanced at the aircraft carrier that was hovering in midair and turning its weapons. He instinctively looked back at Alexander.

"Nick, do you think I'll have no preparations after sensing your possible plans?"

Facing the gaze cast by Nick Fury, Alexander's originally expressionless face finally showed a smile again, and he looked up at the aircraft carrier in the air: "As long as I knew that you got away from that explosion, I had already let it go. People have modified the procedures on the aircraft carrier, and even if the plan is not too urgent, I can even replace the templates on the remaining two aircraft carriers, but there is no big problem, even if there is only one aircraft carrier, it is enough to execute." Insights Program"."

After saying all this, Alexander looked at Nick Fury's only intact eye: "It seems that the final victory belongs to me, Nick."


Facing the proud Alexander in front of him, Nick Fury was silent for a while, stretched out his uninjured arm, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and pressed the preset number.

"Master Ye, I'll leave the rest to you."

"give it to me."

When the phone was connected, a refined male voice came from the other side.

"Master Ye? Ye Wen!"

In the office, when Alexander heard the address from Nick Fury's mouth, the original smile from Yang Qi immediately froze, and the pupils in his eyes shrank suddenly.

In the next moment, the dust and sand in the sky appeared around the three-curved wing building of the SHIELD headquarters.

In the looming sight, a huge arm made of yellow sand shot up into the sky and instantly grabbed the aircraft carrier suspended in mid-air.

[From the legend of Alexander Pierce...]

[The legend from Nick Fury...]

[The legend from Natasha...]

[The legend from the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D....]

【From Hydra Spy...】

"What, how..."

In the office, Alexander looked at the looming and blurry scene outside, and the smug expression on his face turned to shock. He did not expect that the "Insight Project" prepared by Hydra would end with such a result. He imagined a lot of possibilities, but he didn't think that Nick Fury would actually use such a violent disassembly method.


In the air, the aircraft carrier was entangled in the yellow sand, emitting a broken scream. As a special vehicle selected by Hydra to execute the "Insight Plan", the aircraft carrier spaceship has become extremely defensive under the transformation of Stark. A big improvement, however, even in the face of Ye Wen, or should I say the power of [Shou He], it still seems extremely fragile.

After only ten seconds, the huge fuselage of the aircraft carrier crashed and broke, and was finally crushed by the arm and turned into a large piece of wreckage and fell into the sea around the Tri-Wing Building.


"I'm really not used to looking at my tombstone."

In the cemetery, Nick Fury, who put on an ordinary dress and concealed his identity, looked at the name engraved on the tombstone with a subtle expression on his face.

"You will get used to it."

Aside, Steve glanced at Nick Fury's name displayed on the tombstone, and couldn't help but tease.

Captain America is no stranger to this feeling. In fact, since he woke up, he has seen many memorials to him, and even museums exist.

After the "Insight Project", the exposure of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra caused a huge debate on the Internet.

However, in the face of this situation, Nick Fury was obviously already prepared, he carried everything and used suspended animation to cover up everything.

Even the U.S. government has no way to figure out what happened.

After all, the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters had been destroyed by the "Insight Project" and Ye Wen's hands, and Natasha's qualifications were exposed on the Internet. Today, Washington's more headache is how to deal with the follow-up problems caused by these materials, and even the handling of Natasha, the SHIELD agents, has to be delayed.

"Hydra was not eliminated so easily."

Looking back from his tombstone, Nick Fury looked at Steve in front of him: "Although Alexander did not reveal any information, through the one-sided information left by Hydra in S.H.I.E.L.D., I at least know A certain track of their appears in Europe, do you want to act with me, captain?"


Facing the invitation from Nick Fury, Steve was silent for a moment, and finally shook his head.

"I have more important things to do than these."

Shaking his head and rejecting Nick Fury's invitation, Steve turned to look at Ah Xing standing not far from the cemetery: "Dior is still carrying out a secret plan in New York, and Bucky is missing again, I need to find them, get this out of the way, and get Peggy out."

"The reincarnation of a fairy."

Following Steve's gaze in the direction of A Xing, Nick Fury immediately remembered the purpose of this Penglai man's appearance in New York.

Nick Fury has always been very concerned about the situation of the reincarnated immortals.

However, now that the power of S.H.I.E.L.D. has been lost, even if Nick Fury has a heart, it is difficult to separate his energy from it.

Therefore, after being silent for a while, he still felt that he would focus on Hydra.

Nick Fury: "Hope you can find him, Captain."

Steve: "I'll definitely find it."


"Alexander failed, Mr. Strucker, Hydra was exposed by S.H.I.E.L.D."

Western Europe, inside a secret base somewhere.

A member of Hydra said to a man wearing round monocular glasses in front of him.

"They only know part of it. There is not only one Hydra department in this world."

Facing the report, Mr. Strucker had a calm expression on his face, he turned his head to look at the three figures in the laboratory, and the scepter that kept flashing, and couldn't help but murmured back: "Alexander's failure is more proof, If you want to control the world, compared to those so-called plans, only power is absolute, and I have found the key to breakthrough, just give me more time..."

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