Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 371: Shouzuru reappears

"This is sand?"

On Manhattan Island, as Ye Wen's voice fell, a large amount of yellow sand suddenly filled the entire street.

Matt stretched out his hand, felt the rough texture of his fingertips, and murmured.

The fluttering yellow sand renders the entire Manhattan in a twilight hue.

"Finally there is some good news."

On Liberty Island, Falcon looked at the rolling yellow sand in front of him, and finally had a stretched look between his frowning brows.

"It's all up to you, Master Ye!"



With a shield in one hand, Steve inserted himself into the battle between Hulk and Barry Allen without hesitation.

With the characteristics of the Zhenjin shield, he blocked Hulk's violent attack, and said hurriedly: "Hulk, remember the days when we fought side by side before, you need a helper."

"Hulk doesn't need it!"

There was a heavy gasp in his mouth, and in the face of Steve's help, Hulk's expression was still furious, and at the same time his arms turned around and banged wildly.

"No, you need it, Hulk."

Holding on to his shield tightly, he tried to block Hulk's indiscriminate and powerful attack. Under the mask, Steve's expression still maintained his usual calm expression: "The opponent is stronger than you think, Your anger at the moment has no effect on the battle in front of you, control your emotions, we are a team Hulk, you are not alone, no matter how others see you, to me you are a part of the Avengers They are our indispensable comrades-in-arms.”


Steve's reassurance was more effective than expected. After listening to his words, Hulk's dark green pupils changed a little, and the angry expression on his face also stopped, and he muttered and repeated.

"That's right, comrade-in-arms."

Facing Hulk's dark green eyes, Steve nodded in response without hesitation.

"Hulk, Avenger, Captain, comrade-in-arms!"

Captain America's unequivocal answer was undoubtedly the best outlet for Hulk's anger. Hearing Steve's response, he stopped his actions, and a rare smile appeared on his green face. His thick fist carefully put on a punching stance and turned to Steve in front of him.

"Huh, it's successful..."

In front of Hulk, looking at the fist stretched out by the Hulk, Steve breathed a sigh of relief, and a shallow smile appeared on the corner of his mouth under the mask, just as he was about to stretch out his fist to meet Hulk.


"It's not a good habit to desert in battle."

In the next instant, with the sound of a heavy crash, Steve, who was still standing in front of Hulk, was suddenly knocked out.

At the same time, Barry Allen sounded in a tone of obvious mockery.

Captain America flew a few meters under the impact of the clone's inverse lightning, and with this impact, Barry Allen's rapid action figure also appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

This appearance of Barry Allen, the tone said that he showed his own face, it is better to say that it is the characteristic of the "Sparkling Fruit" ability, because light can only fly in a straight line, although this characteristic can be developed by the kiwi The skill 'Yagata Mirror' refracts the speed of light to achieve a turning-like effect.

However, the role of the 'Yagata Mirror' is only to the extent of making up for it rather than changing it.

Moreover, in order to distinguish the difference between the two roles of [Polusalino] and Reverse Lightning Barry Allen, it is impossible for Li Ran to make Barry Allen too blatantly use the ability such as 'Eight Mirror'.

Of course, although there are such shortcomings in the way "Sparkling Fruit" moves, it seems to be innocuous given the current situation, because neither Hulk nor Captain America Steve was able to catch the "Sparkling Fruit". "The moment of stiffness in the straight line, hitting Barry Allen's ability.

"Captain, comrade-in-arms, Hulk avenged his comrades-in-arms!"

In the center of the pothole, Hulk looked at the disappearing figure of Captain America in front of him, and his fist raised alone.

The pent-up anger in his heart erupted again.

However, this time, Hulk's anger obviously has a reasonable target, and turning his angry head, he did not hesitate to set his eyes on the look of Barry Allen in front of him.

"Angry?" In the face of Hulk's angry appearance, Barry Allen's expression was still relaxed, he tilted his head to make a disdainful expression, and immediately said: "However, your anger seems to me at all There is no threat. I have already fully understood your abilities in the battle just now. You are powerful in attacking, but no matter how powerful you are, it is meaningless if you can't hit the target. During my high-speed movement, You are just a target standing still, no matter how strong your strength is, no matter how strong your defense is, you will not be able to cause me the slightest damage."

"Hulk, beat you up!"

Although Barry Allen said a lot in front of Hulk, obviously, his words did not have much effect on Hulk.

Under Steve's comfort, although Hulk regained a little simple sense, most of his emotions were still filled with anger. So, looking at Barry Allen who was chattering in front of him, Hulk had only one thought in his heart, that is, to smash such a bug-like guy to avenge Captain America.

In a sense, the Hulk is indeed quite a simple existence.

Therefore, there was a roar in its mouth, and the next second its body cooperated to make an attack, raising its thick arm full of muscles and smashing it heavily towards Barry Allen's position.


Under the action of terrifying brute force, Hulk's attack directly produced cracks that spread like a spider web in the huge pothole.

"I said that."

However, after the rumble, the Hulk attacked the position.

Barry Allen, the target, wasn't there at all.

The voice sounded from Hulk's heavy back, and with the sound, Barry Allen's figure appeared on Hulk at some point.

"Your attack is pointless."

Hearing the sound on his back, Hulk turned his body without hesitation and smashed deep and shallow pit marks on the ground.

Before Hulk made this move, Barry Allen's figure had already left its back one step earlier. In the blink of an eye, Natasha, who was standing on the edge of the pothole, and her clone [Uncle Long] had already appeared.

"So, you are a member of the foundation in the [Holy Master] population?"


Barry Allen's ghostly movement speed undoubtedly shocked Natasha. Seeing Barry Allen appearing beside her, Natasha pulled out her pistol and shot without hesitation. The super agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Natasha's shooting speed has almost reached the fastest speed that a human can do. After professional training, she can complete five consecutive shooting attacks within 0.5 seconds.

However, it is such a quick shooting action.

But still did not hit the target Barry Allen even a little bit.

"Nice response speed."

When Natasha reacted, Barry Allen had appeared beside the clone [Uncle Long], holding the 'magic box' held by the other party in his hand.

"Is it just a fake?"

Opened the 'magic box' and looked at the fake fake charm made by the 'Red Skull' inside. Barry Allen pouted and threw the box away: "It looks like you didn't get the real spell either, so where is the real [rat spell]?"

Touching his chin, Barry Allen swept over the Avengers and others in front of him, and then looked at the huge pothole on the ground caused by the previous battle between Hulk and the resurrected Statue of Liberty. With a stunned expression on his face, he shouted, "I see, the [Rat Charm] should be on top of the resurrected Statue of Liberty, that's why you want to stop the statue's actions."


As Barry Allen's voice fell, the clone [Uncle Long] immediately cooperated with a worried expression.

"It seems that I was right."

Following the performance of the clone [Uncle Long], Barry Allen immediately grinned.

"[The Rat Charm] is really on top of the Statue of Liberty."


In the direction of Manhattan Island, the 'Red Skull' looked at the Buddha statue behind Ah Xing that had collapsed again after blocking the Statue of Liberty. The red skeleton's grim face suddenly showed a gloomy expression.

"Sure enough, my guess was correct!"

"Although your strength is strong, it is not comparable to the Statue of Liberty. Although it took a little time, the final victory belongs to me. You and the Manhattan Island behind you will be unrivaled at the Statue of Liberty. reduced to ruins under the power of

"As long as I have a little strength, I won't let what you said happen."

With a gasping expression, in front of the Statue of Liberty, Ah Xing looked at the expression on the face of the 'Red Skull' with a frantic tone on the head of the statue, but still said neither sad nor happy.

"Very good, then, I will send you to die first."

Ah Xing's neither humble nor arrogant attitude obviously stimulated the 'Red Skull' on the Statue of Liberty. This evil resurrection exhibit issued a sharp order, and then saw the huge body of the Statue of Liberty slowly lift its own body. The arm holding the torch smashed towards A Xing.

"The Eighth Form of Tathagata's Palm—Buddha is boundless!"

The torch-wielding arm of the Statue of Liberty made a heavy sound of breaking through the air, forming a gust of wind on Ah Xing's body.

In midair, in the face of this terrifying attack, A Xing raised his head, the half-long hair on his head was scattered into a ball under the blowing wind, but the expression on his face remained that neither sad nor happy. appearance.

As the crisp voice fell, in an instant, the sky-shattering Sanskrit sound resounded from A Xing's side, and a huge golden Buddha statue emerged from behind him, raising his palms high towards the waving arm of the Statue of Liberty.


In the huge roar, the raised palms of the Buddha statue behind A Xing seemed to have successfully blocked the attack of the Statue of Liberty. However, this result only lasted for a few seconds, and the golden Buddha statue was under the powerful force of the statue. The defeat dissipated, and then the blocked arm of the goddess statue smashed towards Ah Xing's position again.


Seeing that the heavy arm of the Statue of Liberty was about to fall on A Xing's body, Jessica subconsciously exclaimed.


Just at the critical moment, a yellow arm composed of yellow sand suddenly appeared, blocking the attack of the Statue of Liberty.


Above the statue of the Statue of Liberty, seeing that he was about to succeed but blocked the attack, the already hideous expression of the 'Red Skull' became a bit more distorted. It turned its head and looked at the yellow figure in front of him that was only one head shorter than the Statue of Liberty. It was completely composed of yellow sand. For a moment, the 'Red Skull' even thought that the other party was the evil villain.

"It's alright, Ash."

Extending the huge arm of 【Shou He】to block the attack of the Statue of Liberty, standing on the head of this tailed beast formed of yellow sand, Ye Wen's feet are connected with the 【Shou He】 below, While facing A Xing who was being protected behind him, he asked.


Hearing Ye Wen's question, Ah Xing shook his head cooperatively, with a shaky expression on his face: "Then, Master Ye, I'll leave it to you next."

"No problem." Above [Shou He], Ye Wen nodded, turned his head and glanced at the huge statue of the Statue of Liberty in front of and immediately said: "Ah Xing, you have done enough. Well, let me do it next."


Hearing Ye Wen's words, the expression on Ah Xing's face loosened, and the whole person suddenly seemed to have lost all the strength, and fell straight from the air.

Seeing that he was about to fall, Jessica, who had been staring at the situation, hurried forward to pick him up.

[Shou He] Going up, Ye Wen looked at Ah Xing who was caught by Jessica, then put away the sand he had divided, turned his head to look at the statue of the Statue of Liberty in front of him and the 'Red Skull' standing on the statue , As soon as the elegant expression on his face was taken away, he raised his palm and assumed a Wing Chun pose.

Following Ye Wen's movements, the [Shou He] under him also made this gesture in coordination.

"Wing Chun, Ip Man, please advise."

"The Statue of Liberty, smash it!"


Click, click—

"You lost, Mark43."

Controlling the Mark47 on his body, he disassembled the steel suit in front of him into countless pieces. Tony turned his head to look at the Statue of Liberty blocked by Master Ye's [Shouhe], his expression relaxed and grabbed Mark43's neck. , announced.

"No, Tony..."

Because of the damage to the sounding device, Mark43's voice was no longer as clear as before, and white light flashed in his eye sockets. Mark43 looked directly at Tony in Mark47 in front of him, and said in an intermittent tone.

"I haven't lost yet, as long as the power of the spell is still in our hands, we won't lose."

With Mark43's answer, the part where it was connected began to shoot flames, and without hesitation, he detached the helmet from his scarred body, turned and flew in the direction of the Statue of Liberty.

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