Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 464: villain


"Well, it looks like I'm thinking too much."

Inside the antique store, Li Ran looked at the items he got from the second unpacking, and his feverish brain gradually calmed down.

He raised his head and glanced at the legend on the data panel that had shrunk a lot in the blink of an eye, and a heartache came over him.

[Legend]: 584355

"Calm down, it's still a good deal to honestly accumulate legends."

Taking a deep breath and calming down his heart, Li Ran relied on his great perseverance to withdraw his gaze from the exchange panel of the system, and said comfortingly.

"As long as you honestly brush up on the reputation, you will be able to open the [Golden Treasure Chest] sooner or later."

While comforting himself with the idea of ​​continuing to open the treasure chest, Li Ran put his eyes on the two newly opened character cards in the inventory, and his eyes flickered.


"Ultron, report on Vision?"

Avengers Building, Tony walked out of his laboratory, and immediately issued an instruction to the artificial intelligence monitoring everything in the hall.

"Understood, Mr. Stark."

Hearing Tony's order, Ultron nodded his head humanely, and the blue light flashed in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a virtual screen naturally generated in mid-air.

The video played on the screen is impressively the battle scene of Johnny, who has now incarnated into Vision, and the Fantastic Four and others.

"The power of the Mind Stone seems to alter Vision's body structure..."

In the picture, Vision showed his various special abilities in the battle of the remaining three Fantastic Four. In the face of the collision of the Stone Man, he first controlled his body to float into the air, and then in the confrontation with Mr. Fantastic When Dena stretched the rubber arms freely, the whole body seemed to have a phantom that still penetrated his body.

"Let it have the ability to freely change its own density. In the previous battle with the Fantastic Four, Vision has shown the ability to penetrate objects at will, at the same time, perhaps because Vision's body is from Thunderbolt The relationship with Johnny Fire also has the ability to fire at high temperatures..."

With the introduction of Ultron, the vision in the picture faced the invisible stance created by Susan, and the mind gem embedded on the forehead immediately emitted a hot light to hit the stance in front of him.

"According to Dr. Reed's introduction, the instantaneous temperature of the light emitted by Vision is close to the highest temperature of the Human Torch. Obviously, the Mind Stone not only gave Johnny new life, but also enhanced his power."

"Looks good."

Looking up at Vision's ability to use it freely on the screen, Tony couldn't help but raised his eyebrows and said, "What about memory, does he recall his original identity?"

Although Vision has now adapted to his abilities, Tony has not forgotten that another identity of the other party is the Human Torch in the Fantastic Four.

"not yet."

Facing Tony's question, Ultron shook his head slightly.

"Although the Fantastic Four have tried to introduce his past to Vision, but obviously, it has not played a very effective role. Obviously, although the powerful power of the Mind Stone has successfully awakened it, it is also not effective for Vision or Thunderbolt. Johnny Fire's original memory had an impact."

"However, although he lost his memory of being the Torch, Vision has no problems in dealing with people. On the contrary, under the power of the Mind Stone, he can quickly adapt to everything in reality."

"That might be a good thing for Johnny..."

In the Avengers Building, just as Tony and Ultron were talking about the vision, Natasha participated with her slightly hoarse voice.

"When did you come back?"

Turning his head, he saw Natasha walking slowly in front of her on the catwalk.

"Just now."

Looking up at the screen projected by Ultron, Natasha's eyes stayed on Vision's body for a few seconds before continuing: "When you discussed about Vision and Johnny's memory."

From Natasha's answer, Tony knew that the other party should have been here for a while, but what he cared more about was his reaction to Vision as the Human Torch.

Noticing the expression in Tony's eyes, Natasha immediately gave the reason: "You should also know that Johnny's character, although not bad, often causes unnecessary troubles. During the Fantastic Four period, he also Often caused some unnecessary problems and even some damage due to his character. Now that he has turned into a vision, the originally reckless Human Torch has become rational. As a superhero, he is undoubtedly The best change ever."

From the standpoint of the Fantastic Four and others, Johnny's change made them a little unacceptable, and it took time to slowly adapt.

For Natasha, the role that rational vision can play is obviously far more than the unruly Human Torch.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. has been disbanded, its habit of being a super agent is still deeply imprinted into Natasha's thinking habits.


Faced with the reasons given by Natasha, Tony didn't know how to react.

He was silent for a while, and then turned the subject to the question about Penglai.

"Master Ye, how are they doing?"

After the [Ultimate Creature] incident, although Master Ye managed to survive, the situation was not so good. In particular, the seal on the [Outer Territory Demon] has become unstable due to the frequent use of power before, which almost caused even greater problems.

"A Xing has brought Master Ye and the sleeping A Bao back to Penglai."

After taking Tony's question, Natasha answered the situation of Ye Wen and others.

"According to Ah Xing, although Ah Bao, who had awakened the remnant soul of the immortal before, successfully swallowed the [Ultimate Creature], this power also caused a huge burden on him, especially when Ah Bao swallowed it. The [Ultimate Creature] in the body is not so easy to settle down, so after thinking about it, Ah Xing decided to bring the injured Master Ye and the sleeping Ah Bao back to Penglai, and asked to see the fairy in Penglai. Is there anything people can do?"

"This is still a piece of news that makes it difficult to judge."

Facing the answer given by Natasha, Tony's expression was a bit complicated.

The departure of A Xing and others did not exceed Tony's expectations. However, when he thought that accompanying their departure, it meant that the combat power of Penglai, which he originally relied on, also disappeared, and he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

After all, Tony has not forgotten that the existence of the [Holy Lord] has always threatened the Avengers and even the entire world.

"I just hope that the Foundation can bring some good news."

Such a thought flashed in his heart, but Tony didn't put all his hopes on others. He turned his eyes and swept over Ultron in front of him, and the look in his eyes couldn't help but flicker.

In order to fight against the threat from the [Holy Lord], Tony never gave up his plan.

And Ultron is the first and most critical step in this plan.



Western Europe, among the broken bases of Hydra.

Pietro, who turned into afterimages, returned to the base and looked at Wanda and said silently.

"According to the news reports, the Avengers have defeated the [Ultimate Creature]."


Hearing the bad news from her brother Pietro, the red light in Wanda's eyes flashed, and a pothole was instantly created on the hard wall of the base beside her.

"Impossible, with the power controlled by the [Ultimate Creature], how could the Avengers..."

Because of the battle with the [Ultimate Creature], Wanda and others were very aware of the strength of the other party, but such a powerful and terrifying creature was ultimately defeated by the Avengers. This result undoubtedly made the brothers and sisters feel deep despair.

"Even the [Ultimate Creature] can't defeat the Avengers, is there any hope for our revenge?"

"Yes, I promise."

Facing the desperate gaze of his younger sister Wanda, Kuaiyin was silent for a while, and then made a reassurance with a firm voice.

Although he comforted Wanda with his mouth, Pietro also felt a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart.

The power of the Avengers is beyond their imagination. Even though the two of them have obtained extraordinary power under the experiment of Hydra, when facing the Avengers who even defeated the [Ultimate Creature], Pietro still has no power. The slightest confidence.

"Young people, it seems that you are very troubled?"

However, when Wanda and Pietro in the Hydra base were desperate, an old voice suddenly sounded in their ears.

"who is it?!"

Hearing this sudden voice, Pietro immediately restrained the despair in his eyes, and looked vigilantly in the direction where the figure sounded.

clack clack-

"Don't be too nervous, young man..."

Under the vigilant eyes of the brothers and sisters, with the sound of tires rubbing against the ground, a thin figure sitting in a wheelchair slowly appeared in front of Pietro and the others.

"I'm just an old guy who is about to die, half of his body has been buried in the soil. It's not worth your vigilance."

In the wheelchair, the old man slowly raised his head, revealing a skinny face full of wrinkles. He turned his turbid eyes to look at Pietro and the others in front of him, and his mouth let out an old laughter like dead wood.

"Who are you?"

Although, the old man's skinny appearance seemed to fall to the ground with a slight push.

However, Pietro did not ignore the way the other party appeared.

This is the hidden base of Hydra, and it is obviously not easy to come here with such a wheelchair without being discovered by the brothers and sisters.

"I, I'm just a sad and angry old guy."

In the face of Pietro's questioning, the old man slowly turned his thin head, which was close to a skeleton, and said slowly in a hoarse and sad tone: "I feel similar emotions from you, so I took the liberty of chasing after him."

"Sad and angry."

Hearing the old man's answer, the look in Pietro's eyes flickered. Looking at the skinny old man in front of him, he really couldn't associate it with the emotion of grief and anger.

"Looks like you don't really believe what the old guy is saying."

Slowly pushing the wheelchair under him and approaching Pietro and the others, the old man raised his skinny face, looked at his brother and sister, and grinned to reveal his empty mouth, revealing a wrinkled ugliness on his face. Smile: "Young people, don't think that hatred belongs to your generation. In fact, hatred is regardless of age. For example, the old guy..."

"Old guy, I once accepted an apprentice, although that scoundrel didn't listen to me as a master very much, and even finally disregarded my persuasion, the old guy, betrayed the teachers to find more powerful power. However, even the scoundrel is also My old guy's apprentice, so even if it is to clean up the portal, it should be done by my old guy himself, not by outsiders to kill it."


For a foreigner, the description of an apprentice or even a villain is obviously a bit too complicated.

Simply, there is another Wanda who has mastered special abilities beside Kuaiyin. The red light in his eyes flickered, and Wanda immediately understood the content of the old man's mouth and couldn't help but blurt out.

"So, your purpose is to get revenge?"

"Do not."

However, during Wanda's inquiry, the old man shook his head unexpectedly.

"I'm not taking revenge, old man, I just want to find those guys who killed my villains, and then thank them well."

When it came to the word thanks, the old man grinned open his mouth without a single tooth, and with the wrinkles on his face, he gave people an inexplicable feeling of shivering.

Looking at the old man with a penetrating smile in front of him, even the Wanda brothers and sisters with extraordinary abilities could not help but feel a hint of coldness.

Obviously, the so-called gratitude in the old man's mouth is not as simple as it is literally.

On the one hand, the terrifying answer of the old, on the other hand, Pietro couldn't help but ask.

"Who is your revenge?"

In the wheelchair, the old man twisted his thin head and took a deep look at Kuaiyin in front of him, before replying in his old and hoarse voice like a dead tree: "There is a guy who claims to be from Jiuyou and finds the old guy me, Tell me, the one who killed the villain is in New York."

"New York?!"

Hearing the familiar names of the brothers and sisters from the old man's mouth, the red light in Wanda's eyes became unstable again.

Reaching out and patted Wanda on the shoulder to calm him down again, Pietro reluctantly suppressed his inner thoughts, looked at the old man in front of him and asked, "Then, I don't know what the apprentice you have been talking about?"

"What is the name of the villain, because it's been too long, I can't remember the old guy clearly, but I heard that he got an unknown nickname after wandering outside, it seems to be called Huoyun Evil God?"

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