Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 475: black and white impermanence

"Old woman?!"

"My old lady, I am in full bloom, beautiful as a flower, you call me an old lady!"

Covering the wound on her body, the old woman heard [Guo Haihuang]'s words, and her expression immediately stood up. The original wrinkled face was even more ugly because of the look, but she herself did not have any self-conscious appearance, shameless shouted.

"If you are in your prime, then old man, I am handsome, young and strong."

Seeing the old woman's appearance so ignorant, [Guo Haihuang] immediately stretched his wrinkled face and replied unceremoniously.

"You old guy, blowing such a big bull, don't be afraid to flash your waist!"

"You ugly old woman dares to lie against her conscience and don't write drafts. What should I be afraid of, old man."

In the underground base of the Avengers, [Guo Haihuang] and the old woman are fighting each other every word, but their expressions are always vigilant.

"You two old guys, are you arguing enough!"

Seeing the two of them look like this, the black and white impermanence on the side began to become impatient.

"To shut up!"

However, hearing the impermanent voice of black and white, [Guo Haihuang] and the old woman who were in the confrontation turned their heads and scolded him in unison.


Faced with the reprimands of the two, Black and White's already 'unstable' emotions suddenly began to have problems again. He let out a roar with a twisted face, followed by a familiar shrill tearing sound in the next instant. Under the gaze, they turned into two terrifying figures in black and white holding hands again, and at the same time, there was a different strange laughter.

The two figures, one black and one white, twisted, appearing in front of Steve and the others as if they were changing their shape. He waved the mourning stick in his hand to form a stick figure that filled the sky, and he could not help but hit Captain America in the past. .

This black and white impermanence attack can be said to have no signs at all. If it weren't for Steve's own superhuman reaction speed, he raised his shield in the next second to block the opponent's attack. With the strong vibration gold shield The defense resisted this attack.

Maybe Captain America will fall under the terrifying attack of black and white impermanence.

Of course, although the shield was used to block the mourning stick's attack, Steve's situation was not very optimistic.

The unpredictable figure of Black and White Impermanence is like two people attacking him at the same time. Although Steve's defense is strong, he still shows a sense of exhaustion under this continuous stick shadow. Almost visible to the naked eye, he was under pressure from black and white impermanence.


Looking at the situation of Captain America in crisis, Agent Carter hardly hesitated, a scarlet look flashed in his eyes, and he opened his mouth to reveal the sharp teeth in his mouth. where people fight.


Carter, who incarnates as a vampire, is extremely fast, but even faster than her is the impermanence of black and white reactions.

Almost as soon as Peggy rushed over, in a tearing sound, a terrifying Black Impermanence split from behind the Black and White Impermanence that was fighting with Steve, and waving the mourning stick in his hand attacked Carter. past.


The timing of Black Impermanence's appearance was just right to block Carter's most critical forward direction. She could clearly see Steve fighting with the other two Black and White Impermanence after crossing Black Impermanence's body wearing a high hat. However, Facing the black and impermanent attack in front of him, Carter had to grit his teeth to stop himself, and stretched out his vampire's sharp claws to fight together.

Black and white impermanence waved the mourning stick in his hand to suppress Captain America in front of him, and the black impermanence on the other side was fighting Carter so that she could not get close.

The current battle seems to have made Black and White Impermanence rampant, he waved the mourning stick in his hand to force Steve back a step, and at the same time let out that weird and weird laughter: "What superhero, that's all, I Looking at the other party, you don't need [Wuxiang Wang] to take action at all, I am enough alone!"

In the mad laughter, the black and white impermanence body kept making a terrifying tearing sound, and in the blink of an eye, the black and white impermanence filled the laboratory of the entire underground base. Heroes, the wacky laughs combine to look even more wacky and infiltrating.

With this weird laughter, these split black and white impermanence changed their figures one after another, waving the mourning stick in their hands to attack the superheroes in front of them.

"Old woman, just watch quietly by the side and watch how I clean up all these so-called superheroes!"

In the dense black and white impermanence, an erratic voice came out, and in the next instant, facing many black and white impermanence attacks, the superheroes had to make a counterattack.

For a time, the entire underground base was rumbling continuously, and a large number of fire shocks and vibrations flooded the entire laboratory.

"No, these black and white guys are more difficult than imagined!"

He raised his fist and smashed Bai Wuchang in front of him, but Bai Wuchang, who was hit by the stone man's fist, just turned into smoke and dissipated, and then another Hei Wuchang waving a mourning stick rushed out of the fog and aimed at it. life-threatening attack.

Raising his huge palm to hold the black impermanence head in front of him, the Stone Man ignored the mourning stick's attack, but the expression on his face was not much relaxed. Although these black and white impermanence could not cause too much damage to him, who was surrounded by hard stones, the steady stream of attacks still made the stone man feel a bit difficult.

"I found that they couldn't be killed at all. Even if one was knocked down, there would be more of the same guy entangled."

"Maybe we should think about it."

Turning over to avoid a white impermanence attack in front of her, Natasha glanced at the clear traces left by the mourning stick on the ground, and then switched the gun in her hand to emit a faint blue laser that blasted away the white impermanence in front of her, while breathing slightly Adjusting her breathing, Natasha responded to the Thing's words.

"If this goes on, even if you don't kill them, you will be exhausted."

"any idea?"

The metal wings behind the control stayed in mid-air. The advantage of flying made the Falcon not have the ability to fight back under the black and white impermanence attack, but he also knew very well that if he could not solve the black and white impermanence in front of him, he would be defeated sooner or later. thing.

"I don't want to be paired with these sticks."

"I can feel that these beings attacking us are not complete entities."

Under the increase of the power of the ripples, Matt waved the guide stick in his hand and the black impermanence in front of him. You came and I went to fight constantly. After hearing the conversation of the others, he immediately controlled the ripples in his body from the guide stick and fell in front of him. The black impermanence of the body directly scattered it, and said at the same time.

"Maybe if we can find his real entity from these beings, we can make these guys who keep appearing disappear."

"Since you can detect the difference between them, why not directly find out that guy's body."

Facing Matt's reminder, Kuaiyin, who was moving fast, frowned and asked in confusion.

"Too many existences around have affected the power of Ripple, and the aura you exude is also affecting my control over Ripple all the time."

Although Matt's powerful senses allow him to perceive things that ordinary people cannot, especially after learning the ripples, his senses have been greatly improved, but it is precisely because of such keen senses that he can clearly Feel the mighty power inside the superheroes.

In particular, the terrifying power that Vision exudes all the time has a great impact on Matt's ripple control.

In such a situation, he had to concentrate 200% to keep the power of the ripples from getting out of control.

"Maybe I can help."

Hearing the conversation of everyone, Vision controlled his body to fall again, and the two Bai Wuchang noticed the falling Vision and immediately waved the mourning stick in their hands and smashed them fiercely.

However, in the face of these two dangerous blows, Vision changed the density of his body directly into a phantom-like body, allowing the attack to penetrate his body. Turning his head, the hot light emitted from his forehead easily eliminated the two Bai Wuchang.

A faint yellow light flashed from the Mind Gem on Vision's forehead, and he soon found a special existence from the dense black and white impermanence around him.

"I found it, it's the black figure in front of the captain."

"I come."

Hearing Vision's words, Wanda raised his hands without hesitation to create a red mist that appeared in the dark and impermanent direction in front of Steve.


The huge explosion formed by the red fog instantly engulfed Black and White Impermanence and Steve who was fighting with him in front of him.

With the strong defense of the vibranium shield, he resisted the huge impact of Wanda's attack. Steve's eyes came out from the gap in the shield, looking at the black and white impermanence direction that was completely submerged by the explosion in front of him.

"Did it hit?"

Before, Steve also heard part of the conversation between Matt and others, and knew that the purpose of Wanda's attack was to hit these black and white impermanent bodies.

"Do you think this will hurt me?"

However, under the gaze of Steve and the heroes of the underground base, a deep voice sounded from the center of the explosion.

In the next moment, another black and white impermanence, holding hands, jumped out of it, dancing the mourning stick in his hand to form a stick shadow that filled the sky and attacked Captain America.


Looking at the black and white impermanence that attacked again, in the steel battle suit, Tony raised his palm and blasted the black impermanence in front of him, while shouting to the vision not far away.

"He is no longer in front of the captain."

The mind gem on the head flashed a faint light, and Vision looked in the direction in front of Steve again, but found that the black and white impermanence attacking in front of him was no longer the body he had seen before.

"He's constantly moving his position, Mr. Stark, my body seems to be in a little bit of a problem, and suddenly something..."

With the continuous use of the power of the mind gem on his forehead, Vision suddenly felt a feeling of weakness that he had never felt before in his body, and at the same time, in his mind, some broken memories about the space station also began to emerge.

As one of the Infinity Stones, the power of the Mind Stone is obviously not something that Vision can easily control. Frequent use of the power of the gemstone, even with Johnny's mutated body enhanced by space cosmic storms, produces a feeling of weakness.

He shook his head, and the light of the gem on his forehead began to fade.

"Watch out, Vision!"

However, at the moment when Vision slackened, a black impermanence was suddenly separated from a white impermanence in front of him, and the mourning stick in his hand fell on Vision's body without hesitation. The huge force slammed the entire body of the sudden vision into the air, hitting the solid and thick wall of the base, forming a huge humanoid mark and cracks like a spider web texture.

Fortunately, a quarter of an hour before the impact, Vision changed the density of his body, making his body as hard as steel.

Therefore, although the damage caused by the impact cannot be completely offset, it will not make Vision completely incapacitated.

"What to do now, looking at the vision, it will obviously be impossible to help us for a while."

As a flying device, due to its size, the metal wings behind the Falcon could not fly for a long time. Listening to the constant sound of the body shape in the headphones, the expression on the Falcon's face couldn't help but feel anxious.

Unlike the rest of the superheroes, all of his abilities depend on the metal wings behind him. If he loses his flying advantage, in the face of the black and white impermanence in the base, Falcon doesn't think he can do what Natasha does. Degree.

"Maybe I can give it a try, Mr. Stark."

Raising his hands and firing shock cannons, the black and white impermanence in front of him was blasted into smoke. Ultron turned his head and swept across the scene in the base, stopped on Vision's body, and then turned to face the other side and three or four Tony, who was fighting with black and white impermanence, said.

"What kind of method do you have, just use Ultron directly, without going through mine."

Tony in the battle obviously did not have the leisure time to make a complete response to Ultron.

Hearing Tony's reply, the blue light in Ultron's eyes flickered, and then the invisible infrared rays from the eyes of artificial intelligence swept everything around, including these dense black and white impermanent figures.

Immediately afterwards, the infrared rays of light in Ultron's eyes stopped, and soon locked one of the many black and white impermanence figures.

Open the shoulder armor, and a miniature missile immediately rises from it, roaring at the locked target and flying over.


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