Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 480: The death of Guo Haihuang

Avengers Building, inside the underground base.

[Guo Haihuang]'s arm turned into afterimages and kept hitting the [Wuxiang King] in front of him.

Every attack has a huge power that ordinary people can't resist, and every strike contains super-high skills in martial arts, let alone ordinary people, even weaker superheroes, in the face of such dense and powerful attacks. If you don't hold on to a few moves, you will be defeated.

However, in the face of such a swift and brutal attack by [Guo Haihuang].

[Phaseless King] The body that turned into a stone man was still there like a rock, without shaking at all, which formed a sharp contrast with the fierce attack in front of him.

"This, is this all the power of [Guo Haihuang]?"

With his powerful dynamic vision, he caught [Guo Haihuang]'s fighting stance into his eyes. Only at this moment did Kuaiyin realize that the previous fight between [Guo Haihuang] and himself in the Hydra base was just a matter of time. It was just a random attack by the opponent.

If the other party launched an attack like this at the time, it would be impossible for him to resist, and he might not even be able to resist a single move.

However, compared with the powerful offensive displayed by [Guo Haihuang], what shocked Kuaiyin even more was the invincible posture of [Wuxiang Wang] in the face of this offensive.

Because he had felt the power of [Guo Haihuang], Kuaiyin clearly knew that the bony fist in front of him contained a terrifying force that could cut through mountains. However, such a powerful and terrifying force did not cause any obvious damage to [Wuxiang King], just like the attack of [Guo Haihuang] was really a fluttering fist.

"Is this still fighting?"

Looking up at the afterimage-like battle in front of him, Falcon turned his head to look at the metal wings behind him. The sense of pride that he had as an avenger disappeared instantly.

Such an intense battle was beyond his reach.

"Perhaps only monsters like them can join such a battle."

Such thoughts flashed in my heart, and Falcon's eyes inadvertently swept across the Hulk or the Stone Man beside him.

Watching the battle between [Guo Haihuang] and [Wuxiang Wang], Hulk thumped the ground a few times impatiently.

The anger that kept emerging in his heart made it want to rush into the battle between the two regardless, but the beast-like intuition from the body made Hulk not dare to shoot easily.

Under the stimulation of two contradictory emotions, Hulk's already irritable character became even more angry.

"Have you had enough?"

Allowing [Guo Haihuang] to display a fierce attack on his body, [Wuxiang Wang] twisted his neck, turning into a huge stone man, looking down at the bony little figure in front of him, and finally spoke. Said slowly.

And as the voice of [Wuxiang Wang] fell, [Guo Haihuang] stopped all his moves like a conditioned reflex, and looked at the opponent like a big enemy.

And at the moment when [Guo Haihuang] stopped his movement, [Wuxiang Wang] raised his arms that turned into hard stones, and moved towards [Guo Haihuang]'s ears at an unmatched speed. smashed.


Noticing the movements of [Wuxiang Wang]'s hands, the expression on Kuaiyin's face suddenly changed, and a large amount of silver-white light emerged from itself and was about to rush towards the position of the two in an attempt to save [Guo Haihuang]. .


However, before Kuaiyin could move his steps, [Wuxiang Wang]'s hands had already landed heavily on [Guo Haihuang]'s head.

In an instant, a deafening sound shrouded [Guo Haihuang]'s unresponsive head, and a large amount of blood spurted out of [Guo Haihuang]'s ears with this attack.


In front of him, facing such a cruel scene, Susan and other soft-hearted superheroes subconsciously closed their eyes.

And Steve and others could not help frowning, showing an uncomfortable expression to this cruel scene.

Ignoring the unbearable expressions of everyone in the underground base, or perhaps such a scene was exactly what Li Ran needed.

[Wang Xiang Wang] once again raised his rock-solid arm, with a swift and violent attitude that a stone man could not have achieved, cut through the void and faced the front like electric flint in a huge air explosion because the previous double [Guo Haihuang], who was piercing through his ears and unaware, smashed down heavily.

In the face of such a terrifying blow from [Wuxiang Wang], Steve and the others could almost foresee the shattering scene of the fist hitting [Guo Haihuang]'s head.

"Jarvis, start..."

Inside the steel suit, Tony closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and was about to activate the special device that was originally intended to deal with the [Holy Master].

"Sir, things seem to have changed."

However, at this moment, the steel helmet Nejarvis suddenly interrupted Tony's instructions.

Following Jarvis' reminder, Tony opened his eyes and saw that [Wang Xiang Wang] in front of him stopped his arm just before his fist hit [Guo Haihuang]'s head.


Stopping his fist, [Wuxiang Wang] looked at the motionless [Guo Haihuang] in front of him, and the rock face showed an indescribably complicated look.

"I didn't expect that it would end up like this."

With the incomparably complicated words in [Wuxiangwang]'s mouth, he slowly put away his fists, and his entire body twisted and deformed with the movements of his hands, and regained his terrifying appearance without facial features. The faint voice said: "As a martial artist, you shouldn't end the battle in this way. Such an ending is a pity for you and me."

In the quiet voice of [Wuxiang Wang], Kuaiyin and others in the base noticed that [Guo Haihuang] standing in front of him lost his spirits, his eyelids were taut and continued to open, and his ears sprayed The splattered blood has solidified and the nose has stopped breathing.

"I admit that as a martial artist, you brought me a lot of surprises. If it weren't for the ability of the immortal technique "Wuxiang Divine Art", which extremely restrains the power of the martial artist, you could replace anyone from Jiuyou in your combo. Under attack, it will not appear so easy, but unfortunately, there is no if, and you have lost the possibility of if."

Shaking his face without facial features, [Wuxiang King] faced the thin body in front of him, whose limbs were already stiff, although he was still standing in front of him, he rarely said in a sarcastic tone.

"What is this?"

In terms of superheroes, looking at everything that is happening in front of them, many people still have obvious puzzled expressions on their faces.

There are only a few keen existences, such as Matt who knew the situation of [Guo Haihuang] under the power of the ripples, and the expression on his face was a little silent.

"He's old and dead."

Inside the steel suit, Tony got the results of the scan from Jarvis, looked at [Guo Haihuang] with a very complicated expression, took a deep breath and said slowly.

"It's dead."


Tony's words caused the entire underground base to fall into silence for a moment, and even the angry Hulk calmed down under the influence of this atmosphere, his dark green pupils looked at the motionless [Guo Haihuang]. The body, and even the breathing became a little lighter.

Kuaiyin turned his face and looked at the thin body of [Guo Haihuang] standing in the underground base even though he was old and dead.

Thinking about the scene where they talked just a day ago.

Although, possessing extraordinary power, he doesn't know the martial arts in the mouth of [Guo Haihuang], but it is easy for this skinny old man to devote his whole life to martial arts, even if it wasn't for his apprentice Huoyun Evil God He may still be practicing his martial arts.

The powerful force generated by the combination of martial arts in the past century has not only shocked Quicksilver, but also shocked the other superheroes in the base.

For a time, they forgot the threat from [Wuxiang Wang], and looked at [Guo Haihuang] who was still standing tall and straight in front of him even though he was old and dead.

In an instant, various emotions of shock, awe, pity, and confusion surged in their hearts.

"Everything is false, everything is permitted."

Pressing down the cowboy hat on his head, [Lucky Luke] took his eyes away from [Guo Haihuang], looked in the direction of [Wuxiang Wang], and tightened the revolver in his hand.


Turning his face without facial features, the [Phaseless King] swept over the blank-looking crowd in the underground base and let out a long, faint sigh.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of [Lucky Luke], twisting his body and passing him in his vigilant gaze.

"I'll let you go this time, the Avengers, the superheroes and the survivors of the Assassin Brotherhood, but it won't be like this next time. Jiuyou is bound to gain the power of the Mind Stone, so be prepared, Avengers, there are still many problems between Jiuyou and you waiting to be resolved."

As the voice of [Wuxiang Wang] fell, his figure had turned into an afterimage and disappeared into the underground base.

Watching the disappearing back of [Wuxiang Wang], everyone in the base knew very well that the reason why they gave up the next action was not because of their power, but because of [Guo Haihuang].

[Guo Haihuang]'s death obviously touched the heart of [Wuxiang Wang], causing this seemingly terrifying man to give up his next move.

However, just like the words left by [Wuxiang Wang] before he left, Jiuyou obviously will not give up the power of the Mind Gem easily.

Although, the remarks left by [Wuxiang Wang] before leaving caused a huge psychological pressure to everyone in the base.

However, no matter what, the departure of such a dangerous character still made them heave a sigh of relief.

[Lucky Luke] turned the revolver in his hand and inserted it back into his waist.

On the other side, Kuaiyin's figure flickered and came to the standing body of [Guo Haihuang]. He gently stretched out his hands and carefully supported [Guo Haihuang]'s motionless body as if he were protecting delicate porcelain. . Turning his head to look at Wanda behind him, the latter stretched out his hands to form a faint red mist and wrapped [Guo Haihuang]'s body.

The death of [Guo Haihuang] not only had an impact on [Wuxiang Wang], but also had a certain psychological impact on the superheroes in the base.

Looking at [Guo Haihuang] being lifted up under the red mist of Wanda, Hulk shook his head and recovered from the appearance of the Hulk to Banner's thin appearance.

Steve put down the shield in his hand and subconsciously stepped forward.

Vision controlled his body to fly out of the pothole and swept over [Guo Haihuang]'s body, and his heart was filled with emotions that were completely different from the previous anger.

And at the moment when everyone accepted the fact that [Guo Haihuang] is old and dead, the blue light in Ultron's eyes flickered, and the artificial intelligence couldn't help but make a surprised tone.

"Mr. Stark."

Hearing the surprise in Ultron's cry, Tony's expression in the steel suit also changed.

Then, very quickly, the scene that appeared in front of him made him clearly understand the reason why Ultron was so surprised.

I saw that under the gazes of everyone in the base, [Guo Haihuang], who was wrapped in the red mist of Wanda and motionless and judged to be dying, actually slowly twisted his neck, then stretched his arms and bent down again. sit up.

"What, what?!"

Looking at the resurrected [Guo Haihuang] in front of him, even the most calm Matt showed an expression of surprise that could not be concealed.

Under his super senses, he had clearly determined that [Guo Haihuang] did not have the slightest heartbeat in his body.

It is for this reason that when he heard Tony pronounced his death, he was so silent.

Not only Matt, Vision's mood at the moment also fluctuated hugely, and the gem on his forehead started to shine involuntarily because of the change of How is all this possible! "

However, if the one who was most surprised by [Guo Haihuang]'s resurrection in the entire underground base was Tony.

This is also confirmed by the popularity of Li Ran's system panel.

After all, as the party who personally pronounced the death of [Guo Haihuang], he didn't just say it casually, but based on the analysis and judgment made after Jarvis scanned the other party's body. In Jarvis's data analysis, it has been clearly indicated that the previous [Guo Haihuang] not only stopped beating, but even the body and limbs began to stiffen, which was completely determined to be dead.

For Jarvis's scan results, Tony does not think there is the slightest mistake.

Although, in terms of running ability, the emergence of artificial intelligence makes Jarvis seem a little weaker, but as an intelligent system he made by himself, Jarvis itself also has extremely powerful running ability, it is impossible to [Guo Haihuang] There is a possibility of misjudgment in a simple death judgment.

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