And the full benefits of a huge body shape.

In particular, as a result of the accidental transformation of 'Pym Particles', Darren Krause's own body structure is not for the life of a giant, except for the gigantic size, his body is still the same. With its weaknesses as ordinary human beings, some weaknesses that were not obvious at first were also reflected along with the huge size of the body.

For example, eyes, originally humans would instinctively close their eyes when faced with strong light.

This is a conditioned reflex inscribed on human genetic instinct, and it is the protective behavior of the optic nerve to protect the eyes.

However, due to the huge size of the body, Darren Krause's body's response was slowed down. Facing the flash bomb thrown by the thief Kidd, although the nerves had already ordered the action of closing his eyes, the whole body enlarged. Under the circumstances, even a simple eye-closing action from Darren Kraus seemed a little slow.

By the time Darren Claus closed his heavy eyelids, the dazzling white light of the flash bomb had already pierced his retina first.

Under the stimulation of the strong light, even with the helmet as a barrier on the surface, Darren Krause still had a lot of tears left under his closed eyes. Uneasy shaking.


Although it is only a small twist of the body, but with Darren Kraus' height of thirty or forty meters at the moment, it is enough to cause huge damage, making the already crumbling Pym Technology Company even more broken a bit.

"Be careful!"

Outside the Pym Technology Company, the Stoneman shot the boulder flying in front of him into pieces, turned his head to look at the old man behind him and persuaded: "Sir, please don't get too close, this is a dangerous area now."

However, in the face of the persuasion of the Stone Man, Dr. Hank Pym seemed a little dazed. He looked at the huge figure of Darren Krause on Pym Technology Company and couldn't help but murmured, "Giant man?"

"Giant man? What is that?"

Aside, daughter Hope heard the name that appeared in her father's mouth, and immediately asked.

"This is a higher-level application of the 'Pym particle', you should know that the 'Pym particle' is a subatomic particle that can change the size of an object, and shrinking is only part of the ability of this particle It's just, for a while, I tried to use the 'Pym particle' to enlarge the body to get more powerful power, but later I noticed that the excessively large figure is not only bad for action, but also in this form of 'Pym' The consumption of Mu particles is extremely rapid, so I had to give up the plan to maintain a giant, and instead study a more stable shrinking ability, and then the Ant-Man was born."

As the name of the discovery of the 'Pym particle', Dr. Hank Pym is also the most thorough researcher on the power of this mysterious particle.

He clearly knew the magic and attraction of the 'Pym particle', but he also knew the danger in it.

Because of the power of the 'Pym Particles', he gained a lot, but lost more.


"It's getting close, it's almost there, hold on, man!"

Dodging the scattered rubble, Scott Lang looked at Darren Claus who was getting closer and closer to him, and said silently in his heart.

Although the power of the flash bomb was huge, it only lasted for a few minutes, especially under the shield of the helmet, the damage caused by the strong light was even less.

Two or three minutes later, Darren Claus opened his eyes tremblingly, and looked at the location of the phantom thief on the back of his hand with a somewhat blurred vision.

There was no trace of the phantom thief on the back of his hand, but before Darren Claus could look for it, the voice of the phantom thief Kidd rang out in his ears again.

"You know what, Mr. Darren Krause."

"The core of so-called magic is to divert the audience's attention to achieve unexpected effects."

Following the direction of the voice, Darren Claus turned his neck and quickly found the figure of the thief on his shoulders.

Standing on Darren Krause's broad shoulders, the breeze rising from the sky blew the cape behind the phantom thief. One hand kept a raised position and pressed the white top hat on his head while covering his face. Len Claus's dangerous gaze came from the phantom thief and said with a chuckle: "The magician's magic always uses conspicuous methods to hide his true purpose, such as in front of him..."


The blurred eyes gradually weakened, and Darren Claus watched the figure of the phantom thief Kidd change from blurred to clear before he realized that the so-called phantom thief in front of him was just a dummy in phantom thief clothes.

"It's a dummy!"

Because he found that the so-called phantom thief Kidd on his shoulders was just a balloon dummy to attract attention, Darren Krause recalled what the phantom thief had said before, and immediately turned his head and began to look for the phantom thief. figure. However, Darren Claus, who had been tricked by the phantom thief, didn't notice at all, and just as he turned his neck, an indistinct figure flashed past on the dummy that the phantom thief had placed.

"Thank you for your hard work, man!"

While the thief Kidd and Mr. Fantastic Reed were holding Darren Krause's attention, Scott Lang also successfully landed on Darren Kr. in the Wasp suit with the help of the ants under him. In the position of Rolls' helmet, he turned his head and patted the ant under him to signal to control it to fly to a safe place. Scott Lang looked down at the huge head that looked like a square under him, and took a deep breath. Sneaked inside with the analysis of the helmet.

Just as he said to the thief and Reed before, Scott Lang's plan was to sneak into the 'Pym Particle' device of Darren Krause's wasp suit and forcibly change it back.


Darren Krause's enlarged version of the suit obviously provided a very friendly diving environment for Scott Lang. Following these gaps that became wider and wider, Scott Lang went smoothly. It entered the core of the wasp suit helmet.

"Huh, calm down, Scott Lang, as you did before."

Looking up at the same huge circuit board, Scott Lang took a deep breath and raised his arm without hesitation to start destroying it.

"What, this is?!"

The helmet at the core of the device's 'Pym Particle' was damaged, and success appeared almost instantly.

A large amount of electricity began to burst out from Darren Krause's helmet and battle suit, and at the same time, the flashing light in the helmet also began to faintly appear.

"Scott Lang!"

Faced with the situation in the Wasp Warrior suit at the moment, Darren Krauss reacted almost immediately.

There can be no one other than Scott Lang who can do all this. With a deafening roar from his mouth, Darren Kraus immediately began to shake his head, trying to make the Scott Lang, who was in his helmet, was thrown out.


In the helmet of the Wasp Warrior, under the shaking of Darren Krauss, Scott Lang was thrown all over the place.

"Is this the side effect of the giant Pym particle?"

Standing beside Pym Technology Company, which was some distance away from the battlefield, Hope looked at Darren Krause, who suddenly started shaking his head, and couldn't help asking the identity of Dr. Hank Pym.


Under Hope's inquiry, Dr. Hank Pym was embarrassed to say that he didn't know the reason. After all, when he used the 'Pym Particle' to transform his power into a giant, he never showed signs of shaking his head like this.

"After all, I haven't done too much research on the ability of giant transformation before, and it has not become as huge as Darren Krauss, so I don't know much about the side effects of this giant transformation."

"Ah~~~ ah~~~ ah~~ ah~"

Covering up the past in a vague way, Dr. Hank Pym didn't know that the reason why Darren Krause appeared today was purely because of Scott Lang's relationship, and at this moment Scott Lang In the other party's helmet, enjoying the thrilling experience far beyond the coaster.

Bang, bang, bang!

Under the violent swing, Scott Lang felt that his body was like an out of control pinball, constantly bumping around in the helmet. A huge disadvantage. Because of the excessive pursuit of dexterity, the entire Ant-Man suit does not have much defensive armor at all, and this result has caused every impact of Scott Lang to be a real pain.

After being hit a dozen times in a row, Scott Lang's body on the Ant-Man suit was full of bruises and wounds, and even his face was constantly bleeding from the nose.

After shaking continuously for about a minute, Darren Claus began to feel that his breathing became faster.

He took a deep breath of the air around him, and felt that his huge body's demand for oxygen had increased significantly several times.

Every time I take a breath, I feel like I am in a high-altitude environment, and I always feel that the surrounding air seems to be a little thinner because of my own breathing.

Although he took a few breaths due to his actions, Darren Krause didn't stop when he thought that there was still Scott Lang in the helmet wreaking havoc, possibly destroying his wasp suit. began to swing again.


Inside the Wasp Warrior helmet, Scott Lang finally took a break from Darren Krause's breath, grabbed an unknown part of the helmet's electric board with one hand to support his weak-legged body, and grinned. He moved his body, and immediately gasped because he touched the bruised wound.

However, before Scott Lang could calm his beating heart a little, the vibration from the soles of his feet made him react, and the second wave of shaking was about to come again.


During the shaking, the parts held by Scott Lang had no fixed function at all, and almost broke off the circuit board directly under Darren Krause's flick.

Grabbing the broken part with one hand, Scott Lang screamed again.

sizzle, sizzle~


As Scott Lang grabbed the parts in the helmet, the wasp suit on Darren Krause burst into electricity again, and then Darren Krause's huge body was actually beating under the beating of the current. It swelled a bit again. Originally, it was only the upper waist that passed through Pym Technology's body shape, but now it goes directly to the waist.

And because of Darren Krause's changed body again, Mr. Fantastic Reed also clearly felt the power from the other side in his legs, and he could even compare it with his friend Stone Man Ben. , and because of Darren Krause's re-enlarged body, Reed wrapped around Pym Technology's pillars and began to spread fine textures while a large number of gravel peeled off from it.

It's clear that Darren Krause's powers are almost beyond the limits of Mister Fantastic.

"Whether it's Scott Lang or Kaito Kidd, please hurry up, I can't hold on anymore!"

Gritting his teeth, his body wrapped around Darren Krause's legs tightened a bit, and Reed almost struggled to persevere.

As a researcher-born superhero, this moment is all he can do.

However, in the face of Mr. Fantastic Reed's expectations, Scott Lang's situation is also not optimistic. As Darren Krause's body size has become larger again, the circuit board device in the helmet has also become larger. For a few minutes, I was thrown around in these devices and bumped countless times.

Scott Lang's consciousness began to appear blurry. While he was in a daze, he didn't notice that the place where he fell and was about to hit was a sharp corner on the circuit board of the Seeing As Scott Lang was about to land on it, a blood-splattered scene was about to take place inside the helmet.

"Your current situation is different from what you promised me before, Mr. Scott Lang?"

With the indifferent voice of the thief Kidd, a modern figure appeared in the helmet, the device behind the control floated in the helmet, and the thief reached out and caught Scott Lang, who was in a trance.

"Wasp... No, Kaito Kid?"

While in a daze, Scott Lang clearly saw the figure who caught him, his body instinctively tightened, and the originally vague consciousness immediately woke up under a jolt.

The one who appeared in front of him was the Wasp Warrior.

However, Scott Lang soon recognized from the translucent mask on the helmet of the wasp warrior that it was not Darren Krause but the Kaiju Kidd who controlled the suit.

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