Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 498: Help Ultron


For the power of the Leopard 2A6M tank, the general can be described as full of confidence.

However, the reality is unusually face-saving.

The powerful characteristics of the vibranium shield are worthy of its indestructible reputation.

Even the damage of the tank artillery can't break the defense of this shield and hurt Captain America and Natasha, the two avengers behind it.

Witnessing the scene of Captain America blocking the cannonball alone, the general's inner shock was particularly strong. If the bullets and rockets let him know that conventional weapons can't do much damage to these so-called superheroes, then Steve is hard. The scene of receiving the cannonball made him, as a soldier, feel even more terrified of the existence of extraordinary power.

Such power has completely surpassed human imagination. It is no wonder that in the historical propaganda of the United States, Captain America is called a one-man army.

Originally, the general thought that this was just a slogan chanted by the United States for publicity during World War II, but now he reacts to the power of Steve, and it turns out that the American propaganda is not exaggerated.

"Never let the Avengers get out of the base alive!"

After being shocked by the power of Captain America, what followed in the general's heart was a deep sense of unease.

After all, the whole world knows that the Avengers are not the only two people in front of them. The strength of Captain America has already made them feel a little tricky in the base. If all the members of the Avengers are dispatched, even if they are arrogant The general is also not guaranteed to be able to compete with it.

After all, this is the team of superheroes who once alone fought against an alien army whose technological strength far exceeds that of humans.

On the other hand, the general is also very clear in his heart that if the huge monster in the base is exposed, Justin, the Prime Minister of Canada, will never admit that it exists.

"All soldiers, don't take care of the experimental equipment and monsters around, attack me against the Avengers!"

Thinking of this, the general suppressed the last worry in his heart, looked away from the huge monster, and then ordered an indiscriminate attack.

bang bang bang-


With the general's order, the soldiers no longer kept their hands, and a large number of bullets and shells turned into a terrifying metal storm and emerged on the opposite side of the Avengers.

In the face of these surging firepower, Steve's expression became obviously cautious.

Although the vibranium shield in his hand is powerful, the range it can defend has a limit after all. It was already a little difficult to resist those scattered bullets before, and now facing the more violent artillery fire, it undoubtedly made Steve fall into a passive situation. .

In the current situation, he can't dodge because there is Natasha behind him, but if he doesn't dodge these flying bullets will fall on him from the gap in the shield sooner or later.

The vibranium shield is invincible, but it doesn't mean that Steve who is holding the shield is also indestructible.

Although his own physical fitness has been enhanced by the super soldier serum, it has far surpassed that of ordinary people, but it is far from being able to withstand bullets and even shells unscathed.

Among the members of the Avengers, there may be a few people who can do this, but it is definitely not him.

Standing behind Captain America, Natasha tried her best to move her body to avoid these turbulent stray bullets, but she still accidentally rubbed her arm by a flying stray bullet.


Gritting her teeth to endure the pain of the bullet rubbing her flesh, Natasha looked down at her **** arm, raised her hand to cover the bleeding wound while continuing to dodge the flying bullet. Under the current situation, she couldn't affect Steve's actions because of her injury.

"Very well, the Avengers have been injured!"

Although, Natasha has worked hard to prevent her injury from affecting Steve in front of her.

However, the movement of her clutching her shoulders was still low, and the bright red blood on the ground was quickly discovered by the general in front of her.

Noticing the injured Natasha, a smile appeared on the general's gloomy face.

Seizing this opportunity, the general immediately shouted.

Submerged by the hail of bullets, the general's cry was not obvious, but it was still heard by Steve, who had superhuman hearing.

Knowing that Natasha behind him was injured, Steve's movement of holding a shield in his hand immediately stopped.

At the moment when he paused, a shell from the Leopard 2A6M tank landed on the ground in front of the two with a huge rumbling sound.

The huge impact generated by the instant explosion of the cannonball directly blew the two Avengers out when Steve was caught off guard.

Click, click—

"I admit, Captain America, your presence gave me a huge warning sign."

A few seconds later, as the smoke from the shells dissipated, the general raised his hand to stop the shooting of the soldiers behind him.

He stepped on the gravel on the ground and came to Steve and Natasha. He stopped at a safe distance and looked down at the Avengers who fell to the ground and Victor who fell to the side. Gold shield.

"The power of a superhero is beyond my imagination, but at the same time I am very grateful for your presence, it is precisely because of your presence that I am more and more confident in the next plan, as long as I can decipher the power of this huge monster , Canada will also take control of creating super fighters that will not lose to the United States, or even surpass the Avengers."

"And, now we don't just have the power of giant monsters..."

Turning his head to look at the huge monster on the other side, the general took a deep breath, and then said silently: "At the same time, there is the power of Captain America."

That's right, although at first, the general's idea was to directly destroy the Avengers who broke into the military base.

However, looking down at Steve and Natasha, who had fallen to the ground and whose life and death were uncertain, the general's thoughts also changed.

At this moment, he not only wanted the power of a giant monster, but also had ambitions for the power of the super soldier serum in Captain America.

If Canada can master these two forces at the same time, it is definitely a shocking thing.


Thinking of this, the expression on the general's originally unsmiling face couldn't help but change.

Taking a deep breath and repressing the excitement in his heart, the general retracted his eyes from the Avengers who were lying on the ground and placed them on the vibranium shield that fell on the other side.

Raising his brows, recalling how Captain America fought before, the general really wanted to go up and pick up the shield.

The bright lights in the base suddenly began to flicker.


The flickering light above his head made the general stop what he was doing, but he didn't wait for him to react to the situation in front of him.

I heard the exclamations of tank soldiers coming from the Leopard 2A6M not far away.

Immediately afterwards, under the gaze of the general, he saw that the muzzle of the tank, which was originally aimed in the direction of the Avengers, began to slowly change its direction to aim at the general's position.

"What are you doing, soldier!"

Looking at the empty muzzle of the Leopard 2A6M in front of him, the general's heart shrank. As an ordinary person, he didn't think that he could take the cannonball attack like Captain America, but he still wasn't blown to pieces.

With a cold face, he tried to keep his inner panic from appearing on his face. The general looked at the Leopard 2A6M in front of him and scolded: "Stop your operations immediately!"

"Sir, we didn't do anything!"

In the face of the general's reprimand, the same panicked voices of the tank soldiers came from inside the tank.

As the soldiers reported, they didn't have any maneuvers in the tank, but the muzzle of the Leopard 2A6M automatically turned to aim at the general's position.

"Look, something is moving on the tank!"

At this moment, a soldier standing behind the tank noticed something strange on the Leopard 2A6M. Following his shout, everyone in the base soon found a silver-white humanoid robot in an unusually fast posture. Climbed to the top of the Leopard 2A6M.

Controlling his mechanical hands and feet to board the tank, Ultron stepped on the roof of the Leopard 2A6M while flashing blue light in his eyes, and warned everyone in front of him with his warm and rational voice: "Everyone, Please stop your movements and leave the captain's position at the same time."

"You are also a member of the Avengers!"

Staring at the Ultron who appeared on the Leopard 2A6M, the general said coldly.

"I am Ultron, the artificial intelligence robot created by Mr. Stark."

In the face of the general's questioning, Ultron immediately introduced his identity.

Thanks to Canada's upgrade of the Leopard 2A6M, although the modernization makes the Leopard 2A6M easier to operate, it also gives Altra an opportunity to plan.

Through the invasion of the electronic system in the Leopard 2A6M, Ultron easily controlled the tank, turning the deadly weapon originally belonging to Canada into a weapon in the hands of the Avengers.

"I don't believe you dare to attack me with a cannonball unless you want to start a war between Canada and America!"

Looking directly at the pitch-black muzzle in front of him, the general's attitude was unusually firm.

The death of a general, even if it does not start a war, will definitely have an impact on the relationship between Canada and the United States.

And as the Avenger who created the fuse of this conflict, he will definitely pay for it.

Youlan's eyes swept across the general in front of him, and a lot of data flashed in Ultron's eyes, and he quickly responded: "Indeed, as the general you said, the Avengers can't hurt you."

Hearing Ultron's answer, there was no change in the general's face, but he was subconsciously relieved.

However, before the general's original heart was completely put down, he saw that Ultron controlled the muzzle of the Leopard 2A6M to move away from the general's body and aimed at the huge monster not far away.

"Although the Avengers cannot harm you, General, because of the complex relationship between the two countries, you are not the only one who can be a threat in the base."


This time, Ultron didn't take it into consideration, and as its voice fell, a powerful cannonball fell on the huge monster immediately in the huge shelling sound.


In the newly built antique store, Li Ran twitched the corner of his mouth after witnessing everything that happened in the base.

He was provoking someone to provoke someone, obviously [Gamela] hadn't acted yet, so why did he bring up the gun.

"No, stop, do you know what you're doing?!"

Obviously, this action of Ultron obviously threatened the general. The original unsmiling expression changed. Looking at the stones that were constantly peeling off in the explosion on the huge monster, the general shouted with a drastic change in expression.

As an artificial intelligence, Ultron's attack is naturally not without reason. Using the damage to the huge monster successfully attracted the attention of the general, it immediately gave its own conditions: "If, general, you don't want to watch this huge creature in If it is damaged by the cannonball, then please ask the soldiers under your command to stop what they are doing."

"You are threatening me!"

"That's right, General."

An angry gasp came out of his mouth, and the general's eyes stayed on Ultron's crude machine face for a long time before he suppressed the urge to let the soldiers shoot directly, and gritted his teeth to give an order: "All soldiers, according to what he said. Yes, put down the gun in your hand."

The general is very clear that Ultron's attack on huge monsters is both a threat and a reminder. If he still ignores the surrounding soldiers to attack, then the position where the shells land is likely not in the huge. The monster's body, but on his own body.


In the face of the commander's instructions, the soldiers in the base looked at each other for a while, and finally chose to obey the order and lower the muzzle of the gun in their hands to aim at the ground.

"Captain, Natasha."

Looking at the soldiers around him pressing down the muzzle, Ultron's eyes flashed blue light and then shouted to Captain America and Natasha lying on the ground.

"Cough, cough, cough—"

With the cry of the artificial intelligence, the two who were still motionless immediately began to slowly stand up against the ground.

Although the power of the explosion was huge, it did not directly cause the two of them to lose The reason why they chose to pretend to be unconscious while lying on the ground was actually to deceive the general to approach, and then seize the opportunity to control each other.

However, before Steve's plan unfolded, Ultron, who arrived, successfully suppressed the situation.

In addition, although the disguise of the two Avengers is wonderful, there are obvious flaws in Ultron, which is used in powerful scanning functions. From the analysis of the heartbeat and breathing of the two, the artificial intelligence immediately knew the situation of the two. .


Reaching out to pick up the injured Natasha, Steve pressed the button in his hand, and the next moment he saw that the shield that was lying on the ground flew back to his hand directly under the action of the magnet device.

"It seems that even without the appearance of this robot called Ultron, you can still escape from the base smoothly, Captain America."

Looking at the Avengers who stood up, a look flashed in the general's eyes, and he reacted instantly.

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