Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 510: reject the offer


In the face of the general's cynicism, James in "War Machine" looked very calm.

As a soldier, he can understand the other party's mood at the moment.

No matter in what era, defending the homeland and the country is the mission of the soldiers, and the last thing they can't tolerate is the presence of the troops of other countries in their own country, even if the other party uses the grand-sounding slogan of protecting the earth.

However, although he understands, James obviously will not shake the task because of this emotion in his heart.

In particular, his actions at the moment represent exactly the U.S. military that the general resents.

"I hope you can understand, General, that everything the American military is doing is just to protect the peace of the planet, but also to protect Canada as an ally."

In 'War Machine', James uttered the slogan that the US military had decided from the very beginning.

"In that case, I would also like to thank the American military for caring about its allies, Colonel James 'War Machine'."

Facing such a high-sounding reason given by James, the expression on the general's face immediately turned cold.

The pretext of world peace, as ridiculous as it may sound, is the most commonly used reason for the United States to go to war around the world. It's just that Canada, as an ally in the past, has always been on the side of the beneficiary. Even if it can't be as big as the United States, the benefits of slipping away from its allies are enough to satisfy Canada.

But now, the position has changed from an ally to a saved party, but the general does not feel the slightest joy in his heart.

After all, international examples have clearly demonstrated this.

The rescue of America was not as noble as it sounded, and the countries that were rescued ended up far more tragic than they seemed.

"You're welcome, General, this is what we should do as allies."

Although the tone of the general's speech was clearly sarcastic, Colonel James still responded as if he didn't notice it.

In the 'War Machine', he used the simple version of the intelligent system installed by Tony inside the steel suit to scan the situation in the camp in front of him. Through systematic analysis, James knew that it was just a temporary camp. Any quirky place.

"So it looks like all the problems are in the military base?"

With an idea in mind, James in the steel suit turned his head and looked at the military base not far from the camp.

The thick white fog covered the entire base, but under the scan of 'War Machine', James could vaguely recognize that what appeared under the white fog was a huge high wall, such a high wall in modern times. It was not common in wars, and from the intelligence he got about the structure of the base, there was no mention of this high wall.

"Could it be that this high wall was built after the Foundation occupied it?"

Colonel James is not completely unfamiliar with the mysterious organization of the SCP Foundation.

As Tony's friend and the manipulator of the steel suit 'War Machine', he occasionally participates in their actions as a temporary member of the Avengers, so he naturally comes into contact with some of them before the Avengers. known information.

Among them, there is naturally information about the SCP Foundation.

Although the information James obtained was incomplete, he also knew through this information that the SCP Foundation existed under the world's hiding and aimed to contain anomalous objects.

In the past, the existence of the scp foundation was only the background that James knew from the Avengers, but now the unusually dense fog outside the base and the obviously changed building structure reminded him that it is very likely that he will be next. When in direct contact with the scp foundation.

"Hope everything goes well."

Inside the 'War Machine', Colonel James took a deep breath and murmured in words that he didn't quite believe.

Making a decision, James no longer hesitates.


He controlled the steel suit 'war machine' on his body to shoot flames from his back and hands and feet, and then quickly lifted into the air under the gaze of the general, and approached the direction of the base not far away.

As Tony's friend, the 'war machine' that Colonel James carried was not updated as frequently as the Mark series, but he has been transformed and upgraded several times through Tony's hands over a period of time, especially the one not long ago. A further replacement was made for the weapon system of 'War Machine', which made this battle armor more suitable for its name in terms of combat power, and became a veritable 'War Machine'.

"Wait and suffer, James 'War Machine'!"

From the time James appeared on the scene, the general did not have any favorable impression of the "war machine" of the American military.

Therefore, watching the other party fly straight towards the base occupied by the SCP Foundation without collecting any intelligence, the general also took a gloating attitude.


"Sir, contact from Tony Stark... Mr...."

The temporary camp is not far from the military base occupied by the scp foundation, and this distance is even faster for Colonel James who controls the flight of the steel suit.

Controlling the 'War Machine' to fall within the base that was firmly shrouded in dense fog, the first thing James felt was that the communication in the steel suit seemed to be hindered in the slightest.

"Ignore him for now."

Glancing at the contact reminder from Tony displayed on the helmet, James frowned slightly, but finally chose to refuse to connect.

"James, where are you now?"

However, although Colonel James in the 'War Machine' had already given the order to hang up, Tony's familiar voice still sounded in the helmet.


Looking at Tony's familiar face that suddenly appeared in front of him, Colonel James couldn't help but widen his eyes and said in surprise, "Why, I obviously didn't get in touch with you?!"

"Don't forget, James, who made the 'war machine' for you."

On the screen, facing James' surprised face, Tony raised his eyebrows and answered in a natural tone: "I am much more familiar with the internal structure and system of this steel suit than you are."

In a few words, he brought up the topic of installing a backdoor program in 'War Machine', and Tony in Mark50 asked in a clear and urgent tone: "Compared to this, James, tell me your current location, I found it through positioning. The position of the army does not see you."

Although he was dissatisfied with Tony's actions behind his back in the 'War Machine', James also knew that it was not the time to care about the other party, so after hearing Tony's inquiry, the inside of the steel battle suit The colonel hesitated for a while, and finally told his current situation.

"I have come to Canada ahead of schedule as required by the mission."


In Mark50, when he heard his friend's answer, Tony's expression changed obviously, and he quickly reminded him in an anxious tone: "Trust me, James, the Avengers are rushing towards Canada, so even if you have a heavy responsibilities, you can temporarily Stop, everything will happen after I arrive, please don't enter the military base alone!"

"If you mean the military base in Canada, sorry Tony..."

On the screen projected by the helmet, Tony gave a solemn warning.

However, James controlled the "War Machine" and looked around the scene around the steel suit, but had to make an apologetic expression to Tony: "I've already entered it."

"Hurry up, James, hurry up from..."

On the screen, knowing what his friend had told him, Tony did not hesitate to let Colonel James go out of the military base.

However, before Tony could finish his words, his image suddenly became blurred on the screen inside the helmet, and at the same time, Tony's originally clear voice became intermittent for a few minutes. .

"This is?"

Looking at this change in the helmet, Colonel James, a soldier, soon caught a glimpse of an unusual situation.

However, before he could react in the 'War Machine', he saw that the mist that had wrapped him around him suddenly dissipated, and then he saw a fair-skinned man with white hair, with eyes the color of eyes. is blue. He is of strong build and wears a white flat fur hat with two short horns on the front. The man wearing a dark blue shirt with 8 openings on the front and a golden "W"-shaped belt around his waist walked out of the base with his back straight and on tiptoe.

Controlling the stand-in [Weather Forecast] to disperse the surrounding fog, [Dominic Butch] looked at the 'War Machine' that appeared in front of the base, and asked with a silent expression.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

"I'm Colonel James Rhodes of the United States Marine Corps."

The appearance of [Dominic Butch] and the surrounding fog made it clear to James that the man in front of him was probably the initiator of the dense fog around the base.

In 'War Machine', James worked hard to suppress his inner shock and reported his identity.

"Colonel of the United States Marine Corps?"

Hearing James' self-reported identity, [Dominic Butch] frowned slightly, as if he was a little strange as to why there are American soldiers in Canadian military bases.

Although this is strange in the heart, the expression on [Dominic Butch]'s face still maintains his calm and composed expression: "Tell me, the purpose of your presence here, Mr. Colonel?"

If, but judging from the appearance of the two sides in front of the base.

James, who is equipped with the steel suit of 'War Machine', is obviously the favored party.

However, the fact is, even with a thick coat of armor as protection, James still doesn't have much sense of security in his heart.

Facing the questioning of [Dominic Butch], James hesitated for a while, and finally chose to tell the truth.

"Giant monsters, according to the assessment of the Pentagon, that the giant monsters appearing in Canada may pose a threat to the American mainland, so it was decided to send the army to launch a military attack on this danger and block the danger from the American mainland."

"This is amazing, it's really American."

In the antique store, facing the reason given by James, Li Ran twitched the corner of his mouth, his expression a little speechless.

To be honest, although everything in front of him came from his handwriting, the reaction from the American side was somewhat beyond his expectations.

Li Ran did not expect that in the face of the threat of the [Holy Lord], the White House would be so decisive, and would send troops to deal with the [Holy Lord] without regard for the face of our ally Canada.

Although the development of the situation was somewhat unexpected, since the United States took the initiative to join the war, Li Ran, the planner, had no reason to refuse.

Anyway, for him, the purpose of everything is to be famous, and America took the initiative to send it, and he was naturally happy to welcome it.

On the body side, raise your hands to welcome the entry of the United States.

In front of the Canadian base, [Dominic Butch] is a person who still maintains his composure.

"In fact, the United States has no intention of fighting the scp foundation. As long as the scp foundation is willing to let the American army enter the base, we promise that no harm will be caused to the personnel in the base. This time the American army dispatches only one target, then It's a giant monster."

After clarifying the position of the American military, James looked at [Dominic Butch] in front of him and said again.

As James said The goal of the US military dispatch this time is to deal with the huge threat of [Holy Lord].

Although, from an attitude point of view, the American military cannot really be as friendly to the scp foundation as James said, but if the scp foundation can take the initiative to make concessions and agree to the entry of the American army into the base, James will naturally have Confidence persuaded the commanding officer not to use firepower on the scp foundation.

In 'War Machine', James believes he has reduced conflict to a minimum.

But it was completely wrong. [Dominic Butch] or Li Ran, who was on the side of the scp foundation, wanted the conflict between the scp foundation and the American military.

Therefore, in front of 'War Machine', upon hearing the proposal from James, [Dominic Butch] turned his fair face, got close to the helmet of the steel suit, and then calmly gave his reply: "The Foundation Our operations will not be interfered with by the jurisdiction, authorization and commission of any government, including the Canadian government in front of us, and of course the American military as you speak, Mr. Colonel James.”

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