Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 512: fighter


In fact, just as Tony thought, the American military did not hesitate to reject the suggestion made by Captain America Steve.

"As a soldier, you should know that, Captain America, war is not a child's play, and we cannot give up this military operation because of these inexplicable reasons in your mouth."

Frowning tightly, he swept across the Avengers in front of him, especially stopped on Banner's body, and General Ross stated the military's position with a stern face.

As a representative of the hardliners in the American military, General Ross was appointed to take charge of the command of the Army Corps this time.

At the same time, because of Hulk's relationship, General Ross's impression of the Avengers naturally fell to the lowest point. If it weren't for Steve's identity as a World War II hero, he wouldn't even meet these superheroes. In his opinion, the place where these guys with extraordinary power should stay is the army, not the so-called superheroes .

"General Ross, things are not as simple as America thinks."

Looking at General Ross with a grim expression in front of him, Steve couldn't help frowning.

"The scp foundation is not an enemy. In fact, according to the information the Avengers have obtained from the base, the foundation has already launched a containment mission for the [Holy Lord], the target of this American military operation. If all goes well, perhaps This crisis can be resolved without the use of the strength of the American military."

Based on the information given by [Uncle Long], Steve did not want the American military to take action to destroy the magic seal that Dad finally put on [Holy Master].

"Maybe Captain America, you have no doubts about the intelligence you have obtained, but I'm sorry, I don't trust the scp foundation you said, or I don't trust the Avengers either."

Looking at Captain America with an indifferent expression, General Ross gave his reply coldly.

"Even if the information about the SCP Foundation you gave, Captain America, is true, everything has to wait until our artillery fire has smashed the enemies of the base into pieces."

"General Ross, you..."

In the face of General Ross's almost arrogant and unreasonable attitude, even Steve couldn't help but feel a little angry.

However, in this regard, General Ross directly looked past Steve in front of him and looked at Banner behind him.

"You should know Banner, even if you escape to the Avengers, I will not give up the pursuit of you. The power on you belongs to the American military."

Next to Natasha, Banner and General Ross looked at each other with sharp eyes, the expressions on their faces floated, and then said: "The power in me does not belong to anyone, Ross, perhaps, Hulk was once a Trouble, but things are different now, as the Avengers I've worked hard to put the Hulk's power in the right place, and I've been trying to find a way to remove the Hulk's power."

"Banner, you're still like that, always holding unrealistic ideas."

In the face of Banner's response, there was a hint of mockery on General Ross' cold face.

"We all know that the Hulk can't be controlled, its power will become a problem sooner or later, and you can't control this at all, the Hulk will get out of control sooner or later, and I will hunt you down mercilessly. ."

For the Hulk in Banner, General Ross never gave up, but due to the relationship between the Avengers and the White House at this time, the Pentagon's order forced him not to directly pursue the Hulk.

"This day will not come."

Facing General Ross' aggressive gaze, Banner took a deep breath and then replied with a firm expression.

"Then we'll wait and see."

In this regard, General Ross did not say anything, but raised his eyebrows and said lightly.

"Okay, Avengers, you've delayed me long enough, now..."

"Sir, a contact request from Colonel James!"

In the American military camp, just when General Ross wanted to drive away the uninvited superheroes in front of him, there was a sudden report from the soldiers.

Hearing the soldier's report, General Ross frowned and glanced at the Avengers beside him, and then ordered: "Agree."

With the order of General Ross, the information of Colonel James was quickly passed on.

In the camp, General Ross looked at the information from Colonel James the ‘War Machine’, and the expression on his face gradually began to change, which was obviously a lot more dignified than one.

Although as a hardliner in the army, General Ross's position is clear, but this does not mean that he does not have any thinking ability.

The information given by James has clearly proved that the situation in the base is not simple, and this time it has also proved that the information given by the Avengers is indeed somewhat credible.

Looking at the information in his hand, General Ross made his own decision after being silent for a few seconds.


"How about it?"

"You're right, Tony."

Shaking his head and looking at Tony in front of him, James sighed deeply.

"General Ross has given orders, and the action remains unchanged. It seems that the American military is destined to fight the scp foundation."

If so, if James didn't have an accurate understanding of the scp foundation before, then after contacting and fighting with [Dominic Butch], he has clearly realized the power of such an organization, especially that The magical power of being able to control the weather.

No matter how powerful the American military is, it is still an army composed of people. Even if the army has been modernized and technologically advanced after decades of upgrades, whether it is human or mechanical, the entire combat effectiveness will be reduced under extremely complex weather. will be greatly discounted.

[Dominic Butch] Mastering the weather is equivalent to taking an absolute advantage in the battle.

"I've already said it."

Shrugging, Tony didn't have any unexpected expressions for the reply James got.

In fact, from the very beginning, Tony had no expectations for James's dissuasion. According to Ultron's analysis of General Ross, he already knew clearly that everyone's efforts would not bear fruit. This is a downright hardliner, and in the minds of these hardliners in the military, all problems can be solved through war.


Although the reaction from General Ross was not optimistic, James was unwilling to just give up.

The 'war machine' James on his body was about to take off to explain the situation of the base to General Ross in person.

"Sir, a fighter jet is approaching..."

At this moment, Mark50 Nejarvis suddenly opened his mouth to remind.

Under the reminder of artificial intelligence, Tony closed the mask of his helmet and looked up to see two fighter planes in midair flying towards the base at a very fast speed.

The F-22 Raptor fighter can be said to be the most powerful fighter in the United States at present, and it is also the first fifth-generation fighter in the world to enter service. The combination of stealth performance, sensitivity, accuracy and situational awareness of the F-22 fighter, combined with its air-to-air and air-to-ground combat capabilities, makes it the fighter with the best overall performance in the world today. It is precisely because of its powerful The stealth performance will prevent Jarvis from finding the trace of the fighter in the first place.

"Looks like it's too late."

Using Mark50 to lock the flight trajectories of the two F-22 Raptors, Tony turned to look at James in the 'War Machine', shook his head and said, "Since even the F-22 Raptors have been dispatched, this time Ross The general is serious."

In fact, it is precisely because of James' intelligence that General Ross made a decision to use the F-22 Raptor fighter jets to first bomb the SCP Foundation in the base.


And just the next second the two F-22 Raptor fighter jets flew overhead, Mark50 remembered Captain America's anxious voice.

"We didn't convince General Ross, we quickly informed the scp foundation and Mr. Long in the base to let them..."

Because of the previous conversation, General Ross knew about the connection between the Avengers and the SCP Foundation, so he deliberately avoided Steve and the others in the flight instruction of the fighter this time. When the Avengers reacted, it was already Obviously late.

"Captain, will your information come a little too late?"

Through Jarvis locking the flight path of the F-22 Raptor fighter, listening to the voice from Steve in his ear, Tony controlled the Mark50 to take off rapidly.

At the same time, James on his side also drove the 'War Machine' to start into the flying attitude.

Although the previous battle with [Dominic Butch] almost cost him his life, James couldn't watch the F-22 Raptor fighter attack and destroy the base.


"Here is... I'm getting close, sir!"

Inside the F-22 Raptor fighter, the Air Force soldiers concentrate on the control of the fighter jet and keep approaching the target's base position.

"There is a lot of dense fog outside the base, and the visibility is extremely low. Turn on the radar device to lock it!"

The thick fog created by [Dominic Butch] outside the base made it impossible for the F-22 Raptor fighter pilot to lock the exact location of the base at the first time, and could only determine the direction through years of flying experience and the radar inside the fighter.

"I have entered the sky above the base..."

At this moment, another F-22 Raptor fighter jet rushed into the thick fog with the help of radar detection and came over the base. Because a lot of thick fog blocked the visibility around the base, the pilots could only believe Radar installations on fighter jets.

"Please order an attack..."

Putting his finger on the missile device, the pilot in the F-22 Raptor fighter opened his eyes wide, and he could vaguely see a huge black shadow looming in the fog, but before he could make an attack, suddenly a gust of wind suddenly appeared in front of him. The blowing made the F-22 Raptor sway instantly.

"turbulent flow, gust of wind, I encountered gust of wind..."

Due to the influence of the strong wind, the entire F-22 Raptor fighter jet fell into severe turbulence. At this moment, the pilots in the fighter jet had no idea of ​​attacking, and only hoped to stabilize their fighter jets.

As a pilot, he knows very well that if the fighter plane encounters danger, the chances of his survival as a pilot are almost slim.

"Hold on!"

In another F-22 Raptor fighter jet, the expression on the pilot's face under the helmet immediately changed when he heard the shouts of his comrades. The encounter with his companions put a lot of pressure on the F-22 Raptor fighter pilot who was also flying into the thick fog at the moment, but before he could figure out why it would appear on a base full of thick fog, the fighter plane could not be stabilized. Flying wind.

In front of him, most of the dense fog that had been wrapped suddenly dissipated, and then a man with fair skin and white hair, wearing a white flat-top fur hat with two short horns in front of the hat appeared like this. In front of the pilot who controls the F-22 Raptor.

"It's a man, someone is in mid-air, he's flying!"

Although, with the continuous emergence of superheroes, various extraordinary powers are also presented in front of ordinary people.

However, the power of flying out of thin air can always bring a huge sense of shock.

In particular, the pilots driving the F-22 Raptor fighter jet exclaimed when they saw that [Dominic Butch] was able to fly like him without any tools. Voice.

Under the power of [Weather Forecast], [Dominic Butch] controlled his body and landed on the flying F-22 Raptor fighter. By changing the wind force, the wind pressure that makes the fighter jet unable to fly to [Dominic Butch] is like a breeze. At the same time, the stand-in used clouds and mist to create protection like a spacesuit on his body.

Reaching out and pressing the white fur cap on his head, [Dominic Butch] looked directly at the shocked expression of the pilot in the F-22 The next second, along with [Dominic] Nick Butch's thoughts flashed, and the avatar [Weather Forecast] behind him immediately waved his fist and landed on the F-22 Raptor fighter jet, and the ability of the avatar's fist [Weather Forecast] was activated immediately.


Under the attack of the stand-in, a large amount of lightning surfaced on the surface of the F-22 Raptor.

These currents penetrated the outer shell of the fighter jet, and instantly penetrated into the internal current. The powerful lightning directly damaged the precise wiring of the fighter jet. At the same time, the pilots in the F-22 Raptor fighter jet only felt that their body was hit by a burst of current. Paralyzed, and then the entire fighter's operating system lost control.

"Report to the command, I was attacked, and the entire fighter plane was paralyzed, unable to control the flight direction..."

One blow destroyed the control system of the F-22 Raptor fighter. [Dominic Butch] glanced at the panicked pilot in the fighter, and stepped back on tiptoe and fell from the fighter in an instant.

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