Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 520: Containment failure

Control your subconscious.

This may be impossible for ordinary people, but for Vision with the power of the Mind Stone, it seems to be easy to do.

As one of the six Infinity Stones that exist in the universe, the power of the Mind Stone itself corresponds to the power of the spirit and the mind. Even with other gems enhancing their powers, this gem can simultaneously enter the mind of everything that exists.

Even a slight touch can change the other's mind according to the user's wishes. Before, Loki used the power of the Mind Gem to control Hawkeye's will, relying on the power of the gem.

Although today's Vision can't use the power of the mind gem to control people's hearts at will, the subconscious effect of cracking [Dominic Butch]'s stand-in [Weather Forecast] through the powerful power of gems is not enough. Not difficult.

Knowing the principle of [Dominic Butch]'s ability to turn people into snails, although the situation at hand is still tricky, it is undoubtedly a great improvement for Vision.

He looked at [Dominic Butch], whose expression became paler with the large-scale activation of the stand-in ability, raised his palm, and the light of the soul gem on his forehead flickered, and a faint yellow light fell along the palm of Vision's palm. Not far away is Hulk, who has been completely deformed into a snail.



The powerful power of the Mind Gem instantly cracked the mark left by the [Weather Forecast] in the Hulk's subconscious. With an angry roar, the snail that was wriggling on the ground regained its muscular and violent appearance again, and opened the door. His dark green eyes slapped his chest and raised his head to roar.

By Hulk's side, the original traces of the snail had been swept away. If it weren't for the dark green blood still left on the ground, everything that happened before was like an illusion.

"Hulk, get angry!"

Beating his thick chest and shouting angrily, Hulk lowered his head and panted to look at [Dominic Butch] not far away.

The impact of violent storms and rain on memory made Hulk not very clear about the whole process of turning into a snail.

However, when he saw [Dominic Butch], the anger that emerged in the Hulk's heart couldn't be faked.

Driven by the anger that was constantly emerging in his heart, Hulk, who had no patience, roared directly, and rushed towards [Dominic Butch] with rumbling footsteps.

"[Weather Forecast]!"

Looking at the Hulk, who was ramming towards him like a heavy tank, [Dominic Butch] calmly opened his mouth and made a command.

The next moment, in Vision's field of vision, I saw [Dominic Butch]'s avatar [Weather Forecast] waving his hands, and two rainbows leaped out from the avatar's palms, crossing and penetrating Hulk's huge body. body.

"Ho... gram, strength... Quantity..."

With the contact between the body and the rainbow, the ability of the storm once again acted on the Hulk.

A large number of snail eggs broke out from Hulk's chest, and this time because of the important care of [Weather Forecast], the process of Hulk's snailization was even faster, and it took only ten seconds to change from the original powerful Hulk again. Turned into a dark green roaring snail.

"It seems that although you have cracked the influence of the [weather forecast] ability on it, you have not directly made it immune to influence."

Looking back from the Snail Hulk, [Dominic Butch] looked at the vision in front of him and said slowly.


Facing the words of [Dominic Butch], Vision's silent expression was regarded as acquiescing to the other party's guess.

Indeed, as [Dominic Butch] said, although he has used the power of the forehead gem to understand the principle of [Dominic Butch]'s ability to transform people into snails, and can pass the power of the mind gem Force touches the subconscious effect on the Hulk.

However, the reason why Vision can do all this is because of the power of the Mind Stone on his forehead.

Perhaps, as he becomes more proficient in using and excavating the power of gems in the future, he will acquire the ability to exert the power of the mind on other people.

And today's Vision, obviously can't do this.

Although the power of the mind gem on the forehead protects him from the influence of the [Weather Forecast] ability, it only affects him alone.

There is no way for Hulk to have the same immunity.

Of course, if the other members of the Avengers who were recovered by Vision just couldn't have the same immunity to [Weather Forecast] as him, they wouldn't turn back into snails so quickly.

It's just that although Hulk in a state of rage is huge, his own reason is completely replaced by anger, and he has lost the ability to think.

It's going to happen again so quickly.

"Although I can't completely decipher the impact of the [weather forecast]'s stand-in ability on everyone, at least I can pull back the unbalanced battle situation."

Looking at [Dominic Butch] in front of him, Vision opened his arms, and the light of the mind gem on his forehead became brighter and brighter under the control of his mind.


As the light on the gem continued to rise, the next moment was accompanied by a beating like a heart contraction, and a pale yellow light spread out around the camp in the center of the illusion.

Under the shroud of light, a large number of snails crawling on the ground disappeared like phantoms, and those American soldiers who had turned into snails because of the power of [Weather Forecast] also returned to human form and slowly opened their doors. He closed his eyes and looked at the scene of the camp with a blank expression.

The power of the mind gem that burst out from Vision is extremely powerful, not only affecting the camp.

Even the power in the antique shop felt the vibration of the gem's power through the clone. Fortunately, because of the clone, the power transmitted to him by the gem was not much.

However, even so, the mysterious and unpredictable power of the Mind Gem still makes the expression of power slightly congeal.

Immediately afterwards, a sense of urgency arose in his heart.

This is not the first time Li Ran has felt the power of the Infinity Stones. The power of a single Mind Stone can already threaten him. Think about the power of the Infinity Gloves completed when Thanos collects the six Infinity Stones. Li Ran felt that he should work harder and collect more legends.


"This is 'War Machine' calling the American troops, here is 'War Machine' calling..."

Canada, near a military base controlled by the SCP Foundation.

With the departure of [Dominic Butch], the thick fog that shrouded the base gradually dissipated, revealing the true appearance of the base.

However, in the face of this military base that was obviously reinforced by the SCP Foundation, the expression on James' face still did not relax in the slightest.

Next to Colonel James stood the two pilots he and Tony had rescued from a crashed F-22 Raptor.

Because the two people were rescued in time, the pilots did not suffer much damage. One of them injured his arm due to the violent turbulence of the F-22 Raptor fighter, but at least he did not crash with the fighter.

Through the communication device in the 'War Machine', he kept shouting to the camp where the American troops were stationed. However, in response to James, there was no response other than a series of noises.

"No, I can't reach General Ross."

Using the communication device in the steel suit, he tried to make contact again. After a series of silences, James shook his head and looked at Tony in front of him and said.

"It seems that General Ross has made up his mind."

"Not surprisingly."

With his back facing Colonel James in the 'War Machine', Tony in Mark50 observed every move of the SCP Foundation in the military base through the vision of his helmet.

Hearing his friend's answer, he shrugged his shoulders without hesitation and sent his own sarcasm mercilessly.

"To be honest, I don't know what the Pentagon is thinking, and it will arrange a guy like General Ross as the commander of this operation."

"Because of frequent extraordinary events, the voice of the hawks within the American military has been getting louder and louder during this period of time." Facing Tony's ridicule, James in 'War Machine' showed a wry smile on his face, and confided to him at the same time. about what's going on inside the U.S. military.

"Malignant supervillain crimes have become a problem in the United States, especially the previous New York War and the resurrection of the Statue of Liberty, which have made the Pentagon unprecedentedly tense, and the hawks within the American military have also received a great deal of attention. Authority, General Ross has always been a representative figure in the hawks, especially his experiments in the super soldier serum. Although there was a problem with the previous hatred, the fact that the hatred remained sane after turning into a monster also made the army Fang has always had a light on the bottleneck of the Super Soldier program, and General Ross has received enormous resources from the Pentagon for this reason."

"You should know that the process of Captain America is completely unrepeatable."

Knowing from James's mouth that the American military is still unwilling to give up on the super soldier's plan, Tony in Mark50 couldn't help but turn his battle suit to look at "War Machine" and raise his eyebrows.

"The Hulk is the most obvious example."

The Hulk is also a product of the American military's super soldier serum program.

Banner, who was the original experimental researcher, was contaminated by a large amount of gamma radiation because of an accident in the process of experimenting whether gamma radiation worked on the super soldier serum, and became the Hulk Hulk.

"I know, but the U.S. military and the Pentagon clearly don't think so."

As the world's premier hegemonic country, America's idea of ​​an extraordinary soldier has never been extinguished.

Especially in World War II, they suffered heavy losses in the battle against the Legion of Death.

I saw the intractability and horror of the Death Legion. Although the soldiers of the Death Legion have serious weaknesses, they are not really powerful super soldiers, but from the strength of the Death Legion in the war, the United States also recognizes the super army. What a huge impact on the entire war.

"In fact, not only the American military, but also the Pentagon's attitude has become more and more obvious in the face of more and more extraordinary events during this period. As a member of the Avengers, you need to mention and do a good job. Get ready, Tony."

Thinking of the internal atmosphere he had felt for a while, James couldn't help but remind his friends.

In terms of the Pentagon, and it is preparing to try to promote a bill related to superheroes, it is only because the voice and popularity of the Avengers in the United States are still very high. The Pentagon is worried that the rash introduction of the bill may encounter obstacles, so It was not made public directly.

However, James is well aware that the content of the bill has already begun to brew.

And as a representative of the American military, he had no choice but to stand on the bill.

"Don't worry, I'll be ready."

Hearing James' reminder, Tony nodded and remembered it in his heart.

"Jarvis, contact the captain for me."

At the same time, he gave an order to Jarvis, the artificial intelligence housekeeper. The conversation between [Dominic Butch] and him before has always made Tony a little uneasy.

"Okay, sir."

Hearing Tony's instructions, Mark50 Nejarvis responded quickly.

"Sir, I can't contact Captain America."

However, a few seconds later, the answer given by Jarvis changed the calm expression on Tony's face.

"Sir, contact from Ultron."

"Mr. Stark."

At the same time, Ultron in the camp connected Tony's communication.

"What happened, Ultron, why can't I contact the captain..."

Seeing Ultron appearing on the screen, Tony immediately asked.

"Sorry, Mr. Stark, the camp was attacked by the SCP The current captain's situation is temporarily unavailable..."


Mark50 hasn't waited for Tony to figure out what happened in the camp where the American part is located from Ultron's mouth.

From the military base not far away, a deafening roar interrupted his communication with Ultron.

Accompanied by a huge roar, a violent vibration came from under Tony and the others.

Even if they were nearly two or three kilometers away from the location of the base, the sense of vibration was still obvious.

As the sense of vibration came, Tony subconsciously looked up at the military base in the distance.


In the next second, under Mark50's field of vision, a soaring fire and a violent explosion emerged from the base, instantly rendering a layer of ominous red light over the base.

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