Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 542: Dragonfly's first battle

"You're not my match, Spider-Man!"

Controlling the mechanical tentacles behind him, he grabbed the mailbox beside him and smashed it into the little spider in mid-air. Dr. Octopus's eyes, which were covered by sunglasses, flashed with hatred.

Dr. Octopus, whose real name is Otto Gunther Octavius, was originally a physicist with broad prospects. He has even started research and development of new energy under the investment of the Ostrich Group. However, In an experiment for the development of new energy, the rupture of the pipeline led to the leakage of radiation, which caused a big explosion.

The explosion not only discredited Otto, but also took away his wife, who was also an assistant in the research experiment at the time. Under the influence of radiation, his brain tissue changed and the mechanical tentacles used at that time merged to form He developed a new nervous system, making him a half-human, half-mechanical monster.

"I've heard you say that more than once, Doctor Octopus."

Reach out and shoot the spider silk, and avoid the flying mailbox with flexible positioning.

Peter looked down at Dr. Octopus, who was controlling four flexible mechanical tentacles to continuously attack him, but he replied unwillingly.

"Then, this time, I will let you feel my power for yourself."

The death of his wife and his own situation made Dr. Octopus from a promising physics doctor to a super villain today.

In order to raise funds to continue the experiment, he chose the simplest and crudest means of robbing the bank.

He also met Peter who became Spider-Man.

Spider-Man's repeated obstructions made Dr. Octopus understand that if he wanted to complete his experiments, he had to get rid of this annoying little bug.

Under the control of Doctor Octopus' mind, the huge metal tentacles behind him opened their claws, grabbed the car beside him, and threw them at Peter fiercely.


At the same time, the other two tentacles slammed on the ground, leaving two huge potholes and the entire figure jumped into the air.

Although the mechanical tentacles behind Dr. Octopus cannot fly, it can easily help him to complete the jumping action with its powerful strength.

In mid-air, the little spider flipped over and propped up on the car with both feet, and in the next second, with this force, the whole body jumped up another half a meter.


However, Peter, who had not waited for the mask, breathed a sigh of relief.

Just saw the figure of Dr. Octopus appearing out of thin air. The other party waved his mechanical tentacles and grabbed the wreckage of the car heavily. When he grabbed the car, his body that had already fallen also jumped again at the same time, keeping parallel to Peter. At the same time, a fierce look flashed in Dr. Octopus's eyes, which were covered by the sunglasses.

"Spider-Man, go to hell!"

As the voice fell, the huge mechanical tentacles opened and closed their sharp claws and caught Peter who could not dodge.


Under the inertia of gravity, the Spider-Man caught by Dr. Octopus with his mechanical tentacles fell heavily on the ground.

With the strong shock absorption ability of the tentacles, the impact of landing has almost no effect on Dr. Octopus.

However, Peter, who was caught by the tentacles, was not so lucky.

Because his body couldn't move, he almost endured all the damage from this impact.

The back landed on the ground and smashed a clearly visible pit mark, and the surrounding area was covered with a large number of cracks like spider webs.

"This time, I'll see how you can escape from me, Spider-Man..."

With the support of the other three mechanical tentacles, Dr. Octopus looked down at the little spider that was being held down by one of his mechanical tentacles, and the coldness on his face became more and more obvious.

"everything is over."

Following Dr. Octopus's voice, a tentacle that originally supported the ground was raised and aimed at Peter's head, opening its sharp claws and protruding a sharp drill from the middle.

"Feel the new props I've prepared for you, Spider-Man."

Under the action of Superman's dynamic vision, Peter can clearly see the sharp and shiny point of the drill bit. If the drill bit hits his head, Spider-Man may really become a dead bug.

"Hold on, Spider-Man!"

However, at this critical moment, a high voice suddenly came from the tall building behind the two.

Immediately afterwards, under the reflection of Dr. Octopus' sunglasses, you can see a plump figure covered in dark green with a dragonfly logo on his chest, jumping down from the top of the building, and at the same time extending his arms from his wrists, he ejected and ejected a Spider-Man's identical silk was stuck to the roof of another high-rise building.

"I'm here to save you, Spider..."

Echoing in the air, the dark green figure remembered to finish the exciting words in his mouth before he came.


In the next second, the palm of his grasping spider silk slipped, and the entire figure smashed heavily on the wall of the high-rise building like a headless fly, leaving a clearly visible mark.

Doctor Octopus: "..."

Witnessing that it took only three seconds for Ned to hit the street from his debut, Dr. Octopus twitched the corner of his mouth and turned to look at the little spider that he had pressed to the ground: "Don't tell me, this guy is your savior, spider. Xia?"

"Although I don't want to admit it, but he is."

If it weren't for the fact that Dr. Octopus' mechanical tentacles hadn't pressed his body to the ground, the little spider would have reached out and covered his eyes.

After discovering that Ned had no way to move, Peter generously offered himself as a spider silk launcher, so that Ned, who went to buy Dragonfly, could use it to move.

However, although the way of mutation is similar, the one that bit Ned was a dragonfly after all, not a spider like Peter. After the mutation, Ned did not have the superhuman jumping ability like Peter, and his own body weight made him unable to. Make it as flexible as a normal dragonfly.

Therefore, even with the same web catapult in his hand as Spider-Man, Ned could not be able to shuttle between the high-rise buildings in New York City as easily as Peter.

Fortunately, although he couldn't be as flexible as Peter, the mutation of the radiant dragonfly exoskeleton made Ned's defense extremely powerful, even if his rough-skinned body was so blundered in front of him. The impact did not cause much damage to him.

Falling from the wall of the high-rise building, Ned stood up and patted the dust on his uniform, and then slapped the cloak behind him.

Although, Peter, who is also a superhero predecessor, suggested that Ned remove the cape from his battle uniform, believing that the existence of the cape will affect the battle, and even sometimes cause unnecessary damage.

However, Ned, who has been baptized by various superhero comics, believes that only superheroes with capes are real superheroes.

"Stop it, Doctor Octopus, you have nowhere to run! I, Dragonfly, will defeat you!"

Looking directly at Dr. Octopus in front of him, the fledgling Fat Dragonfly was bursting with confidence.

"A self-righteous fool."

Although superheroes don't care about appearances, Ned's dark green dress and plump body visible to the naked eye still make Dr. Octopus feel a little blind.

The corners of his eyes twitched under the sunglasses. If he hadn't seen the other person fall from a height of more than ten meters and was still unscathed, Dr. Octopus even thought that the guy in front of him was just a joke, and he could see at a glance that he was particularly unprofessional. kind.

With a disdainful word in his mouth, Dr. Octopus retracted his mechanical tentacles that aimed at Spider-Man's head, lifted a car on the side of the road, and smashed it heavily in the direction of Ned.

Although he disdains the existence of Ned, since the other party is coming to him for trouble, naturally, Doctor Octopus has no intention of keeping his hands.

Under the influence of the mutated neural circuit, Dr. Octopus's way of thinking has been greatly different from the past. Although the four mechanical tentacles operate according to his thinking, they also generate their own thoughts because of the connection of nerves. This also affected Dr. Octopus himself.

Mechanical thinking made him cold and ruthless.

This is why when he decided to continue the experiment, he first selected the target as the bank.

Because robbing a bank is the most efficient and fast way to get money.


Under the great strength of the mechanical tentacles, the originally heavy car was smashed in the direction of Ned like a cannonball.

However, Peter, who was trapped under the tentacles, did not show the slightest panic when he saw the car being lifted by Dr. Octopus and thrown at Ned.

Sure enough, looking at the car flying in front of him, Ned's expression was a little flustered under the green mask, but he didn't look too scared. He looked at the car that was falling with a loud rumbling sound, took a deep breath, and raised his fat arm to push it over.

After a loud bang.

The car that hit Ned was smashed into a 'concave' shape, and Ned himself, who was the target, had no scars except the tight uniform wrapped around his arm was scratched.

"Haha, I knew, Doctor Octopus, your attack is useless."

After successfully blocking Dr. Octopus' attack, Ned's nervous mood suddenly became agitated.

Right now, as his Dragonfly's first battle, he can't be too stretched.

So he raised his hand and threw the scrapped car. Looking at Doctor Octopus in front of him, Ned stretched out his thick finger and hooked it, while twisting his hair and making a provocative sound.

"You can use whatever means you have, and I will take over all Dragonfly."

The moment he said this, Ned felt that he was the protagonist of the superhero comics, and his self-confidence was completely bursting.

Although the appearance of the fat dragonfly is not to be beaten, it is undeniable that the strength he displayed also gave Dr. Octopus a headache.

In particular, one of his mechanical tentacles at the moment must also suppress Spider-Man's plan to not let him break free.

This situation also caused Dr. Octopus to lose the greatest means of flexible movement and had to stand in place and fight Ned.

"A bug must be dealt with first."

With such thoughts flashing in his heart, Dr. Octopus looked down at the little spider that was caught in the mechanical tentacles by himself, and without any hesitation decided who to deal with first.

"Don't even think about it!"

Although Ned, who successfully blocked Dr. Octopus, was swollen, he was not completely brainless.

He watched Dr. Octopus waving his mechanical tentacles and knew he was going to be bad for Peter.

As Peter's friend and superhero companion, Ned naturally couldn't watch Spider-Man die in front of him.

Therefore, without hesitation, he rushed in the direction of Doctor Octopus.

"You've been fooled, Dragonfly!"

Seeing Ned throwing himself into the net, Dr. Octopus's two tentacles that were originally aimed at Spider-Man immediately jumped in the direction, and smashed heavily towards Ned's body.

These mechanical tentacles seem to be flexible and flexible under the control of Dr. Octopus, but their weight is extremely heavy. In addition, the purpose of their original invention is to help Dr. Octopus carry various heavy equipment, so the power is extremely huge. Only tentacles can lift eight tons of heavy objects.


Under the strength of the tentacles, Ned, who rushed up, was smashed and flew out like a green ball.

However, it was Doctor Octopus who focused his attention on attacking Ned and loosened his grip on Peter instead.

Peter as Spider-Man may seem thin, but in fact he is not inferior to Ned in the strength of his whole person under the mutation of the radiation spider. Seizing this opportunity, Peter's arm that was held down by the tentacles began to exert force, and under the action of powerful force, he directly lifted the mechanical tentacles that were pressing on his body, and at the same time raised his wrist and launched spider silk with flexible movements. Escaped from Doctor Octopus' attack range.


After successfully escaping the captivity of the mechanical tentacles, Peter clutched his chest, and the corner of his mouth under the mask couldn't help gasping for air.

The huge impact brought by the mechanical tentacles obviously left a lot of injuries on his body.

If it weren't for Peter's own physical fitness that surpassed ordinary people, the heavy blow to the ground just now would be enough to make him lose his ability to fight, not to mention that he has escaped from captivity now.

Here, Spider-Man takes the opportunity of Dr. Octopus' slack to break free.

On the other side, Dragonfly, who was smashed like a ball, also slapped the dust on his body and walked out of the rubble of the wall that was knocked into rubble.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

"Looks like it's not unreasonable for superheroes to use full face masks."

While covering his mouth and coughing, he was dissatisfied with the mask that exposed his mouth.

"He... Spider-Man, how did you break free?"

Fanning the dust on his face, Ned's eyes inadvertently caught sight of Peter who had broken free, and he almost missed his mouth.

"I took advantage of your efforts to attract Doctor Octopus to break free."

Hearing Ned's words, the little spider, although helpless, still answered seriously, and at the same time his eyes were still fixed on Dr. Octopus.

In the current situation, everything has to wait until after Dr. Octopus is defeated.

"Great, since you've come out, it's time for our Insect Alliance to show off!"

"As I said long ago, spiders are not insects."

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