Majestic Thor Thor, his body is like a mountain. Even though Gwyneth did not look back, she still felt the oppression exerted by the other party.

Thor patted the courtyard chief on the shoulder, and 5.1 pushed open the door in front of him. And with the appearance of light, Black Panther T'Challa is sitting at the desk at this moment.

"If I were a bad person, you should all be dead by now. So don't continue to hinder me, or you will harm your country because of this stupid loyalty."

"It's a white wolf."

"Tell me, who sent you here.

Luo Bing sneered at Gwyneth's words. Although he has no intention of participating in the battle of the royal family, he still has some opinions on this.

"You'd better take a look for yourself, there's everything you want to know there."

"White wolf? What is that guy's identity? 35

The courtyard chief's tone was quite serious, but that kind of majesty did not constitute any hindrance at all.

"He and I are partners, and we are both assistants to Mr. White Wolf."

"If you have anything, just tell me first, and I will report to His Majesty the King.

As the so-called ruthlessness is the most imperial family, this kind of repeated political tragedy has always been suspected by Luo Bing.

"Yes, the plan was made by Mr. White Wolf, and it was carried out by Erik."

"What's your relationship with Erik?" Luo Bing continued to ask.

At this point, the real thoughts of the matter finally surfaced, which is nothing more than good news for Luo Bing. In this way, he can not only resolve disputes, but also get rewards from the system, which is the best of both worlds.

"What does that mean?" Black Panther asked inexplicably.

The officer in charge of leading the courtyard guards summoned the courage to question Thor.

Due to the tension of the situation, Thor used the power of thunder. When the blue light burst, that guy had already come to the courtyard of the bedroom.

"Thor, you're taking the surveillance equipment now, go and notify Black Panther to get Erik under control.

"What are you doing again!"

For the sake of prudence, Thor did not answer, but just strode forward to talk to Black Panther in person.

Thor's heart was dissatisfied with the answer from the courtyard chief. How could he let an outsider know about such important information.

When Thor realizes that a lot of time has been wasted, he also completely loses his patience. This guy used the thunder again, and the burst of lightning knocked everyone unconscious, but the courtyard chief was left behind.

Under the influence of Blood Wheel Eye, Gwyneth suddenly became rigid, her brain was not controlled by her own thinking, and she became Luo Bing's marionette.

The guards were terrified by Thor's sudden appearance. After all, thunder and lightning were the spokesman of terror, and no mortal would not be afraid.

"Mr. Thor, did you cause the movement outside?" Black Panther asked flatly, as if he knew the answer.

Thor answered fearlessly, and at the same moment, threw the monitoring device in his hand to Black Panther.

In a world where the strong are rampant, a voice without strength is useless. No matter how serious or humble you are, you can't have any positive effect on the result.

When the guards in the courtyard found that the giant man in front of him had not compromised at all, they raised their spears to resist.

"Yes, in order to save the necessary time, I have to use my method, I hope you can forgive me.

"So that's the case, then I finally ask you, is the bombing of Atlantis also related to you? 35

"I warn you one last time, back off now!"

"Tell T'Challa to get up, I have something important to tell him." Thor responded impatiently.

And his actions naturally became the fuse of the dispute.

"I don't have any reason to do it now, you can do whatever you want with "Zero Seven Seven"." Gwyneth said helplessly, and stood there like a sculpture.

"What a smart guy, you made the right choice. But one thing, you shouldn't come over to me."

Gwyneth knew very well that if she dared to do anything outrageous, she would be killed. In order to avoid this from happening, she slowly lowered her arms and gave up the assassination of Luo Bing.

The insurmountable height made the weak woman in front of Thor break out in cold sweat. It was the first time in her life that she felt panic, an unprecedented feeling that bound her limbs.

Luo Bing stood up, and he began to move closer to Gwyneth. Since this was the moment when the monitoring equipment was running, Luo Bing used an illusion directly on the woman.

"He was King T'Challa's older brother, the man who was supposed to sit on the throne.

Luo Bing's tone was urgent, and Thor immediately knew the importance. He didn't do any nonsense this time, just picked up the pocket-sized prop and started rushing towards Black Panther's bedroom.

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