Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 78 Frigga's Thoughts [34]

That night, Luo Bing was arranged to live in a luxurious palace.

Asgard's hospitality was very considerate. Not only did he prepare new clothes for Luo Bing, but the palace was also equipped with a small hot spring. He also brought two beautiful girls with exquisite appearance to bathe and change Luo Bing's clothes.

Luo Bing wasn't used to this, although it seemed normal to Asgard's people.

A hero should be treated like a hero.

Their thinking was unexpectedly feudal, and the hierarchy was very clear.

Frigga arranged all this thoughtfully, but unfortunately Luo Bing refused. He waved his hand and let the two overwhelmed young girls leave the room, lie down in the hot spring and close their eyes.

He has great respect for his future wife, although he does not know where she is now.

In the evening, Odin and Frigga had a long chat.

The destruction of Bifrost is a trivial matter. In Frigga's view, her youngest son Loki, who has been raised for thousands of years, fell into the abyss.

Although Loki is not her own child, in these long years, she has long regarded it as her own, and her care for her is not behind Thor.

Even because of Loki's mischief, Frigga cared more about the child who would never grow up.

The two then chatted about Luo Bing.

Thor also told his father and mother exactly what happened on Earth.

"I'm very worried about Thor, he hasn't grown up enough to satisfy me" Odin looked into the distance, his eyes a little deep.

"He's still young, we need to be more patient," Frigg comforted.

Odin shook his head and looked at his partner, revealing an astonishing fact.

"I'm running out of time, and Ragnarök has an omen," Odin said.

"How could this be..." Frigga covered her mouth in surprise, with tears in her eyes.

"Actually, I've thought about that scene for a long time, but unfortunately, Thor can't shoulder that responsibility now," Odin said, showing a slight smile.

He had already looked down on life and death, but he couldn't let go of Asgard.

"After I die, Hela will get out of hell. Maybe this is the retribution for the mistakes I made when I was young. Brothers and legs cannibalize each other, father and daughter are against each other. At that time, according to Hela's character, in order to get revenge on me, she Desperate to destroy Asgar "`de" Odin took a deep Roar inhalation, the old man's eyes were very dull.

"How... how has she been..." Frigg asked boldly.

Odin has never allowed her to visit his daughter, nor tell him anything about Hela.

"She was getting more and more mad, I was wrong, I thought that being in captivity would make her realize her mistake, but I didn't expect her to get worse," Odin said, with a little more tenderness in his words.

The goddess of death Hela, Odin's eldest daughter, accompanied Odin to conquer the Nine Realms, causing countless countries to fall.

Odin realized his mistake and stopped the tyranny of continuing to fight.

But Hela has been affected by the environment since childhood, and her ambition has grown stronger and stronger. She wants to unify the Nine Realms, even occupy the deeper universe, and become the queen of the entire universe.

There were many disputes between father and daughter.

Under Hela's continued tyranny and cruelty, Odin reluctantly imprisoned his eldest daughter in hell.

Since then, the female war gods who belonged to the Hela unit have left one by one, and Asgard has become a pampered wasteland.

Odin is not pure good, definitely not pure evil.

No one is always good, and no one is pure evil.

Odin's youthful mistakes were punished, and At the moment Asgard's status quo was his greatest revenge.

"I want to see her... please." Frigg wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. After losing her youngest son, Loki, she missed Hela who called herself "Mother" even more.

Although she was brutal and bloody, she made many mistakes.

But as a mother, I always subconsciously forget these things, and plead for Hela again and again.

Love is selfish.

Maternal love is selfish.

"No, I won't allow it, she'll hurt you." Odin shook his head, rejecting Frigga's request.

"She won't, I just want to see her once, even if I see her from a distance, I want to talk to her, she's been locked up in hell where there is no light for thousands of years! Thousands of years!

"You have the heart to... treat her like this..." Frigg glared at Odin, even though she knew it was useless, she said it anyway.

"I'm probably not a good father" Odin sighed, looking much older.

Frigga was silent.

After a long time, she raised her head.

"How do you feel about that young man?" Frigg asked suddenly, wiping away her tears.

"I can't see his fate, he's a variable, and the future universe will change for him," Odin said.

" he really like what you said?" Frigg was slightly surprised.

She was very surprised that Odin could have such an evaluation, she had never heard Odin praise a person so much.

~ I can't see his future, and I can't see his past, he is like a key, I don't know which door he will open in the future, and what will be the result"

"But whatever the outcome, it's his choice"

"But this choice will affect the entire universe." Odin glanced at the starry sky on the other side, and his eyes were a little confused.

Frigga lowered her head, as if thinking about something.

Before long, she looked up, her eyes glowing.

"You said... what would happen if Hela betrothed to him?"

Odin was stunned, and the temple fell into deadly silence.

"Maybe... maybe try?

Odin looked at the starry sky in confusion. He owed too much to his daughter. The young man who came to God's Domain by accident was a good candidate, and he was quite good-looking.

It is the hero who saved Asgard, and his character is reliable.

Maybe his appearance can change Hela's fate? Can he change the fate of the entire (Zhao Qian's) Asgard?


He might not be able to.

But if anyone can do it, it must be him!

Frigga's words awakened Odin, many times women are more delicate than men when they think about things.

Odin rolled his eyes and glanced at Frigga who was beside him, an idea spread in his mind.

Once the seed of thought is planted, the thought quickly becomes unstoppable and grows stronger!

Luo Bing woke up in the morning with bad news.

Bifrost is destroyed, he can't get back to Earth with this thing!

If using a spaceship, he would be in space for at least a few decades!

But, fortunately, Odin seems to have other ways to get him back to Earth, but this method seems a little dangerous and not very reliable.

He's going through the interspace between Asgard and Earth!


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