Marvel: Omniscient and Almighty, Watching Battles At The Start

[608]: Brush Ability from the air! (Second update, please subscribe!)


"Combat detected, drop reward: Energy manipulation (Silver Surfer)"

Su Quan curled his lips noncommittally after seeing the drop reward.

He has brushed this Ability on the Observer Frog Map. In short, this Ability is very strong and practical, but it doesn't mean much to him now.

Because the biggest effect of this Ability stacking is to make the application of various energies more arbitrary and handy.

The power of the energy originally did not increase much!

The Silver Surfer, also known as the Silver Glider or the Silver Surfer, is the most popular and the most successful among the several messengers of Planet Devourer.

Silver Surfer's real name is Norrin Ryder. He originally looked like a human. After his home planet was targeted by Planet Devourer, he begged Planet Devourer to let go of his home planet at the price of being willing to serve Planet Devourer forever. Help him find planets suitable for food.

The planet devourer accepted his conditions and gave him a powerful cosmic energy. The moment he touched this energy, the whole body immediately gave birth to a shell of all silver 10, and together with memory, kindness, Conscience, morality, etc. completely disappeared.

Then, because of his memory loss, he immediately pointed to his home planet and told the Planet Devourer that this planet can be eaten!

Although the planet devourer is hungry all the year round, he is a man who keeps his word, fulfilling his promise and not eating his home planet.

He also became the famous Galactus messenger - Silver Surfer.

The Silver Surfer originally only had a very long lifespan, and the core ability was the cosmic energy given by the planet Devourer and the surfboard connected to it.

As long as it is related to the surfboard, it can have endless cosmic energy.

He can absorb, transform, and manipulate cosmic energy, so strange forces, energy bombs, shields, mind-reading, telepathy, telekinesis, hallucinations, and material realization are not difficult for him.

He does not need the means of ordinary people to replenish energy such as eating, drinking, sleeping, etc., and can use the energy of the universe for attack, defense and flight.

When flying at high speed on the surfboard, it can even travel through the subspace and even the dimensional wall, and there are also records of time jumping.

There are also planetary-level resuscitation of life, detection of matter and energy several light-years away, perception can reach the subatomic level, can see through time, limited perception of events in the past and future around itself, and so on.

Compared with the Galactus messenger with a single ability like Nova, Silver Surfer is almighty!

Definitely, there is a difference between all-around and all-around, just like the first place in the top class and the first place in the ordinary class are both the first place, but the gold content is different!

Silver Surfer is almighty compared to the Fantastic Four and other Galactus messengers, but compared to Planet Devourer or Su Quan, his almighty is a bit tasteless.

Almighty, but not outstanding!

In the movie, Silver Surfer can only rely on self-destruction to deal with the planet devourer, and other abilities are useless at all, and can only scrape and scrape the planet devourer.

This is still when this version of Planet Devourer is very hungry and weak.

A digression here, although the planet devourer has been reduced to a combat unit with a strong background and a hip pull, when his energy reaches saturation, he is called a 'Messenger of Life'.

After becoming the messenger of life, it is no longer to devour the planet, but to create life.

Moreover, its energy can destroy or devour countless single universes, and the sum of its energy far exceeds the entire energy of the Big Bang, reaching a true multi-universe level.

It can be said that the Planet Devourer was originally a god-level weapon that could destroy countless universes.

At the same time, he also said that the "Ultimate Eraser" is like his heart.

He authorized Reed to use the Ultimate Eradicator, powerful enough to erase the rune that would collapse the multi-universe plus erasing the entire multi-universe.

Closer to home.

Su Quan did not respond to Silver Surfer's communication and warning, and immediately exited his consciousness after brushing Ability.

Exit the battle first, and then you can continue to brush the drop rewards.

Silver Surfer didn't know that the reason for leaving the spiritual power was to withdraw from the battle to get rewards. He thought that the other party was afraid of the reputation of the Planet Devourer, so he backed away.

When the psychic power leaves his consciousness, the Silver Surfer tries to track the psychic power to counter-invade the opponent's consciousness and figure out the opponent's identity.

After all, he is also very good at reading minds and perception.

Unfortunately, he failed.

The other party's psychic power is too strong, unable to resist before, At the moment naturally can't track back.

In his powerful perception, the other party disappeared, or in other words, it was as if he had never appeared at all!

Being tricked by someone for no reason, Yin Yingxia definitely wants to find out who the other party is and what purpose he has.

But it's obviously not easy.

And his first mission was to find edible planets for the planet devourer, so he paused for a while, and regretfully continued on the road.

"Om! 59

Not long after the surfboard started gliding again, a flame appeared out of nowhere in front of him, and a thud Roar hit his face.

This group of flames superimposed with Human Torch and Nova Ability made the unprepared Silver Surfer turn a few somersaults, and then stepped on the surfboard and stopped steadily.

The power of perception is instantly released.

Silver Surfer only perceives the fluctuation of spatial changes, but does not perceive the person who took the shot!

To be precise, within the limits of his perception, he did not perceive anyone!

"I just invaded my consciousness at 310, and now I'm shooting directly, are you going to be my enemy?"

"If that's the case, come out!

Silver Surfer is very angry, this is the first time he has encountered an enemy who can only be beaten but cannot fight back!

It was also the first time he encountered a battle where no one even knew where the enemy was!

Su Quan, who was far away on Earth, ignored Silver Surfer's incompetent fury, and he swiped another Ability from Silver Surfer.


"Combat detected, drop reward: Energy Absorbing (Silver Surfer)"

This Ability has been superimposed many times. In terms of the efficiency of Energy Absorbing alone, the effect of this Ability of Silver Surfer is quite good.

Digitally speaking, after adding Silver Surfer's Ability, the efficiency of Su Quan Energy Absorbing has increased by at least 10%.

This efficiency is not only the speed of absorption, but also the type of Energy Absorbing and the upper limit of strength.

Both energy and cosmic energy are collectively referred to, and there are many detailed divisions.

For example, solar flares are also cosmic energy, but this cosmic energy is different from the cosmic energy given to Silver Surfer by Planet Devourer.

In addition, there is a difference between the solar flare absorbed by Jean Grey in the Dark Phoenix movie that caused her to run out of control and the solar flare absorbed by Su Quan that gave birth to the Fantastic Four!

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