048 Green Goblin Osborne!

Luo Ye had already sneaked into the Osborne family’s mansion.

He also wants to meet Norman Osborne early and then settle everything in private!

As long as he stretches out his fist, unless the other party is really not afraid of death, in general, he can perfectly “physically solve” all problems.


Osborne’s mansion, there are maids, guards, kitchens, other workers, and even a dozen nursing dogs….

But there is no Norman Osborne, a living person!

Luo Ye has no foresight ability and no search skills, so naturally he can’t find Norman Osborne.

But this doesn’t matter much, Luo Ye directly pounded the yellow dragon and found out the dead cave of Norman Osborne!

Harry Osborne, Norman Osborne’s only son, absolutely knows where his old son is!

“You want to see my father?”

Harry Osborne’s expression became dangerous.

“He’s already a terminally ill old man, what do you do when you see him?”

Luo Ye raised his eyebrows slightly:

“Sick and blind? Maybe it’s a lively tiger! ”

“There is no other request, just simply meeting him to discuss something!”

Luo Ye took a few steps forward with a solemn expression:

“Harry Osborne! Take me to your father! ”

“Trust me, if you don’t take me to meet him, you will regret it for the rest of your life!”

“Your father will become a madman, even his most beloved son, he will not show mercy!”

“The side effects of Green Goblin Serum are not !!! that a mortal like you can handle”

Green Goblin Serum!

The biggest side effect is that in the human body, a schizophrenic body called “Green Goblin” is differentiated!

It’s like neuropathy, or dual personality.

This personality, called “Green Goblin”, is bloodthirsty and inhumane!

Just by relying on the mental strength of ordinary people, it is impossible to resist the erosion of the personality of the “Green Goblin”!

In the long run, “Green Goblin” will surely replace the master, and the anti-guest will become the real master of the human body!

At that time, the original owner will disappear, leaving only a murderous maniac named “Green Goblin”, alive in the world!


“You know the Green Goblin? Who are you!? ”

Harry Osborne could no longer maintain a calm expression, and surprise and dismay had crept up on his face!

“How would you know about this! How is it possible to know! ”

Luo Ye’s eyes narrowed.

Really! Norman Osborne has become the “Green Goblin”! Otherwise, Harry Osborne couldn’t have had this expression!

Luo Ye stepped forward two steps and came to Halios himself:

“Where is your father? Since I came to find him, naturally there is a way to get him! ”

Harry looked bitter and helpless.

He gently lifted his finger and pointed out the window:

“After he turned into that devil, he has been hiding in the secret research room in the building, saying that he is trying to make the potion more perfect!”

“Whether it succeeded or not, I don’t know, he has refused to contact me… But when I occasionally approached the research room, I could hear some crazy roars! ”

Harry Osborne scratched his hair in despair, unspeakable distress and unease!

He had been looking tired all the time.

In fact, this fatigue was not brought to him by the Osborne board, but by his biological father, Norman Osborne, who has been considered by outsiders to be “soon dead”!

Any young man, when he discovers that his father is about to become a madman, a pervert, a murderer.

He can still maintain his composure, which is already very strong!

Harry Osborne did this, but in his heart, his worries about his father grew sharply every day!

The Osborns, like the Starks, seem to have genius genes.

Harry Osborne had been exposed to the Green Goblin Serum and knew some of the latter’s data, which is why he was so sad now!


Holding his head and struggling for a while, Harry Osborne looked up and said

“He can see everything that happens here, and the level of authority of that secret research room is very high!”

“Miss Isabella, and you, must have been discovered by my father! Can you still save my father? ”

“Of course you can! Or rather… Ease! ”

Luo Ye said as he turned around and looked out of the tempered window with his face.

He has sensed someone’s arrival!

I saw that outside the tempered window of the Osborne Building, a slightly dignified figure was stepping on a small flying machine and slowly rising into the air.

Finally, the aircraft and the tempered window remained flat, and the person standing above also officially appeared in front of the three people!

It was an old man, with a slightly green face, and a terrifying and crazy smile was showing at this time!

Precisely…… Norman Osborne!

Seeing this terrifying appearance, Isabella directly covered her mouth, and some were speechless.

Harry Osborne also looked out the window blankly, despair flashed in his eyes:

“Father, how did you become like this! Didn’t you tell me not long ago that there is already a gram of medicinal agents! ”


Norman Osborne muttered a word, and then laughed maniacally!

Now he has completely transformed into a “green devil”!

It turns out that adults always lie to children, and even though Harry Osborne is an adult, Norman Osborne still cheats him.

Laughing and laughing, two lines of tears flowed from the corners of the green devil’s eyes, and the green eyeballs were mixed with red bloodshots, which looked particularly hideous.

He set his eyes on Luo Ye:

“You, want to see me?”


PS: Whether Norman Osborne is willing to become a madman like “Green Goblin” is hard to say.

But he definitely wants the power of the Green Goblin, but he doesn’t want to suffer those side effects.

This point is for sure!

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