102 Hydra: Two Five Boys!

Inside S.H.I.E.L.D., of course, there are Hydra’s hands.

And no less!

In some parallel universe, Team America is an undercover agent of Hydra.

How tornly the internal defense of S.H.I.E.L.D. is, it can be seen!

Of course, Hydra must have lost a lot in order to achieve this goal, but it is definitely worth it.

For example, now, as long as Lott arrives and kills Quicksilver with his own hands, it will be a problem.

Lott is a mutant who excels at using a high-temperature burning ability that allows Lott to kill Quicksilver and leave a mountain of hard evidence.

Lott is a name in S.H.I.E.L.D., and is a nationally recognized S.H.I.E.L.D. sixth-level agent!

After this action, everything will make sense.

It’s just that it will take a while before Lott comes over.

After all, he was still doing other work before, and Nick Fury wouldn’t easily give his men a vacation.


“Justice League? Want to Alliance with S.H.I.E.L.D.? Then you have to ask me if Hydra agrees or not. ”

Hanks looked gloomy, and his eyes showed a little malice in his eyes when he looked at Quicksilver.

Since the end of the World War and the defeat of the Dé Kingdom, Hydra has retreated into the background and died down.

Coupled with the continuous sweeps by S.H.I.E.L.D., the energy and influence gradually faded.


A skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

When Hydra is ready to strike, it basically has the certainty of winning with one blow!

Quicksilver’s ability is special, and the speed is unstoppable.

But with Hydra’s scientific and technological reserves, it is still the means of dealing with Quicksilver on the right.

The latter is wrapped in a black fishing net, on which the current is staggered, and more than one force continues on it.

This is Hydra’s electromagnetic net, specially used to bind the mobility of superhuman powerhouses.

And Quicksilver, even if the one who hits.

Speaking of which, Hanks was also lucky, just happened to meet Quicksilver was inquiring about intelligence, and took advantage of the latter’s momentary ignorance and won on the spot!

Hanks touched his chin, a little puzzled, and looked at a figure lying next to Quicksilver, who had an enchanting body, revealing extremely white skin, but too miserably white, without the slightest appearance of blood.

This is a vampire.

Hanks was also a little surprised when he found out it was a vampire.

But he couldn’t be surprised, because Quicksilver was the target of his mission.

Get the latter and you’re done.

As for why vampires appear in metropolises … If he has time later, Hanks may find out.

“Maybe you’re in a relationship with a vampire? It’s not impossible, compared with ordinary people, vampires are incredibly flexible in some ways. ”

Hanks seemed to have thought of something and licked his lips unconsciously.

At this time, the door was opened, and a middle-aged man with a sick appearance walked in quickly.

Hanks glanced at him:

“Lott, you’re coming too slowly.”

Sick Lott shook his head:

“That one-eyed dragon gave me a bunch of tasks, and sooner or later I’m going to pinch his dog’s head!”

As he spoke, he already looked at Quicksilver:

“Is that the man… Hanks, it’s easy to kill him, but what do I do after that? S.H.I.E.L.D. is in trouble with that so-called Justice League, can I still live? ”

Hanks naturally understands this:

“It has been arranged for you to go to Central Africa, where you will be safe.”

“Everything is for the sake of organization.”

Lott looked frustrated:

“Oh my God, Central Africa? That place where birds don’t poop … Well, it’s all about organization! ”

Lott rubbed and rubbed his hands vigorously, and a flame was produced with the help of some characteristic.

The flame is hot and mixed with other characteristics, but the only drawback: it can’t leave Lott’s palm, which is a limitation of ability.

Otherwise, Lott’s achievements could surpass the Burning Man of the Mutant Brotherhood.

While rubbing the fire with his palm, Lott looked at the two strong figures standing behind Hanks, his pupils dilated:

“The two of them… Is that the program qualified? ”

Hanks bowed his head slightly, a little tired:

“That’s right, it’s the product of that plan… A whole three thousand people of the elite, in the end only a dozen people remained … I don’t know, it’s worth it. ”

“In order to guarantee this operation, the organization sent two over.”

Luo Tei nodded, and the flame in his palm became more and more vigorous:

“What’s their name? Or the code name of that plan? Winter Warrior? ”

“The person at the top said that the name was too awkward, and it was a simple one… It’s called the Winter Soldier. ”

Hanks explained while frowning at Lott:

“Almost, still not doing it? That Superman is already going crazy… S.H.I.E.L.D. is probably going crazy too! ”

Lott took a deep breath and said slowly:

“Almost, I’ll do it right away!”

When the words fell, Hanks’ face changed drastically, and he hurriedly stepped back!

Because this attack of Lott is not greeted by Quicksilver, but by Hanks!

Two Winter Soldiers, one left and one right, stepped forward and stopped Hanks, blocking all of Lott’s attacks.

Hanks looked at Lott in disbelief:

“You’re the crazy one? Lott, do you know what you’re doing! You this is a betrayal! ”

Lott took two steps back with a solemn expression:

“I’ve not lived for a long time, but in the years I’ve been lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D., I’ve started a family and had two children…”

“Hanks, do you know why I came so slowly? Along the way, I wondered if I should do this… Is it for the sake of organization, or for the sake of my children…”

“Hanks, kill me, I’m willing to die at the hands of the Order… As long as the child is safe and not targeted by S.H.I.E.L.D. everywhere, I will be satisfied. ”

Hanks was furious:

“If you do this, all your loved ones will have to die! All those with whom you are in the blood! ”

Lott shook his head:

“Protect my family, S.H.I.E.L.D. can still do it.”

“Hanks, we old friends have worked together for so long, I don’t lie to you… I didn’t reveal any secrets to S.H.I.E.L.D. before stepping through this door! ”

“This is the last thing I can do for the organization, I hope you can understand me.”

Hanks’ face was frosty, but his eyes were complicated:

“The organization … After joining the organization, everything is for the organization, family affection, love has long belonged to you! Lott, I can understand you, but I won’t forgive you! ”

Hanks waved his right hand and closed his eyes:

“Winter soldier, kill him.”

The two Winter Soldiers walked forward in silence, aiming directly at Lott.

Behind him was the wall, and Lott could not retreat.

In a desperate situation, Lott laughed:

“I didn’t divulge any secrets… I have a clear conscience. ”

“However, after walking in here, I sent my coordinates to Nick Fury, so…”

The words did not fall.

The walls collapsed.

Windswept landslides.

A figure smashed into the wall, almost crashing the entire building, and came to the house.

Glancing at Lott, after glancing at Quicksilver beside Lott, Luo Ye’s face was expressionless.

Then he slowly turned and looked at Hanks.

As well as two Winter Soldiers!

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