The next thing will be handed over to Master Gu Yi!


The modern Tony Stark saw the information fed back on the radar detection screen, and finally was able to breathe a long sigh of relief!

A single nuclear cannon will consume tens of thousands of wealth!

If you can't get the best results, it's a waste of money!

Even for Tony Stark, who is rich and powerful, he can't afford to waste a few times like this!

In other words, in terms of the earth's heritage, it can't bear such waste a few times!

Fortunately, everything now is finally maintained on the right track of the plan!

That's right!

From the very beginning, the smartest wise men on earth have specially formulated a series of plans to prevent all possible scenarios!

Among them...including this scene now!

When the enemy chooses to enter the solar system directly, the task of the two Tony Starks is..., in addition to... killing each other's living forces as much as possible!

In fact, there is still a very important task!

That is to hold the enemy near Saturn's zone!

Because...above Saturn!

There is a hidden power on the side of the earth, ambush on the top of Saturn, waiting for the appearance of the enemy!

And the terrifying level of this hidden power, even these superheroes from the future, feel absolutely reliable!

Because...that's power from another plane!

A special plane that has a great relationship with the earth, but exists alone!

Chapter 147 The Ghost Rider Appears!

Right now!

When the ultra-distance attack from the earth side, for the first time, the demon army tried a heavy blow!

In the dark space, it was also lit up by the huge firelight generated by the explosion of the super-large starship!

Even from far above Saturn, the light produced by that kind of huge explosion can be observed!

When a skeleton standing on the endless hot earth of Saturn, completely ignoring the surrounding environment that is already more than a thousand degrees high temperature appeared!

Everything becomes clear!

Ambush on Saturn!

It turned out to be that special superhero!

The reason why the adjective: [special] is used to describe a superhero is because... the origin of this superhero is quite strange!

Because... this superhero turned out to be an existence from hell!

That's right!

For a superhero to come from a place where super villains like hell gather, it is an extremely abnormal thing!

What's more worth mentioning is that the source of this superhero's power is the most evil and powerful existence in hell, the devil of hell - Mephitos!

This existence known as the Demon King of Hell, Mephitos, is the real ruler of this special plane of hell!

Judging from its strength, it is actually the same level of existence as Dormammu, who is known as the ruler of the dark latitude!

And it's not just the level of strength, it's very close, and the ghost knight is... an attempt by the earth king Mephitos, who wants to use the ghost knight to carry out wanton slaughter on the earth, so as to allow more souls to be able to Entering the hell, in order to strengthen the strength of the hell side, and it can also make the hell devil Mephitos devour more souls and gain greater power!

However, Ghost Rider does not seem to like to cooperate with such an evil existence!

As a ghost knight transformed from a human, he did not obey the orders of Mephitos, the demon king of hell, and launched a slaughter on the earth!

Instead, he chose to stand on the side of mankind, the side of justice!

Although his own power comes from the Demon King of Hell, the Ghost Rider has always stood on the side of justice and has been committed to fighting all kinds of powerful super villains!

And he used to go to hell many times in person to fight against that terrifying hell demon king!

It is because of this, S.H.I.E.L.D.


When the senior agents of .... found the Ghost Rider, they immediately obtained the consent of the other party, and there was no hesitation at all. This is the reason why the Ghost Rider exists in such a place!

Because of the special reason of the physique, the Ghost Rider is not like the general superhero, who gathers on the space station of the space battleship for training!

Instead, it exists on Saturn, and uses the special environment here to continuously improve its strength!

By the way... also as a hidden means of ambush on Saturn, waiting for the day when it can come in handy!

And now,'s time for this Ghost Rider to show his true strength!

However, if there is only one Ghost Rider, it still seems a little unattractive. After all, what he needs to face is a powerful enemy that has reached the million level!

Chapter 148 Exaggerated amount!

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