Even if it is far from the threat that quasars can give her, it is still a real threat!

What a terrifying thing... It can also act on different bodies, this energy bracelet... is a bit exaggerated!

No wonder it is a super treasure that can create the first generation of Captain Marvel!

I am afraid that it is more powerful than a single infinite treasure!

And after seeing this scene on Agent Weir!

In Nick Fury's one eye, a strange light flashed, as if he had thought of some possibility!

"How many people can you perform this ability blessing on at the same time?"

"If it is in the extreme state, if it can maintain the strength of each person who has performed the ability blessing, it can reach about 100 people:!


Quasar stretched out a finger and answered confidently!

"A powerful hero enough to empower all of us!


The emotion of surprise quickly spread in Nick Fury's eyes!

"Call all the superheroes here!

We are about to start the final battle preparations!

I want to make our most powerful heroes even stronger!


Nick Fury waved his palm and issued such an order directly!

"Wait..., don't tell me... you want all the superheroes to enter the universe and fight in space"

Agent Weir felt a little nervous involuntarily!

At this moment, after gaining the power from quasars, even the mortal agent Weir has the ability to move freely in the universe and survive for a long time!

"That's right!

This time... if you don't succeed, you will succeed!

Let's have a battle without retreat!


Every word Nick Fury uttered at this moment was as powerful as a loud voice!

Chapter 169 A thousand superheroes! (two)

Obviously, in being a S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... After seeing the super power of quasars, Nick Fury, the director, immediately came up with the idea of ​​how to use this power!

Although it is said that most of the superheroes of the whole earth have gathered at this moment, the strength of the earth side is definitely not weak!

However, it should be known that most superheroes do not have the ability to survive and fight in the universe!

If it is said that... being able to pass through quasars, these are originally very powerful, but they are subject to the anaerobic, gravity-free and extremely cold and harsh environmental conditions of the universe, and they cannot exert their real strength at all. If all the superheroes in the world can perfectly adapt to the battlefield of space and space, then there is no doubt that...the power of the earth can be exerted to the limit!

In fact, if there were no quasars that suddenly appeared and brought such an ability that can be said to be extremely surprising!

The final battlefield is likely to be launched on the earth...because, on the earth, is the most suitable battlefield for all superheroes to exert their full strength!

However, if the battlefield is placed on the earth, without discussing the outcome of the final war, the earth will definitely be... unbearable first!

It's like in the original Marvel movie, in [Avengers 1], just Loki with a small-scale Chitauri Legion destroyed an entire super-large city. Almost destroyed!

If a million-scale demon army came to the earth now, it might not need a real fight, it would be enough to destroy the earth two or three times!

After all, whether it is the earth itself, or the life forms living on the earth, it is too fragile for a war that has reached the collapse level!

So, now the order issued by Nick Fury, obviously someone can object!

One after another emergency orders began to go down quickly, and they were conveyed to the superheroes who were already ready to fight!

............ just an hour after the order was given!

The main hall in the space battleship is already crowded with superheroes!

Looking at the past, in the phalanx formed by the superheroes at the moment, the heroes that are familiar to everyone are simply...too many!

Iron Man, Captain America, Spider-Man, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Wolverine, Grant, Cyclops... Some of the most well-known superheroes have undoubtedly arrived at the scene, !

In addition to... these superheroes who have appeared many times in Marvel's movie world, there are also many superheroes that should only exist in comics. At this moment It's already gathered here!

More than a thousand superheroes, this is not an exaggeration, but a real number!

And standing in front of all the superheroes at this moment is... SHIELD.


....Chief Nick Fury and Captain Marvel Carroll!

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