104 was scared to pee his pants

“Devil! You are the devil! ”

The thin and tall man cried out in pain, half lying on the ground, and the complete shattering of his two feet made him shiver and tremble with pain all over his body!

At the same time, it also let him know how precious it is to stand on the ground!

Clark shrugged and was noncommittal.

Then he looked indifferently at the others:

“Now, are there any of you who are trying to kill themselves? Speed, such a tough guy I will give him the reward he deserves. ”

This time, no one dared to show ridicule and contempt, replaced by horror and fear!

Clark nodded:

“It seems that there are no tough guys anymore.”

“That’s fine, let’s get down to business – who among you, who has the highest status?”

Everyone brushed in unison, looking at the tall thin man who fell to the ground and whimpered in pain.

Clark glanced up at the latter:

“It is worthy of playing a leading role in demonstration, and his identity is indeed the highest!”

Clark crouched in front of the tall thin man and patted the latter on the shoulder:

“Tell me everything you know about the cause of Howard Stark’s death eighteen years ago?”

In the distance, Obadiah, who was standing honestly with his head bowed, suddenly trembled.

He now has only one thought in his mind:

Those blue-skinned police officers who ate dry food quickly found him and took him back to the prison and locked him up!

Obadiah had discovered by this time that the outside world was not as beautiful as he had imagined.

It’s better to stay in the cell, at least the little life is safe.

As the headmaster of that monster academy, Clark had no idea how strong his own strength was.

But looking at the Hydra base personnel who have been completely destroyed around them, I know that the latter’s strength is not small.

Such a figure to track down Howard Stark’s death…

Obadiah looked difficult and began to think about what good excuse he had to get away with it!


The thin and tall man was extremely painful, and his face was full of sweat from pain!

At this time, hearing Clark’s question, he gritted his teeth and glared at the latter, and his steel temperament was vividly expressed!

Clark was slightly surprised.

Such a passerby who has no name and no surname in his memory is actually a hard nail?

“Don’t you say?”

Clark sighed, and his right hand had already pinched the thin tall calf leg bone:

“The human body is composed of more than two hundred bones, and there are many other flesh and blood organs.”

“I don’t remember all these things, but I still remember the general division.”

“Mr. Hydra’s tough guy, I’ll gradually crush the bones in your right leg, and then your left leg.”

“If you can stick to it until then, then I’ll start with your two arms and continue the previous process.”

Clark looked at the tall skinny tough guy and smiled:

“I’ll put the bones of your hurt part to the end, if you can really last until the end and don’t open your mouth…”

Clark slowly stretched out his left hand, and in his palm, a cloud of red vitality energy was blooming like a flower.

Clark presented the flower of life to the tall thin man and said slowly:

“If you can make it to the end, then I will treat you and then go through the previous procedure.”

“Don’t worry, as a hard-blooded tough guy, after going through such a procedure a few times, you will find yourself falling in love with the process.”

“At that time, the pain can no longer make you obedient, then I have nothing I can do about you, and at that time I will kill you and give you a relief.”

Clark looked at the tall thin man and asked sincerely:

“Can you hold out until then?”

Clark suddenly sniffed his nose, glanced down, and then quickly moved away from the tall thin man, with a touch of disgust in his eyes:

“Already peed my pants… It seems that you can’t hold on to that step, open your mouth, Howard Stark’s death process, and other key news, you know to say it. ”

The tall thin man closed his eyes and did not dare to look directly at Clark.

His lips trembled for a long time, and he also clenched his teeth for a long time, and finally let go:

“Howard Stark… He discovered some information about the organization and began to trace the organization’s whereabouts. ”

“He discovered the organization, and the organization discovered him, so they started planning how to kill him.”

“Howard Stark’s whereabouts were leaked to the organization by Obadiah.”

“It was Baron Sitrikel who arranged the attack plan, and it was the steel bone that really did it.”

Clark raised an eyebrow:

“Steel bone?”

A Hydra subordinate next to him was clever, and immediately jumped out when he heard this:

“My lord! I know! ”

“Steel bone is a kind of super soldier developed by the organization, and in the past, their name was not Steel Bone, and the title was changed in order to hide their identity.”

“Their former name was the Winter Warrior!”

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