133 Homecoming, Spider-Man appears

Manhattan First International Airport.

On the most recent flight, two figures came down.

Walking in front is a middle-aged man with vicissitudes on his face, who looks like he has an indifferent appearance that sees through the coolness of the world.

He seemed to have experienced a lot of things, and seemed to have been gone for a long time, and when he returned again, he saw the grass and trees around him, and he had a feeling that was both familiar and strange.

The man’s hair was slightly mottled, giving the others a very decadent feeling.

Only a pair of eyes hidden under the hair are very bright, showing his extraordinary.

“Six years … I’m back. ”

He whispered softly, with incomparably deep memories.

Behind the decadent man is a red-haired beauty, whose gorgeous face has confirmed her identity – Black Widow Natasha!

Hearing the decadent man’s emotion, Natasha responded softly:

“Dr. Banner, I haven’t come back for so many years, are you ready to meet those old acquaintances when you come back now?”

Bruce Banner’s eyes flickered, a little moved, and finally fell silent:

“No, their lives have stabilized, and I, the monster, will not re-intrude into their lives and break their peace.”

Bruce Banner turned to look at Natasha:

“Where are you going to take me now? Where is Nick Fury? If he, the S.H.I.E.L.D. director, wants to see me, he can’t even dare to come to me, right? ”

Natasha was noncommittal:

“Don’t worry, if Nick Fury doesn’t even have this guts, then he can’t become the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.”

“Come with me, I’ll take you to headquarters.”

“Nick Fury told me before, when you come, I will take you directly to the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D.”

Bruce Banner didn’t object, just muttered softly:

“I hope I am not a sheep in the mouth of the tiger, and I will be directly caught in a cage by you!”


The dinner party at Stark’s mansion came to an end as time passed.

This is not one of those unorthodox venues, and it is certainly impossible to stay up all night and so on.

If it had been in the past, Tony Stark had played a lot of tricks, maybe with a wave of his hand, all kinds of absurd things would really be done.

But now it’s different, with Pei Bo watching from the sidelines, it can make this guy who was out of tune in the past collect his heart and become honest.

Near the end of the banquet, a figure dangled around twice, climbed on the street lamp, and temporarily squatted down.

Peter Parker lifted the spider hood and looked at the brightly lit Stark mansion with some envy.

Originally, he had the opportunity to participate in this banquet.

Because Tony Stark knew some of his deeds, he also sent him an invitation.

But instead of coming, he used the time to wander through the backcountry.

Sure enough, he stopped two crimes and hung five bandits from pillars.

It was also when he was walking along the way, closer to Stark’s mansion, and Peter Parker was a little moved, but he still ran over to take a look.

“Gwen seems to be here too… I don’t know how beautiful Gwen should be tonight. ”

Peter Parker laughed a little.

Then he saw that the door of the Stark mansion in the distance had slowly opened, the main entrance of the venue was also pushed open, and the guests inside gradually walked out.

Peter Parker’s eyes were a little envious, but also a little lonely.

But remembering the few citizens he saved tonight, Peter Parker perked up again.

“I don’t know what Uncle Ben has gained tonight. Mr. Stark has adjourned here… Then it should be okay if I wait a little. ”

Peter Parker thought a little carefully:

“I’ll stay for a while, wait for Gwen-san to come out, I’ll take a look and leave!”

Peter Parker made a plan for himself.

Then he looked intently in the direction of the door of Stark’s mansion.

He didn’t notice that when he looked closely at Stark Mansion, a luxury car had already taken the lead in driving out of Stark Manor.

This luxury car carries Kim He!

This fat man in a white suit has been gloomy since stepping out of Stark’s mansion, obviously something is out of his mind.

He felt that although his trip tonight was frequent, it was also very rewarding.

Not to mention the rest, the change produced by the academy that had expelled him made him feel very stunned!

He felt that he should pay attention to this aspect.

At the same time, Kim has not forgotten his conflict with Norman Osborne tonight!

“Looking at that guy’s appearance, I will definitely take revenge, since this is the case, then I will strike first!”

Kim also made up his mind in his heart.

Then he heard a strange laugh from the roof of the car.

Like the devil’s cunning and strange laughter, with killing intent and cruelty!

Through the reflective glass of the window, Kim also found a clown-like freak wearing green armor flying in the air on a skateboard!

It seemed to have sensed Jin’s gaze.

The clown demon smiled sadly at him a few times, and then dropped several round things in his hand.

It is a grenade that is extremely similar in appearance to a pumpkin!

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