167 bosses are used to carry pots

Some godless eyes slowly swept over everyone.

Clark’s calm expression and Antonio’s eager and worried look came into view.

There is no fear or other negative emotions.

These people… Don’t you know what to be afraid of?

Marcus muttered in his heart, he didn’t know about the development of St. Kent College over the years, he was an otaku.

Even Antonio, he thought that the latter was still in Central Africa and had not returned.

Perhaps, there is real hope.

Marcus said to himself in his heart.

When he thoroughly exposes this matter, insiders will inevitably be suppressed by various channels.

Because those big people will not let the ants turn the sky.

But Clark’s words became the needle in Marcus’s heart.

From despair to hope, perhaps just a few minutes to skim.

After a long time, he spoke:

“Eight months ago, my father’s company went bankrupt, and all the other relatives except my sister committed suicide by jumping off the building.”

“I don’t believe that they committed suicide by jumping off a building on their own initiative, because they are all optimistic personalities like me, and they are people who believe that they can get through this as long as they persevere.”

“I suspect they were killed by suicide! But I had no evidence, I went to the police station, and the people at the police station told me that according to their verification, it was determined that they all jumped off the building on their own initiative – but I didn’t believe it! ”

“Their minds are tougher than mine! I don’t even come up with the idea of jumping off a building, how could they come up with such an idea? ”

“I went to the police station to complain! Oppose! As a result, they expelled me on the grounds of vexatiousness! He also told me that if this mutant dared to get nervous, they would definitely send me to jail! ”

Marcus said this and smiled.

Laughing is uglier than crying:

“Since then, I have known that I can’t go down this path because I’m a mutant, I don’t have human rights, I don’t have qualifications, I have to rely on myself.”

Clark heard this and turned to look at Nick Fury:

“Director Nick, you didn’t record this on this information.”

Nick Fury only had a dry laugh:

“Hehe, maybe it was because my subordinates didn’t think it was important when they included the news, so they didn’t record it.”

Clark smiled and didn’t respond.


“I knew I couldn’t find other help, I had to rely on myself, so I started looking for traces of everything, and began to understand why this thing became the way it did and how it happened!”

“For a period of time before the bankruptcy of the company, I didn’t get the slightest news at home, as if in one day, the capital chain suddenly broke, and then my family went bankrupt!”

Hearing this, Tony Stark’s mouth trembled, and then he opened his mouth to explain, after all, he is an expert in this kind of thing:

“The chain of funds that entrepreneurs borrow from banks has a repayment period – but in general, this period can be extended continuously.

To summarize briefly, if you borrow today and repay it tomorrow, after repaying it tomorrow morning, you will sign a contract in the afternoon to borrow.

This is an unspoken rule of the capital circle, but most of the liquidity is handled this way, otherwise all the funds are put in the bank to eat interest, then the bank should fail. ”

“If you don’t renew the contract, but make you pay it back, then there is only one possibility – the company is going to close down if it is not doing well, so the bank will not borrow money.”

“But if the business situation has been stable and the bank does not renew the contract, then there is basically only one other possibility – someone is secretly making trouble.”

“Yes! Someone is making trouble in the dark! ”

Marcus nodded heavily and recognized this!

Clark glanced at Tony curiously:

“Are you familiar with this? Why, have you encountered this kind of thing before? I don’t remember you complaining to me. ”

Tony’s cheeks twitched a little:

“I haven’t experienced this kind of thing, and the reason I’m so familiar with it is… The largest bank in Manhattan belongs to my family, and the largest investment bank in thirteen states on the West Coast, and the largest shareholder is also me, I don’t personally deal with this matter, but some big things can’t bypass me. ”

“So I’m pretty clear about these things in the industry.”

Marcus obviously froze, and then his eyes gradually turned blood-red:

“My father’s company has money with the largest bank in Manhattan, so you are also my enemy?”

“Stop! I’m sure I’m not your enemy! ”

Tony had a toothache expression on his face and hurriedly stopped the topic:

“My mind is all on Stark Group, except for the bank I have to be present to sign the contract, I haven’t been to it once, it’s all arranged professional managers are in charge!”

“You wait, I’ll go and transfer the information right away, and make sure to make it clear to you!” In short, this matter has absolutely nothing to do with me! ”

Clark got serious.

The honors of St. Kent College are pressed in.

Tony Stark just wants to sit on the sidelines now unless he has cerebral palsy, and he never wants to get involved!

Quickly collect the relevant information and send it over, as for the other people or things involved, Tony Stark said that it has a fart relationship with him?

Even if the professional manager is his subordinate? Tony didn’t owe his salary again, something happened to him and he went up on top, don’t want to let this big boss back the pot!

Clark just nodded lightly to this, and then said softly to Marcus:

“Go on.”

This thing is getting more and more interesting.

He wanted to see how many more people could be involved.

A few more, innocent.

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