186 to this day was punched

Running, jumping, Banner with his eyes open.

Bruce Banner runs through the streets of Queens in a simple underwear, moving and jumping unimpeded, and no one can stop him.

Because of him at this moment, his body has swollen slightly, and his skin is slightly green.

Dr. Banner in this state, except for a few people, is invincible!

In fact, until today, Dr. Banner had always felt invincible, and it was only after receiving that punch today that he learned that the world was far from simple.


Following Nick Fury’s orders and performing his first mission in the Avengers, Bruce Banner feels that everything is different.

Especially after the Hulk fiasco, Bruce Banner decided that S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Alliance were going to end.

Even if it’s not finished now, take date pills.

It’s just a matter of sooner or later!

Bruce Banner did not consider running directly at the time, after all, staying in S.H.I.E.L.D. was also an option.

– Temporary choices.

In this country, he has long been unrelated, and even if he wants to leave, he has no other place to stay.

But at this time, the Hulk made a choice for him!

It was and it still is.

Whenever Bruce Banner is unable to decide and hesitates, then Hulk will use a seemingly brainless choice to make the most reckless decision!

When the Hulk took over his body and jumped into the sea to leave, Bruce Banner knew that the Hulk had made plans for him.

But this decision…

What is it?

“Where to go? Where are we going? There has to be a route! ”

Bruce Banner ran through the streets of Queens, his determination and grasp evident from his swift steps.

But his face was a circled face, like a melon skin who had just woken up without understanding the situation.

“Find him! Go find him! ”

His face swelled again and turned much greener.

Bruce Banner opened his mouth wide and muffled his decision, or Hulk’s decision.

Now Bruce Banner is no longer Dr. Banner, but Hulk!

The Hulk before was a monster who was unreasonable and didn’t know how to communicate at all!

But over the years, after Bruce Banner’s unremitting efforts, he gradually changed all that!

The Hulk is still quite unreasonable and rude, but at least when the latter is in a good mood and does not make a conflict, the two sides can communicate!

Hulk is short and doesn’t like to communicate too much.

Perhaps today’s heavy blow hit his mentality hard.

Bruce Banner could clearly feel that the latter had become much more silent, not as inexhaustible daily as before, wanting to destroy the power to destroy everything in front of him.

Became a lot more sullen.

Abbreviated, the mentality collapsed.

At the scene of the criminals who captured Marcus, that punch changed the Hulk too much!

“Okay, okay, I’ll find him, I’ll find the guy’s side—but man, you first have to let me know who to look for!”

“You don’t say a word, just let me go to someone, so that I don’t know who to look for!”

Although this is my motherland, because of you, I have been away from home for so many years, and I don’t know who is with whom! ”

Bruce Banner is not usually a talkative person, and researchers like him are basically good at doing practical things, and announcing the results after things are done.

Like the kind of bragging about nothing, that’s not a scientific researcher, that’s a brick family.

Bruce Banner is not very conversational.

But staying with Hulk, he has to speak without taking the initiative to speak.

The Hulk doesn’t laugh or laugh with you.

He will only express his thoughts in the most “direct” way, and if you understand his meaning or something wrong during this time, it will be you who suffers!

As for the Hulk?

He won’t suffer!

So far, Bruce Banner has witnessed the Hulk suffer a loss today, and there are no other cases!

“Find him! Find him! ”

For Bruce Banner’s confusion, Hulk is not in a good mood to explain anything!

His rough muffled voice signed, sticking to a concept all the time.

As for whether Bruce Banner can understand… That’s Bruce Banner’s own business.

“Okay, okay, I’ll find him…”

Banner repeated softly, thinking twice as he was on the repeater.

Soon, he thought of a possibility:

“There are no other possibilities… Hulk, are you going to let me go find that person? The one who hit you! ”

“Find him! Find him! ”

Hulk repeated the phrase.

But Bruce Banner could hear that when the Hulk repeater said this, the decibels were significantly higher!

After so many years with the Hulk, how could Bruce Banner not understand Hulk’s thoughts.

It seems that this is the way it is.

It’s just that Banner is somewhat puzzled, Hulk is addicted?

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