189 Daily Horn

“The Daily Horn is broadcast today.”

“It is reported that yesterday night, the third street in Queens broke out due to an accident, causing heavy losses and casualties.”

“It is reported that the contemporary celebrity Hall family has lived here for several generations, and after the fire, due to the excessive intensity of the fire, it caused incalculable losses, and nearly twenty people did not escape from the fire scene…”

“Follow-up news, the Clarion Daily will continue to follow up, I am the front reporter Eddie Brooke, we will see you next time!”


St. Kent College.

After listening to the daily report of the Clarion, Clark showed no other emotions.

This way of coping was not unsurprising to Clark.

“Fire accident?”

“Everything covers up the past with accidents, and there are too many accidents in this world.”

Shaking his head, Clark stated a word, saying nothing else.

Antonio stood tall in front of the table.

Although he has not slept all night and has been busy with various things, with his extraordinary physique and willpower, Antonio can easily defeat the sleeping devil.

“Clark, this matter should be able to pass like this, right?”

He scratched his head, a little worried:

“As you might expect, S.H.I.E.L.D. did take care of the finishing touches, and yesterday I almost clashed with them when I was in contact with them on the periphery…”

Clark replied:

“Don’t worry about conflict.”

“Even if there is a conflict at this time, Nick Fury will first order his men to stop.”

“I can be reckless. But Nick Fury can’t, he still has to think about the big picture! ”

Antonio nodded slightly, vaguely understanding something.

He looked at Clark with emotion in his heart.

Clark would not have interfered in these things before, but this time is clearly an exception.

He is one of the reasons, but the others… Antonio also vaguely saw something.

Clark, unaware of Antonio’s careful thoughts, asked:

“Brother and sister Marcus, have the follow-up questions about their accommodation been resolved?”

Antonio nodded:

“It’s all done, Marcus, I assigned him a dormitory, right next to Pietro.”

“As for Helen… She didn’t dare to be left alone, Jean temporarily led her, and the two lived together. ”

Antonio said that this is the end of the point.

Since Jean took care of Helen’s follow-up, there was nothing to do with him.

After all, he is a big man’s.

Seeing that everything was taken care of, Clark nodded, stood up and looked into the distance through the window.

It seems that the burly figure that is gradually approaching has been spotted.

He said:

“After a busy night, you also go to rest, you don’t need to worry about other things, I, the principal, will handle it properly.”

Antonio answered and turned to go out the door.

A glance before closing the door, Clark was no longer in the principal’s room.

Scratching his head in confusion, Antonio didn’t know what Clark was going to do when he left at this point.


Unfazed about Clark’s safety, Antonio closed the door and prepared to go around Marcus.

If nothing happens, he is ready to go and get together with his old brothers.

The decapitation and assassination operation at night, as well as inquiring about news and other things, these old brothers of Antonio have made a lot of efforts.

After Antonio’s efforts and Clark’s personal understanding, Clark discovered that his old brothers, although not good people, were not evil.

They have their own set of life values.

This set of values is naturally different from the values of normal people, but it is only too sword-sidelined, and it is not a big evil.

Take money to do errands, stick knives in the ribs of your brother.

Despise the law and despise the power.

Clark thought about it, and he seemed to be able to find some common ground.

The place where St. Kent College taught and educated certainly couldn’t let them in, but Clark paid for a courtyard around the college for them to live and drink together, and Antonio could go over when he was free.

This is also a little thank you from Clark.

Of course, Clark had no money.

He paid for it, and Tony paid for it.


Thinking about these things, Antonio walked around a corner and was immediately stunned.

Because Jean was standing there, seemingly waiting for him.

“Jean? Is there something to find me? ”

He asked cautiously.

Jean’s expression remained unchanged:

“Did Clark say anything special?”

Antonio recalled, and finally shook his head in denial.

Getting the answer, Jean turned and left.

Antonio’s face trembled, and finally he took the initiative to thank him:

“Thank you for Marcus’s matter, if it weren’t for Jean’s insistence, Clark wouldn’t have investigated this matter to the end.”

Jean didn’t look back, just left a sentence:

“No need to thank me.”

“I’m just thinking about Clark.”

“The old headmaster has passed away, but Clark is immersed in the past, it can’t go on like this, he needs to be exposed to more things.”

“Resting on one’s laurels is not allowed.”

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