Marvel: The Second Element is Fierce

Chapter 753: Tony is here too

"It turned out to be like this. It's really a shame. I thought Olympus could increase some combat power."

Zeus made no secret of his thoughts. He had nothing to worry about when he spoke, and he was an ally with Wang Kai, and he probably knew Wang Kai's character.

"Olympus is a veteran holy land. It is the same with or without these saints, but you can also try to train a group of warriors of the gods, maybe you can succeed."

Wang Kai said that although he didn't know the true abilities of Zeus and the others, they might be able to succeed. In other words, they all existed like gods, and they were more like gods than the guys in Asgard.

"This idea is really good, but it is very difficult to realize. First of all, the saint clothes are not so easy to make. According to your cartoon by Mr. Wang Kai, the saint clothes are Orichalcum, Gammanium and Silver Star Sand. I have never heard of these materials. , Is it really that difficult to make the saint cloth? Are these minerals on the ship board star?"

Zeus asked, Zeus seemed to want to build a group of saints. If it can really be like in the comics, Olympus may really rise.

"There is no such substance on the ship board. These are considered to be the metal of the gods. Maybe Olympus has other better substitutes. Mr. Zeus can find it."

Wang Kai said, vomiting in his heart, these are all things produced in the second dimension, how do I know where they are, but there is no shipboard star, you still don't want to use the shipboard star.

"That said, such a magical saint clothing can never be made by ordinary metal. Mr. Wang Kai is worthy of being the strongest man on earth, and such a magical saint clothing can be created."

Zeus said enviously, but he didn't ask how Wang Kai's saint clothes came from. This is a person's secret. How could he casually tell others that everyone is just an ally and has not yet come close to that point, and in the video, Mindy is on him. Not at all, let alone others, Mindy is Wang Kai's apprentice.

Zeus’s phone number was not the only one. Tony called right after him. He also accidentally saw the video posted by Natasha. He had also read the comic book Saint Seiya because Wang Kai told him about Austria. The Linpis thing.

"Wang Kai, have you taken refuge in Olympus? How come you have become a top five."

Tony's cheeky expression appeared on the screen, which caused a black line to appear on Wang Kai's head. This guy really couldn't spit it out.

"Tony, everyone is grown up anyway, so mature, can you take the things in the comics seriously?"

Wang Kai said, "Is it that he is so cheap, and he actually wants to be a fighter for others, even if he is a fighter, he is at the level of a golden saint, or is it possible to give himself a **** position? How can he become a top five? Well, now that Tony said so, the little excitement in Wang Kai's heart was also extinguished.

"Why can't you take it seriously? Is the saint clothing on your body fake? Since the saint clothing is real, it is possible that other things are also true."

Tony said that he also knew that it was impossible for Wang Kai to be a thug for others, but he wanted to tease Wang Kai.

"Whatever you say, the truth will not change because of your words anyway."

Wang Kai shrugged not to argue with Tony, and arguing with Tony can lower his IQ.

"It's really boring, you should quibble, it's not enough for Wang Kai, let me study it by borrowing your holy clothes, and I will also add some special abilities to my steel suit."

Tony said slyly, the purpose of his call was to study Wang Kai’s saint clothing. Even if his steel suit is advanced, it is only a high-tech product after all, and cannot achieve special effects. Wang Kai’s Saint clothing, it is equivalent to the superpower in the item, if it can be researched out, wouldn't it be possible to become a superpower.

"Don't even think about it, I'll just use this holy garment to let you study it. If it breaks, where can I fix it."

Wang Kai refused directly. What are you kidding about? Studying the saint clothing, not to mention whether you can study something, you will cry if you break it, there is no Mr. Mu to repair himself in this world, even if the saint clothing can automatically Repair, Wang Kai is also distressed.

"No, so stingy, isn't it just a holy cloth."

Tony called, in his thoughts, since Wang Kai could get the first holy garment, he could get the second one. Even if it was broken, wouldn't there be others? There are so many bronze saints, as well as silver saints and gold saints.

But Tony doesn’t know how Wang Kai’s saint clothing, including his abilities, came from. These are not things that Wang Kai can master. Wang Kai is a guy who lives by luck. If he gets lucky, he can get what he wants. If you are unlucky, give yourself some tasteless abilities, then you can only stare at you. The chance of holy clothing is very small, and it is difficult to have one, and it is absolutely impossible for Tony to play it badly.

"Isn't it just a holy cloth? What you said is really easy. Come and get me a holy cloth. Don't talk about this one for you to study. You can give it to you."

Wang Kai said that what Wang Kai said is true, because Pegasus's abilities have been learned by himself. Although new abilities have not been developed yet, the original moves are enough for Wang Kai to use, and Wang Kai has also learned to improve the ability of the small universe. , It is enough to earn, if there is a new holy garment, Wang Kai will definitely change it.

"Let me study, how about I will make you a new saint clothing?"

Tony played a word game for Wang Anyway, he studied it first before talking about it. If he can't find it out, Wang Kai can't kill himself.

"Dreaming, you first find the three metals that make the saint clothes, Orichalcum, Gammanium, and Silver Star Sand, so I believe you, or you can lie to the ghost."

Wang Kai refused directly. If you want an empty glove white wolf, you should dream, or be more sober.

"You wouldn't be so unfeeling, would you?"

Tony sees no fraud, so he can only play emotional cards.

"Yes, I'm so unrelenting. You can take as many things as Umbrella's company can mass-produce and study them. This kind of orphan product, if you don't have spare parts, you don't want to make trouble."

Wang Kai is hard-hearted. Tony, this guy, is not a warrior. There are few opportunities to go on the battlefield in person. He is definitely studying the saint to be handsome. Wang Kai will not use his own weapons just to make Tony be handsome. If it is taken away and broken, Wang Kai hasn't been so prodigal yet, and he doesn't care about things that can improve his strength, but the saint clothing can connect with the power of the stars.

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