Marvel: The Second Element is Fierce

Chapter 759: Ability selection

After this incident, many hypocritical people have been cleaned up in the world, which can be regarded as a warning to all people. Many keyboard men have converged a lot, and the number of people criticizing others at the moral high point has also been reduced.

"Master, really relieve one's qi, just like this from now on, fight poison with poison."

Mindy said to Wang Kai that she knew what those people were doing. At that time, Mindy wanted to confuse those people, but she couldn't cause trouble to the master, so she resisted it.

"Don’t keep your eyes on those insignificant places. Your fruits are developing very quickly. The body of Thor has reached three meters, which is quite good. The next step is to slow down. I know you don’t. I like to work slowly, but the thing is like this. If you want to become a super strong, you need to accumulate slowly. Look at Stephen. Although they have improved very quickly in a short period of time, they have no way to exercise afterwards. Even if their abilities are improved, there is no obvious difference."

Wang Kai said to Minty that even if Minty’s luck is very high, it can be exhausted. When Minty’s body of Thor reaches more than three meters, it stops improving, or it is very slow to improve, which makes Ming Di was a little anxious, Min Di had been overloaded with contact for several days, and her body had been damaged.

"I know Master, I'm a little anxious."

Mindy knows that she is in a hurry, and how old she is, she is already one of the best on the earth, much better than others, it's just that there is a master here, so she can't show herself a bit.

"It’s good to know. Huaxia has an old saying, “Haste but not reach” means that it is too eager to achieve the goal. Moreover, in Huaxia’s practice, strength is related to the state of mind. If there is not enough state of mind, the strength will increase too quickly. You will lose yourself in strength, which is often said to be crazy."

Wang Kai teaches a few words to Mindy and tells her clearly what is at stake. As for Mindy's own matters if you don't listen, Wang Kai won't take care of it anymore.

"Master, don't worry, I won't be so impetuous, I will calm down."

Mindy said seriously, as she gets older, Mindy has become more stable. After all, Mindy has a sound brain and cannot be mentally retarded, nor does he have the attributes of an old naughty boy. Wang Kai has always felt that Jin Yong’s star The old naughty boy should have a brain disease. Otherwise, when he is a few dozen years old, how could he be like a child, but only slightly mentally handicapped, or else how could he learn so much martial arts.

After explaining Mindy, Wang Kai began his retreat career. He had to improve the small universe. He didn't expect the eighth sense. First, he got the sixth sense, and then got the seventh sense, so that his strength would improve a lot. .

The five little strong Buddhas in the anime block and kill the Buddha, and the heroic performance of the gods blocking and killing the gods, Wang Kai cannot learn. They burn their own small universe again and again, and Wang Kai can’t learn it. They can burn the small universe to desperately because of They have their own beliefs, especially Seiya, who is extremely loyal to Athena. Even if Athena abused him when he was young, he would follow Athena as always, which may be a bit shaky.

It is with faith that can stimulate potential. When hallucinations are on the verge of death again and again, they can see Athena, and then suddenly explode, defeating the enemy. This kind of fighting method is not appreciated by Wang Kai. , In case the enemy is not talking too much, or despising the five small strong, and directly hitting it, wouldn't the five small strong die directly, even if the small strong fate, he will die.

Wang Kai won't push himself into a desperate situation in battle, unless there is no way out. The way to push into desperation is the nirvana of the true protagonist. He doesn't have the protagonist's aura, so it's better to be careful.

The best way is to increase strength. Strength is the most fundamental. If you increase the universe, you can reach the point of approaching gods. The gods in the Saint Seiya are not as low as the gods in this world, but the gods in the Saint Seiya world are. The one who truly possesses supernatural powers, Poseidon can make the sea submerse the land, and Hades can also make the world dark. These methods let the people of Asgard or Olympus try, and they will be exhausted. Can't do it either.

Shaka, the Golden Saint Virgo, is known as the person whose strength is closest to that of God. He has raised the small universe to the eighth sense. Tonghu, the Golden Saint Libra, once said that the eighth sense is the source of life in the human small universe. A higher level of feeling. With the eighth sense, you can come and go freely in the underworld. This is something God can do. It can also resist the golden saints’ tricks, Athena’s amazement without getting hurt~www is a distant goal, and Wang Kai’s small goal is the seventh sense, because after entering the seventh sense, the speed of fists and body movements can reach the speed of light, the speed of light, even lightning is not so fast , Wang Kai can even be sure that even Thanos cannot keep up with the speed of light. In the universe, those who can fight with the speed of light are probably the only ancient existences.

The practice of the small universe is more about perception than physical exercise. Shaka has been sitting in the Shuangshuyuan for so long, and has closed off one of his five senses, to increase the small universe, accumulate the small universe, and wait until the eyes. When you opened it, it was as if the Buddha was glaring, and suddenly all the small universes that he had accumulated in the ordinary burst out, and that power was invincible except for the gods.

Wang Kai wondered if he could also use this trick to increase his abilities, accumulate small universes, and wait until later when he fights against Thanos, open his eyes and release all the small universes, even if he can’t kill Thanos in seconds, he can still hit him hard. .

I have a domineering vision and a strong sense of perception. Even if I close my vision, I will not hit the pillars, but I can’t use my other tricks. The eternal kaleidoscope writes round eyes. This is a must It can be used only when you open your eyes, and closing your eyes also closes the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel.

This is really a dilemma. Wang Kai is a little hesitant. Whether it’s Eternal Kaleidoscope Writing Round Eye or Small Universe, it is his own two ultimate moves. Eternal Kaleidoscope Writing Round Eye can improve his chakra. Wang Kai’s goal is immortals. Mode, the fairy mode nibbles can increase the body’s abilities dozens of times. Now, if you can increase your strength by dozens of times, you can’t even imagine your power. Coupled with Jiuhua’s initial solution ability, you can even improve yourself a hundred times. There are so many that it is impossible for Wang Kai to give up the fairy model.

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