Chapter 066: Female Version of Quicksilver?

Next to the instrument, the experimenters were completely frightened and stupid, and when Su Fu turned his head to look over, they almost simultaneously made the action of holding their heads and squatting on the ground.

Su Fu smiled softly and said to Lauren’s father, Reid, “Bring the pulse.” ”

Reid hesitated and picked up the pulse.

“How do we get out?” Reid asked worriedly.

Su Fu didn’t speak, just snapped his fingers.


With the snapping of fingers, a door instantly appeared in the air.

The three of Reed were still stunned, and Lauren had already walked in first.

Everyone entered in turn, and the back door quickly disappeared, and the experimenters looked at each other, and only after a long time did they have the audacity to raise the alarm.

Underground garage.

Su Fu drove the car out directly.

Lauren sat in the co-pilot.

Behind is Reid, Reid’s wife Caitlin, and Andy. As for the pulse, you can only be aggrieved that he is in the trunk.

“Thank you for saving our family, I still don’t know what your name is, why it is…”

“My name is Su Fu, and you can also call me Shenmen. For other questions, you can ask Lauren when you get to the place. Su Fu said.

Reid and the others subconsciously looked at Lauren in front of them, and Lauren blushed slightly and did not speak.

“Where are we going?” Reid asked again.

“Mutant underground base, I’ll send you to settle over there first.”

Reid replied and stopped talking, seemingly thinking about the future.

They are now fugitives.

Mutant underground base.

Su Fu drove up, and John Lorna and the others soon heard the sound.

“What’s the situation?” Lorna asked.

“They are the same family from the previous school bombing that I just rescued. Sonya, you help settle in first. John, I have a gift for you in the trunk of my car. Su Fu said as he took the hard drive from Andy and walked towards the sage. It’s yours, there’s a list to help me figure it out. ”

With the arrival of Su Fu, everyone seemed to be busy all of a sudden.

“Are you hurt?” Lorna grabbed Su Fu’s hand, which was stained with blood.

“Not mine.” Su Fu explained with a smile.

“John, you’d better tie him up.” Seeing that John was holding the pulse and planning to put it on the bed, Su Fu reminded.

John was a little puzzled but didn’t ask why, but tied the pulse and fixed it first, and then came over. “What’s wrong with him? Where did you find him? ”

“Trasker Industries, originally researched the Sentinel program, but a guy named Campbell came up with a hunting dog plan, using Kirk and other means to brainwash and control mutants. Use mutants against mutants, the previous red tank is one of the hounds of the Hound Project, and so is the pulse. The hard drive I just gave to Sage contains a list of Hound Plans. ”

“Kirk? That’s a drug, and once it’s on it…” Lorna’s face turned a little ugly.

Su Fu didn’t speak, there really is no solution at present.

“Anyway, he’s alive, thank you.” John solemnly replied to Su.

Su Fu waved his hand and didn’t answer, he now wanted to know the list of Hound Dog Plans.


After a long while, the sage shouted, and everyone gathered around to look at the screen, and saw that a file appeared, photos, names, abilities and other information appeared on the screen. Su Fu looked at it one by one, these people’s abilities were varied, but what really made Su Fu fancy was not.


Su Fu suddenly shouted.

“Chloe, the ability is super speed?”

Super speed? It should be similar to the kind of quicksilver, right? Su Fu’s first reaction was that this ability helped him, and it was not the speed of the body, but the speed of the thinking response!

Quicksilver is not only fast, his brain’s reaction and processing speed is also fast.

If the reaction ability is inconsistent with the physical speed, it is estimated that driving out is the end of a car accident like Alzheimer’s driving a supercar. What Su Fu lacks now is the ability to react.

“That’s you!”

Su Fu carefully looked at the information of this female version of Quicksilver and wrote it down, and looked at the rest, until the last page.

This page is not an archive, but some kind of record.

Hound Project Deaths: 324.

Seeing this shocking death toll, everyone quieted down.

Lorna clenched her fists fiercely.

324 people, 324 mutants died from this vicious hound project.

“I’ll leave this stuff to you, although I don’t know if the Hound Plan will be taken over after Campbell’s death, but having this list will at least ensure that you will know in advance if they want to mix the Hound in the future.”

“I’ll go back first, and I’ll call about something.”

Su Fu said and opened the door directly.


Flicker and Xuexu were drinking coffee and chatting about the sky, and the two seemed to get along very well. Seeing Su Fu suddenly come back, he subconsciously stood up.

“It looks very leisurely, just go out with me.”

“The two of us?” Xue Xu asked.

Su Fu nodded.

Although Xue Xu was very leisurely during this time, Su Fu simply got up and went upstairs after speaking. When she came down again, she had changed into tight and capable clothes and brought a katana.

As for the flicker, there is nothing to prepare, just a slight nervousness.

This time Su Fu changed cars.

It was time to drive the truck left by Mariko before transporting the instruments.

“What’s the mission?” Xue Xu asked.

Su Fu roughly said what he was going to do, and then said. “The task is very simple, the purpose of bringing you is to need manpower, but also to adapt you to the atmosphere, get acquainted with each other, and cultivate tacit understanding.”

The current three members, Viper, Xuexu, and Twinkle.

Although they all have their own uses, in the end, this is still a mercenary squad, maybe it will develop and change its nature in the future, but now that time is not yet, it is still necessary to let the squad enter the state in advance and get acquainted with each other.

Not long after, Su Fu had already driven to the underground parking lot of Trask Industries again.

“I will stay here with this door, Xuexu, your task is to watch this door and not allow anyone to approach. Twinkle, you’re here too, and I want you to open the portal at the place I designated. Su Fu led them out of the other space and commanded.

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