Chapter 074 – Psychic Ability

Looking at Su Fu, the flickering panic slowly calmed down. He took a deep breath and said. “The hound’s sensing range that senses the mutant’s location is not that far, I teleported several times and should have thrown him off, it won’t expose here.”

Su Fu shook his head indifferently. “It’s nothing to find here, how did you get targeted by them?”

“It should be an accident.” Flashing Road. “I actually wanted to go back to my adoptive parents, who adopted a lot of mutant orphans. As a result, he was somehow discovered by the hounds and kept fleeing! ”

“It seems that in addition to Trask Industries, there are other branches of the Hound Project, and the two-headed dog you said should be in a more mature stage. Campbell’s Dead Hound program was reactivated, and it’s no coincidence that they ran into you, they were supposed to deal with a nearby mutant base. ”

Flicker instantly showed concern.

“I’ll inform Lorna about them, Twinkle, you’re ready to take us to your adoptive parents.” Su Fu knew what Flashing was worried about, and took out the phone to call Lorna to remind them.

Then let the flicker open the portal again, and Su Fu took Lauren into the portal.

Although flickering can now open the portal continuously, it still lacks in distance, and it must be visible to open the portal.

The portal opens again and again, and the position is constantly changing.

Finally, when they came out of the portal again, they came to a country road with a house not far away.

Flicker ran quickly towards the house, and the closer he got to Flicker, the more uneasy he felt.

So quiet!

Pushing open the door and walking in, there was no one in the living room.

Flicker whispered the names of her adoptive parents but received no response, and she pedaled upstairs, and there was no one upstairs. When the flicker flickered, Lauren stood in the living room and pointed in the direction of the utility room, and Su Fu stood at the door.

The flickering footsteps slowed down, and each step seemed to drain her strength. Su Fu did not speak, nor did he stop the flickering, but turned slightly sideways.

The smell of blood is pungent.

Blood spread on the floor of the utility room, and the bodies of an elderly couple lay on the ground.

The flicker burst into tears instantly.

Still a step late.

“Why? They are just ordinary humans, they just adopted mutant orphans, why, why don’t even let them go…” The flicker changed from a murmur to a hissing cry.

Su Fu reached out and took Flicker into his arms and hugged her.

Silently comforting her.

For a long time, the flicker left Su Fu’s arms.

“I want to avenge them!”

“Good!” Su Fu nodded affirmatively.

“This is my business, myself…” Flicker was about to say more, but was interrupted by Su Fu.

“You are a member of the Divine Gate Squad, and your business is our business.”

“Yes, we are a squad!” Lauren said with hatred, because she suddenly thought that if Su Fu had not rescued them at that time, Campbell would have killed his parents too.

“Let’s bury them first, and then we… Revenge! ”

It took hours for the trio to bury the flickering adoptive parents nearby.

Wiping away his tears, he flickered and looked at Su Fu.

“Now what do we do!”

“They definitely haven’t just been here, I’ll ask Lorna about their side first, they should know the location of other mutant organizations in the vicinity, maybe they can still do it in time.” After Su Fu finished speaking, he took out the phone and called Lorna again.

The phone rang several times before it was connected, and it was very noisy and busy.

“Su Fu? As you said, the hounds attacked several underground bases, and my side gathered many people who escaped, and those guys arranged the hounds to be traitors in the underground base, and the location was all exposed. Lorna said quickly and eagerly.

“Any idea where they are?”

“I don’t know.”

Su Fu thought about flashing the phone, and let Flashing tell Lorna where she was here and ask if there was an underground base nearby. A moment later, Flashing handed the phone to Su Fu and nodded.

“Go back.”

Su Fu said to Lorna and hung up the phone.

Flashing is ready to open the portal.

After a while, the portal opened, and it was clear that this seemed to be a church.

Everyone came out of the portal, and the flicker snorted again.

“I’m okay.” When Su Fu and Lauren looked over with concern, they gritted their teeth and shook their heads.

“It looks like this hasn’t been discovered here yet.”

There were no signs of vandalism around, it was quiet, and an old man with a shotgun could be vaguely seen watching them warily in the church.

“We got the news from the mutant underground base to find here, you guys weren’t attacked, right?” Lauren spoke.

The old man in the church breathed a sigh of relief, pushed the door out, and said eagerly: “You are finally here, there is no car on my side to send them away, so I can only hide them.” ”

As he spoke, the old man walked towards the back of the church, where there was an abandoned shipping container.

The old man pulled it open with some difficulty, but there was nothing inside the container.

“Don’t worry, they are their own people who will take you to a safe place.” After the old man finished speaking, a change suddenly occurred in the container.

I saw more than a dozen people nervously hiding in the container, and one of the boys opened his hands.

It should be that he used his ability to hide this place.

These people came down one after another, men and women, old and young, and when they came down, they found that there was no car at all.

“Don’t have a car? So how do we go? ”

Looking at these people, Su Fu said lightly: “Before taking you away, find out the traitors hiding among you.” ”

“Internal traitor?” A dozen or so people looked at each other instantly, and there were traitors among them?

“I know who the traitor is.”

A blonde girl said softly and walked to Su Fu’s side.

“You know?” Su Fu looked at her, she nodded and leaned into Su Fu’s ear and whispered: “That backpack man, he is an internal traitor.” ”

“How do you know?” Su Fu looked at the middle of those people, there was indeed a man with a backpack, wearing a sweatshirt and a hood that looked inconspicuous.

“I can read other people’s minds.” She said.

Can read other people’s minds? Telepathic abilities?

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