Although Abomination comes from the Hulk, there is a fundamental difference between him and the Hulk, that is, Abomination can retain his original memories.

Hulk can't, Hulk is like another person, or two personalities, Banner is the main personality, but he has fallen asleep, and now Hulk's personality is in charge.

So Abomination still retains his rich combat experience as a warrior, not only suppressing Hulk, but also deflating Gao Yuanli.

Fortunately, Gao Yuanli is not an ordinary person, and she was not injured by these two blows, but the clothes on her body were once again torn apart because of the battle.

The power of abomination is by no means something that can be ignored casually, even if Gao Yuanli is not injured, but after being hit hard by abomination twice, at least it is not something that this ordinary suit can bear.

Now Gao Yuanli is obviously on top, so she doesn't care about these details at all, but takes the initiative to reach out and tear off the clothes that may get in the way, and once again reveal the combat uniform that she usually hides in her clothes.

Moreover, Gao Yuanli also opened up his personal space to take out the gloves of the combat uniform and put it on, and the long sleeves could protect the part above the elbow.

At the same time, Gao gradually left no longer in a hurry to attack, and while mentally accumulating the experience of suffering just now because he jumped in the air and could not dodge the abomination attack, he shouted loudly: "Hulk, I'll hit the bottom, you hit the top." "

If Gao Yuanli shouted Banner at this time, it is estimated that there will be nothing to do behind.

However, she called out Hulk, so Hulk nodded at her happily, "Hulk." "

The current Hulk doesn't have much intelligence, only equivalent to the level of a young child, and it's good to be able to understand the meaning of Gao Yuanli, don't think he can return to Gao Yuanli.

"Come again. "

The girl seemed to have become another person at this time, and with a flick of her arm, a terrifying force erupted under her feet, not only the ground under her feet was instantly stepped out of a deep pit, but even the surrounding cars were bounced off by the sonic boom impact caused by the moment she rushed out.

At this moment, the speed of the high fade away reaches the speed of sound, and perhaps surpasses.

"Iron Mountain. "

At the critical moment, she still chose Bajiquan, turned sideways, gathered all her strength on her right shoulder, and aimed at the knee of her abominated right leg.

Generally speaking, the endurance there is very poor, and it is also an important part of the leg joint, and the goal of Gao Gradual Departure is clear, and she intends to abolish the abomination of the legs first.

Of course, Abomination sensed Gao's intention to leave, and he would no longer underestimate this inconspicuous little thing, he almost suffered a big loss just now.

So the abomination hurriedly had to respond.

However, he couldn't ignore Hulk's threat, just as Hulk couldn't ignore his damage, and when Hulk attacked with Gao Fade away, Abomination could only fight back.

Finally, Gao Yuanli collided headlong, and the terrifying power instantly acted on the knee of hatred.

"Click. "

A terrifying crunch came from the knees of the abomination, and the tall and mighty abomination knelt down on one knee without being burdened.

Disgusting and regretful, he still underestimated that little thing a little, this terrifying power was something he couldn't bear, at least not at the crook of the knee, if Gao Yuanli attacked the knee in front, it was a different matter.

The Hulk in front of him didn't miss this opportunity, and his hands clenched into fists and fired a bow left and right at the suddenly half-shorter head of the abomination.

This time, it was the turn of Abomination to be no match for Hulk, and he could only cross his hands over his head and withstand Hulk's powerful attacks one after another.

At the same time, Gao was not idle, and after she successfully broke the joint of Abomination's leg with one blow, she set her eyes on Abomination's other leg.

It's just that the hatred is on one knee, and the left leg is bent on the ground, and by the way, the knee is bent to protect it.

However, it was only the knee that was protected, and Gao was aiming at the left ankle of his left leg this time.

I have to say that the real ancient martial arts have always pursued one move to kill, so most of them have moves aimed at joints and key moves.

So when Gao gradually left consciously aiming at the hateful joints, of course he would notice these places.

The ankle is the important part of the leg in addition to the crook of the knee.

Once the ankle is damaged, or the injury is too severe, that foot and that leg are basically useless, and they are completely unable to exert their strength.

Abomination seemed to sense Gao Yuanli's ill intentions, and lowered his head to glance at Gao Yuanli behind him through the gap in his arm, and found that she was rushing towards his left foot.

Hateful and disgusting, Hulk's powerful attack made him unable to lift his head, and he couldn't deal with the cold arrow behind Gao Yuanli's back at all.

And he has already seen Gao Yuanli's decisiveness and ruthlessness, that beautiful girl who looks peerless, is probably only about eighteen years old, but when he made a move, he was really ruthless, and he actually broke his leg joint, and now it seems that he is planning to attack his other leg.

"I can only flee first," Abomination thought to himself, facing one after the other, it was impossible for him to withstand the attack of Gao Yuanli while facing the Hulk.

So he thought of running away and put it into practice.

"Roar. "

An angry roar came out of his mouth, and before Gao was about to strike at his left foot, he saw the opportunity to wave his arms and push Hulk away, and then kicked hard with his intact left foot, and jumped straight up, and it was dozens of meters high, falling quickly into the distance.

"Oh no, he's going to run away," Gao was startled, caught off guard and unprepared, but she didn't react, allowing Abomination to rush out of her and Hulk's sandwich.

"Hulk," Hulk roared, he was pushed away, and he had been at a loss until now, how could he bear it.

Hulk kicked the ground and jumped high in pursuit of Abomination.

Gao Yanli snorted: "Wouldn't I?"

So she did the same, she didn't need to run, she also jumped dozens of meters high and chased after the Hulk.

In this way, two big men, one red and one green, jumped wildly in the sky over New York City, followed by a pretty girl in a black tight-fitting suit, and the three of them passed through most of New York City so quickly, and rushed out of the city.

In the helicopter in the sky, Rose didn't react at all, because the ever-changing rhythm was too fast, from Gao gradually leaving the battlefield for the first time, to her being shot away twice, and then finally severely injuring Abomination's right leg joint, and finally to Abomination fleeing first, it was only a matter of three or five minutes in total.

"What to do?" asked Ross, the pilot of the plane.

Lou Si gritted his teeth: "Chase." "

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