Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 81: Magic road


Lightning Palace

The morning sun was obliquely shining on the circular balcony of Li Mo's room, and the inlaid flower beds carved with beautiful patterns, the dew on the grass reflected the burning light.

The breakfast brought by the maid was very delicious. The bread was made of a special kind of rye, which looked stupid but soft and sweet. A dark brown cheese with a unique caramel flavor, accompanied by a smoked fish made from starfish fished from the Hwagmir River. Of course, there are some unnamed fruits ...

A cigarette is essential after a meal. A kind of cut tobacco recommended by the boss when drinking in the pub quickly won Li Mo's love. Not only the mellow mouthful, but also the smell of apples will be left in the mouth.

After filling a pot with a slender pipe, Li Mo Meimei smoked ...

Today I'm going to meet Tin Friega. The powerful magician of Asgard may be able to solve his long-standing problem.

It's been more than half a year since he came to this world. Although the Vampiric power looks evil, it is still very powerful. It can't strengthen his body and makes him very troubled.

He is not stupid enough to leave such a big flaw.

It's just that some things are not so simple.

To his knowledge, strengthening the body has three paths in this world.

The first is the power of blood, just like Sol and the alien race.

Li Mozu was not even the landlord.

The second is to rely on technology or strengthen or mutate. Leaving aside the question of potential, this chance of success makes Li Mo a little scared.

Even if the strengthening agent of the US team is now in front of him, Li Mo dare not use it.

This stuff can amplify the nature of people, can become the US team, can also become a red skull.

Most of the passers-by are in the evil or chaotic camp. Those seniors are brave.

Li Moke doesn't consider himself a good person.

His Vampire Vine has potential in this area, but it also requires a lot of pharmacological, genetic, technological knowledge and clinical data.

Li Mo is a scum.

The third direction is what he is pursuing now, magic.

This is also the mysterious side knowledge that he was most obsessed with in previous lives. Maybe he doesn't have the talent and potential like Doctor Strange, then he will definitely have a fair amount of willpower ...

It didn't take long for the maid of the day, Gina, to come.

When he came to the Crystal Palace, the brilliant architecture and decoration along the way failed to attract his attention. Li Mo urgently sought an answer.

Tian Hou Fuli Jia is a woman with a graceful appearance and a kind face. Her blond hair curled up, with a silver feather-like headdress in between. Wearing a white robe with a golden belt, a string of crystal keys hung on the belt.

Out of respect for knowledge and elders, Li Mo saluted him respectfully. "Dear Friega, I am honored to see you."

Friega smiled softly. "Lee, I want to thank you for helping Sol in Midgart. He has changed a lot this time he returned."

After a pause, Friega continued: "I want to know, Sol's girlfriend, Jane Foster ... what kind of person?"

Li Mo smiled, and sure enough he guessed right, this is why Fuli Jia was anxious to see him.

He never dared to underestimate the wisdom of these people, telling things again without any subjectivity.

After listening to it, Fulijia smiled slightly and said nothing, and started to stir up Asgard's customs.

Li Mo couldn't hear it right. This meant to end the conversation. He quickly said his request, "Actually, when I come to Asgard, my biggest wish is to learn magic from you."

After hearing this, Fulijia thought for a while and said, "I'm not sure if you can learn, your best choice is Kama Taj ..."

Later, Fulijia explained in detail the principle of magic for Li Mo.

After countless generations of research, the mystery of magic has been unveiled. Like science, it is also a use of energy and rules.

Midgart's mage mostly uses the energy of other dimensions to pass spells and French-style spells like procedures.

Spell sources may be one or more. For example, Gu Yi and their factions mostly used the power of Weishan Emperor. Weishan Emperor is a trinity spiritual body, including Hoggs, Otto, and Agomo. Will also borrow the power of Dom's dark dimension.

Most of Asgard's mages use their own divine power, and Asgard's special cosmic nodes are also counted as special latitudes. To this end, they changed the original runes and turned them into Rune words for magical use.

However, these things require too much qualification and blood concentration. As the blood power weakens from generation to generation, the number of Asgard magicians has become scarce.

Li Mo was a little helpless after listening, but he still required to learn Asgard's magic knowledge.

Tian Hou Fuli Jia readily agreed, and directly granted Li Mo the permission to own the library.

So easy?

Li Mo is unbelievable.

He is also preparing for a difficult negotiation,

Why did you agree?

Seeing Li Mo's thoughts seem to be, Frigga said with a smile: "As far as I know, Kama Taj's knowledge is not hidden, just like your Midgart scientific knowledge, many people know But how many people can become great scientists? "

Li Mo suddenly realized that

He remembered that while avoiding the news media in the Stark Building, Tony often researched all night long.

He also remembered a scene at the time, when Stranger excitedly asked Master Gu Yi to teach him magic after a multidimensional universe journey.

Master Gu Yi replied: "In Kama Taj, all knowledge is shared, but some attempts are forbidden."

Strinch: "But my hands are like this, can I still learn?"

Master Gu Yi: "How did you become an outstanding neurosurgeon?"

Strange: "Long-term study and constant practice."


Later, in the library of Tian Hou Fuli Jia, Li Mo borrowed, and three books.

According to Tianhou, these are the most basic knowledge, but this is also what Li Mo lacks most. He can take it back to see it first, and consult Tianhou if he does not understand it.

Upon returning from the Crystal Palace, Li Mo was immediately addicted to it, and what he said opened his eyes, and many doubts also had their own ideas.

That night, after returning from the boot camp, Sol found Li Mo, who was sitting in front of the balcony and smoking a book. "Li, would you like to go to the Rainbow Bridge?"

"Too much TM!" Li Momei smiled.

Because Li Mo couldn't ride a horse ~ ~, Sol drove a suspended vehicle.

From the left side of the Lightning Palace, they boarded the Rainbow Bridge in front of the Golden Palace. They went all the way out of the Giant's Wall, across the starry sky, the magnificent Hwagmir River, and reached the Rainbow Bridge break.

Heimdal stood with his sword back to them, his back was a little lonely and lonely.

Like an old dog that has been demolished.

He is also a protoss, with a pair of very good X eyes, can peep across the Nine Realms, and will not be tired without rest day and night. In addition to the long sword that can open the Rainbow Bridge, he also has a warning horn called Galar.

Saul greeted heartlessly, "Heimdal, what are you looking at?"

Heimdall looked at Sol a bit disgustingly, "You're actually trying to ask what happened to your girlfriend in Midgart!"

Sol nodded with a smile. "How is she now?"

Heimdal: "Eat well, sleep well."

Sol nodded comfortably.

Heimdal: "She's trying to find you, using a scientific method."

Sol laughed stupidly, and suddenly his face changed again.

"Have you peeked into her bath ?!"

Li Mo ignored them, and he was completely shaken by the magnificent universe of the galaxy.

Up, down, left and right, in the boundless and vast black and deep universe, there can be seen everywhere as a colorful dust nebula, psychedelic swirling giant planet, monster-like cosmic ray flares, opal-like stars, and the beauty of stars that are about to disappear wreckage…

Li Mopan sat on the Rainbow Bridge and stared at the universe in front of him. He didn't think of any sad things, but his tears flowed unconsciously ...

The next night, he tried meditation for the first time,

I saw my soul ...

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