The appearance of the plot of the "Resident Evil" game in the Marvel world did not affect Tang Tian's plan. Leon's encounter with the parasite itself followed the original development direction.

Although the changes in the Marvel world are relatively large, for example, what used to be Europe is now Africa. Generally speaking, the influence is still controllable on the Protoss, Humans and Zerg, including those aliens, who did not appear. Superheroes in the Marvel world are still active in various places, but the situation is still relatively stable and has not collapsed rapidly like other Marvel parallel universes. Tang Tian feels lucky.

What Tang Tian didn't know was that the endings of many travelers in countless Marvel parallel universes were different. In the Marvel universe of many parallel universes, it is because of the integration of various causes and effects from infinite planes that the world was quickly destroyed, and those who traveled through it were not allowed to survive.

Tang Tian has a very good foundation, and this Marvel universe is just a movie universe. If it were in the comics, it would be very difficult for Tang Tian to develop. Tang Tian has already obtained most of the genes he needs, and the rest can wait for him to slowly plunder in the movie world.

Speaking of which, Tang Tian's superpowers are also very powerful, but technological development lags behind. Without the integration of new technologies, it is impossible for all aspects of the Iron Empire to develop well. Moreover, Tang Tian has never been to colonies in many planes, so he doesn't know how they are developing. However, because there are so many things in the Marvel world, Tang Tian has no time to go to other planes.

While Tang Tian was busy dealing with other things, Leon was also transplanted with parasites by the city lord according to the game plot. Everything is developing slowly, and Jill stayed at home after the last Hydra attack on the iconic building.

Several months have passed since the purge of Raccoon City in Tokyo, and it seems that the world has returned to its former peace. It was during this time that Jill rested. After all, excellent warriors are just ordinary people, not superheroes.

"Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, bell, ding, bell, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, bell, ding, ding, ding." The alarm bell rang, Jill Valentine opened her tired eyes, and the alarm clock showed 7:00. Today is the first day of her month-long vacation at Umbrella Company where she works.

His boss, Chris, the commander of Umbrella's special operations team, told her yesterday: "Jill, you have been working in the special operations team for a long time and you have worked very hard. Since you came back from Tokyo, you have been working hard." Let you have a good rest. So I asked you to go back and rest so that you can work better." In this way, she returned to her home in New York. I was still thinking about how to spend this hard-won vacation.

It was 7 o'clock in the morning, and Jill woke up. Even at home, she was very nervous. After all, the pressure of the work environment could not easily calm her down.

"Huh..." Gil breathed out. He just had a nightmare. In the dream, he was in Raccoon City with the Hydra organization, and met Marcus and the others on a narrow road. But Marcus has left. She knew it very well, so she didn't think about it anymore. He also knew a little about Leon's mission, but he didn't care. They had received countless such missions.

Jill came to the window and opened the curtains, looking out the window. There was a harmonious scene outside the window. The automatic sprinkler on the lawn in front of her house watered the grass. The neighbor's old cowboy sat on the lawnmower and cut the lawn. Newsboys on bicycles passed by the door of every house and threw newspapers into every house's yard. Campus buses from nearby high schools pick up students, and superheroes are still protecting the people.

I haven't experienced this kind of scene for a long time. A normal life is somewhat out of reach for Jill. He himself is unlikely to quit his job. Because she is one of the few people who has actual combat experience in dealing with zombies and other biological monsters. He himself is also determined to get rid of the Hydra organization that uses biochemical viruses to harm people.

At this time, the doorbell rang. She was alerted that her job might require too much sensitivity. The door was opened, and there was a boy standing outside, wearing a peaked cap with the words "David's Store" written on it. Crazy rock music was playing from the headphones in his ears. The sound was so loud that even Jill, who was about 20 years old, could hear it.

"This is tomato cheese beef pizza. Someone ordered it last night and asked you to check it out this morning." The boy smiled.

Jill reached for the pizza with her left hand, holding her right hand behind her back. The attentive boy had long noticed that her expression was somewhat unusual. The boy was curious but did not look back. Gil then took another twenty dollars from his possession and gave them to the boy.

"This is a tip. If you have nothing else, please go and deliver the next pizza." The boy knew that he should leave here. He said seriously: "Thank you, if you still come to our store, I will give it to you." The boss told me to give you a discount, haha." The boy said quietly to Jill. The boy quickly got on the motorcycle, said hello and walked away.

In fact, the reason why she was in a bad state was that she was holding a Colt pistol in her hand. She was worried that in an accident, some members of the Hydra organization might assassinate her. She didn't dare to open the box yet. What if it was a bomb? So according to the boy's instructions, he came to the phone.

"Hey! Jill, are you listening? This is Chris. Have you received the morning pizza? Otherwise, why would you take the initiative to listen to the phone message? Haha. Thanks to the boss, I am also on vacation, and I plan to visit you, Ally Si is also on vacation. Come to my place then and we can discuss future plans. That's all." The recording came to mind on the phone.

"Okay, tomorrow is a good day." Jill said calmly.

Night in Chris's apartment. "Ding dong! Ding dong!" The doorbell rang, and Chris, who was watching TV, lay on the sofa and stared at the TV as if asleep. When he heard the doorbell ringing, he sat up. Unexpectedly, he didn't notice the popcorn bucket he put on his stomach. As soon as he got up to eat, the remaining half of the bucket of popcorn fell upside down on the ground.

"Faq! Tough luck!" He cursed slightly, but he was still relieved about Lyon going to Africa.

"Ding dong! Ding dong!" The doorbell remembered again, "It's coming! It's coming!" Chris said in a panic.

"Hello, Chris, long time no see, haha." Alice looked at Chris's embarrassed look and the popcorn dregs around his mouth with amusement.

"The company's Hydra spy was captured. He did not get other viruses. The company has no idea of ​​​​attacking the Hydra organization because Captain America and Iron Man are preparing to attack the Hydra organization, so the company has no plans for the time being. What's the matter?" Alice continued.

In fact, Alice can come back, but Chris and his cooperation. Alice has the power of telekinesis and is also a new human being, so although they met Marcus and the Red Skull, the forces of the Hydra organization were unable to do anything to them, so they were able to successfully leave there. (To be continued.)

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