But Tang You really didn’t expect that Ho Dehua would know his mind so well, and he obviously didn’t say anything, but Huo Dehua seemed to already know his mind, so simply gave the house directly to himself, Tang You was really a little flattered.

“If you like it! This is a gift to you as a friend, I hope you don’t misunderstand it into a bribe ha! “Howard really hopes to establish a friendly relationship with Tang You, whether it is out of mutual help or Howard also sincerely wants to care about Tang You, always thinking that his relationship with Tang You has gone further, so it’s good.

“Okay, I see, thanks.” Tang You knows that Ho Dehua really cares about himself, Tang You doesn’t know if Ho Dehua has seen that he has not slept well, but Tang You knows that Ho Dehua gave himself this house out of good intentions, in short, everything seems to be fine now, and the future things will be talked about later, who knows which one will come first tomorrow and the accident.

“The location of your house is really good! Standing in your own home, you can see the whole of America! “Through the window, you can see the whole country, because the location of Howard Ward’s home is the highest point in the United States, standing in his own home can see such a good scenery, Howard is really a very thoughtful person, but also a very good person in life.”

“yes! From every window of this house, you can see the seaside! Speaking of this, Howard seems to have a smug look, this house took a long time to build by himself.

“Does Mr. Hodward enjoy watching the sea?” Tang You looked at Ho Dehua with interest, Tang You carefully looked at the sea from every window, and it was a good view of the sea, Tang You walked to the other window and looked carefully, it was really it.

“Actually, it’s not! It’s my wife Loris who loves watching the sea! Because she said she loved the sea! When Howard talked about Loris, he felt the same as Loris when he talked about Hodward, everyone’s eyes were so gentle and soft, and he roared that Howard really loved his wife.

“Then you probably have to put a lot of thought into it!” To be able to see the sea from every angle of the room, Howard really put a lot of thought into it!

Tang You looked at the sea not far away through the huge floor-to-ceiling window, blue and blue, the sea level was particularly peaceful, making people have a very quiet feeling when they looked at it, and their hearts were very peaceful.

“Right! At that time, in order to fulfill my wife’s wishes, hoping that she could see the sea she liked in every corner of the house, it really took a lot of thought to design the house, but fortunately, I was able to do this in the end! My wife is very satisfied, if you can make her happy, in fact, whatever you do is very worthwhile! ”

Howard remembered that in order to fulfill his wife’s wishes, he almost built the house on the sea, but later for some special reasons there was no way to do this, but fortunately he finally bought the mountain, and then built the house like this, fortunately, his wife liked it.

“yes! It’s really an enviable thing to be able to do something for the people you love! Looking at Howard’s expression when talking about his wife, and Loris talking about Howard is exactly the same, they are so warm and full of love, in fact, it is really a little envious in people’s hearts.

What an enviable thing it is for a person to be able to live with the people he loves and spend the rest of his life together! What a blessing! However, the other party is poor or rich, as long as he can be with the person he loves, in fact, it is the same no matter where he is.

Looking at the feeling when two people talk about each other, it is completely different, and now Tang You finally knows why Ho Dehua is very rich, but there is really no scandal at all, at the beginning, Tang You still felt that it would be that the information he received was wrong, after all, in this commonplace world, many things do not happen to feel a very strange thing, especially Ho Dehua, such an influential person.

Until now seeing Loris and Hodehua, Tang You finally believed and knew, because they love each other and cherish each other very much, such a person is enough for a lifetime, where else is needed.

“You and your wife should be very happy!” Tang You looked at Ho Dehua and said, only men with happy families will succeed in their careers, no wonder Ho Dehua’s business can be so big, the so-called successful man must be a successful woman behind him.

“Yes, we are happy now! She has been following me since I was young, which was almost the lowest point in my life at that time, but she has always accompanied me when I had the least money, always accompanied me when my group was in trouble, and accompanied me step by step, so that I am today! ”

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