"Now, who agrees and who opposes?" With a wave of the staff upright, someone asked all around.

A group of Autobots all immediately began to bow their heads to count the ants, including the eager Repo, who also closed their mouths.

The elders are now lying in the circular bullet crater with black smoke, and the ghost will mess with this guy at this time!

"Since everyone has no objections, then I will do it according to my method." Seeing that everyone agrees, someone dissipated the hot fireball floating in the air and said with a kind smile on his face.

"I don't like his style very much, what do you think!"

Taking the elder out of the crater, Repo whispered to the inspector beside him.

definitely, its so-called whispering is almost like yelling with ordinary people.

"I think he's pretty cool, besides, it should be a special situation during the war, right?" The inspector said sincerely.

In this way, someone directly got the leadership of the team.

The reason why it's so simple is definitely because of the big premise of saving the world, plus the fact that there is no leader in the Autobots, which makes it easy for someone to succeed.

The Hornet was unable to give orders because of the damage to the vocal organs, and could only install a background board on the side. Elders and Repo were unfamiliar with these Autobots, and neither party would be convinced by the other as the leader.

Although someone's way of doing things is indeed a little overbearing, this little problem is not at all hurtful.

At least some Autobots think that a stronger leader is a good thing!

"Now, can you listen to me quietly?" After unlocking Vivienne's imprisonment spell, someone smiled kindly.

It's just that in Vivian's eyes, this guy's smile is so hideous, it's almost like a devil's smile.

However, as a highly educated female doctorate, she still knows how to judge the situation. Even the Autobots have chosen to succumb, so naturally she will not come to the top.

"Well, may I ask? Was the thing you used just now really magic?"

Vivian thought for a while, still couldn't help but asked weakly and curiously.

Just now the other party pointed to himself and he couldn't move, and the huge fireball summoned out of thin air by the other party directly refreshed Vivian's outlook on life.

It's already enough for people to break down in this world, and now even the legendary magician has popped out, which made Vivienne sigh in her heart.

How can ordinary people live safely and steadily?

"Yes, your ancestor Merlin was also a magician. I don't think I need to repeat his story at all!" someone nodded and said directly.

"You mean Merlin? He is my ancestor? How could it be possible that he is a mythical figure!" Vivian asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"He is indeed your ancestor. This is evidenced by the genealogy, and you are currently the only heir of Merlin in the world. If you want to get Merlin's staff, you must have you!" It is said that at this time the elders should be The genealogy of the Vivienne family was put out, but because the elders are now being rescued, no one knows where the thick pile of genealogy is hidden.

After all, with Sir Ed Meng's age and bones, it is too difficult for him to climb up and down to find a piece of information.

Sir Ed Meng, who served as the task NPC next to him, felt that the secrets and beliefs he had stuck to all his life seemed to have become a joke. The other party was actually a real magician. So why have I persisted for so many years?

And what surprised him even more was that according to the records of the monastic society for so many years, Merlin couldn't make magic at all. The reason why he was regarded as the origin of British magic for so many years was mainly because he thought he had the help of Autobots!

But now, even Sir Edmund himself doesn't know whether the records are correct.

There is a real magician in front of him, so no one knows whether Merlin is a real magician or not!

"Well, even if I am Merlin's heir, how can I help you?" Even if there is no elder to bring out the genealogy to prove it, Vivian still said that he has believed the other party's rhetoric.

Because she felt that although she looked pretty, no matter which aspect she compared, she shouldn't be qualified to let a group of Autobots and a magician form a group to fool herself.

She is not that important yet, is she?

The life scepter is hidden on the bottom of the sea, but the specific plot is not well remembered by someone, but fortunately, the role of the NPC in the task of Sir Ed Meng is fully displayed at this time. In a few words, Vivian thought of her father giving her. Then someone took Isabella to her house with Vivienne to find clues in her dad’s study.

Originally, Sir Edmund wanted to be with him, but someone thought he would stay in the castle at his old age and directly refused him to join.

Someone here is leading two women in a treasure hunt, while Megatron has kidnapped several senior CIA officials over there and is negotiating with the fast-reaction forces.

Of course, in someone’s eyes, the strength of the quick reaction force is just like that, but that’s because he has had similar experience in the world of Resident Evil. In fact, the quick reaction force is still very powerful. Over the years, he has caught some notorious madmen. Send Autobots.

Only after regaining full strength, Megatron wanted to fish out his subordinates in order to complete the task that Quintasha gave him.

It's just that there is a big gap with the original plot this time, because Megatron fully agreed to all its requirements as soon as he spoke. Even the ultra-dangerous Decepticons such as Nitrogen Zeus and Sark Giant were released.

Seriously, even Megatron himself didn't expect this kind of ending, which made him startled.

Could it be that I really kidnapped something terrible big shot?

In fact, for this matter, the US government has already started a quarrel!

Someone didn't even have the slightest idea of ​​concealing their whereabouts. Besides, with such a large group of Autobots, even if they wanted to hide, they couldn't hide it.

The Dharma that descended from the sky incorporated Autobots into the Autobots at lightning speed, and also ran to the UK by the way. According to intelligence, it seemed that he was looking for a super scepter?

Coupled with the huge metal sharp horns that just popped up from all over the earth, it made the Capitol Hill guys believe that there is a high probability that the Fashen guy will come to the earth for military exploration. Maybe the next wave will come. It's the alien fleet!

But no matter how suspicion they were in their hearts, they didn't dare to attack each other rashly, because maybe there is a very small probability that the other party really came to travel?

Generally speaking, this kind of ostrich mentality does not exist in the United States as the world's hegemon, but now facing a cosmic empire that can fight across galaxies, Yankees can only choose this method of stabbing a knife in the back.

Even if Megatron doesn't come to them, they will try to find each other so that they can fight with someone.

Regardless of whoever loses, it is a victory for the United States. It would be better if the two sides could fight directly to the point where both sides were injured and then let them profit.

As for the damage and casualties that may be caused by the fighting between the two sides?

For the future of all mankind, someone has to make sacrifices, right?

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