“The captain is back!”

“Team America is alive!”

“It turns out that the American team did not die at the beginning, it was just frozen!”

“Our most beloved hero, Steven” Steve Rogers is back strongly, let’s cheer, let’s shout, long live the captain…”


Time passed, as the Hulk was hired by Jiang Yuan and officially joined Jiang Yuan’s team, and as Jiang Yuan thought about the time to integrate other biological genes and live comfortably.

On this day, M was boiling over the country.

The reason for this is that the most admired hero in modern history, Captain America, was suddenly reborn and suddenly entered the public’s field of vision again.

A large number of people who knew him were excited and boiled over it.

Major newspapers, news media, and all over the world are full of news about Captain America.

Of course, some people are happy, and some people are depressed.

Especially some other countries that have conflicts with M, as well as some underground organizations and so on, when they find out about such things, they are naturally very unhappy.

Captain America.

This man is a hero specially erected by M during World War II.

His existence is not only feared because of his force, but more importantly, his symbolism.

He is a belief.

“M actually dug up Steve, this old antique, this is what he wants to do.”

“What kind of moth is this S.H.I.E.L.D. preparing to make trouble?”

When some organizations are unhappy, they naturally can’t help but turn their thoughts and analyze the purpose of M’s hand.

“Has Team America appeared, so Loki is coming to Earth soon, and besides, Thor that guy is also going to appear?” At the same time, the Cosmic Cube, the space gem among the Infinity Stones, should also appear. ”

The appearance of Captain M was so overwhelming publicity, Jiang Yuan naturally could not have known such a thing, and when he knew such things, his eyes subconsciously narrowed.

Speaking of which, although he has extracted a lot of genes, there are ordinary creatures and powerful mutants, but the so-called god’s genes have not yet been extracted.

I don’t know what God’s genes look like.

Of course, compared to extracting the genes of the gods, Jiang Yuan cares more about the troubles that may arise next.

Once Loki and Thor descend on Earth, there will be trouble.

And now his career is in M.

This happens to be the center of the incident, and in such a situation, even if he does not take the initiative to find Loki and others, he will inevitably have to do something with them.

As for space gems.

Although the Infinity Stones claim to be extremely powerful.

But for such a gemstone, Jiang Yuan has no interest for the time being.

Not to mention that once a certain number of gems are collected, it will attract Thanos’s attention, just collecting gems is troublesome, and it is not something that Jiang Yuan is willing to consider.

With the skill of collecting gems, he might as well extract more powerful genes, which can completely make himself stronger fundamentally, and where do you need external forces to increase your strength.

Since he was promoted by nine five two seven not long ago, he did not absorb the genes of living organisms completely enough to fully integrate their combat effectiveness.

Jiang Yuan first extracted the spider’s silk genes, and then successively obtained the genes of elephants, geckos, and praying mantis to further improve his defense and regeneration ability and attack ability.

However, although Jiang Yuan got the big elephant and gecko and praying mantis to fuse genes to improve his ability again, Jiang Yuan found that as his strength continued to get stronger, the genes of ordinary creatures did not increase his physical strength or anything.

The effect is completely absent from the effect it did at the beginning.

Let Jiang Yuan know very clearly that if he wants to improve his strength on a large scale, only high-level genes can do it, and he must fuse the genes of the strong.

However, from the mantis’s genes, Jiang Yuan also obtained a means of combat and killing.

From the genes of praying mantises, Jiang Yuan extracted a gene called ‘mantis knife arm’.

Yes, the genetic name is the mantis knife arm.

It is the same as the spider induction extracted by Jiang Yuan before.

At that time, the spider induction extracted by Jiang Yuan was able to give him the ability of spiders to sense danger, and passively had a super reaction.

And this mantis knife arm is to strengthen Jiang Yuan’s arm, allowing Jiang Yuan to master a means similar to the mantis attack.

This is obviously an use of arm fighting skills.

Jiang Yuan’s arm strength was suddenly no worse than his leg strength.

You must know that Jiang Yuan’s physical strength, with the special strengthening of his legs, the attack of leg strength is many times stronger than the strength of his own arms.

Therefore, many times Jiang Yuan habitually attacked with his legs in close combat.

And now this mantis knife arm makes up for the strength of the arm gene, and after fusing the mantis knife arm gene and some other genes of the mantis, Jiang Yuan also found that some of the fighting methods of the mantis have become stronger.

Born as if he was good at mantis knives and mantis fists.

As a result, Jiang Yuan’s interest in fusing some ordinary biological genes became even greater.

He extracted the genes of monkeys, snakes, tigers, and leopards.

He did not specify anything to extract.

Because his creature can extract Magneto’s genetic ability, there is not much left of itself.

A specified withdrawal requires 10,000.

Ordinary extraction is only a thousand.

In the case that random is still a certain benefit, Jiang Yuan naturally chooses random extraction.

Under such extraction, Jiang Yuan soon had a rule.

If you want to have the fighting ability of an ordinary creature, you must extract the genetic ability that the current creature mainly supports its fighting.

Like the attack of the praying mantis, in addition to the knife arm, there is also the mantis sensing, bounce, when these genes are fused together, it will naturally have a certain fighting ability.

After extracting these genes, Jiang Yuan also went to watch some attack videos of praying mantises, tigers, snakes and other animals.

Under such circumstances, when Jiang Yuan used all the genes that could be extracted, he mastered several pictograms.

The melee ability is even stronger. _

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