“Randomly extracted the cheetah ‘claw’ gene, whether to fuse.” Under a series of prompts, 9527 suddenly said to Jiang Yuan.

“Claw?” Jiang Yuan’s eyes widened sharply.

“Yes host.” Ninety-five twenty-seven replied again. 、

“Will the fusion of claw genes make me mutate? It won’t become non-human. After making sure that he had not heard correctly, Jiang Yuan solemnly said to Nine Five Two Seven again, this matter made him have to be cautious.

He doesn’t want to become some non-human, mutant creature, when the time comes, people are not ghosts or ghosts, and they are engaged in wool.

“The claw gene is similar to the claw ability of Wolverine in the host’s memory, allowing the host to show sharp nails and tear the current creature in the process of wanting to use it. Of course, the hardness of this claw cannot be compared with Wolverine’s Edman alloy. However, if the host studies Wolverine and injects its own body with Edman alloy, it may be able to have the same claw hardness. 9527 explained for Jiang Yuan.

“Forget it, I don’t want to try the inhuman pain of Edman alloy into my body.” Jiang Yuan shook his head, it was respectful and unsensitive.

“So whether the host is going to fuse or not.” Nine-five-two-seven.

“Since it won’t make me a monster, it’s naturally fusion.” Jiangyuan Road.

“Convergence is ongoing.”

“Fusion is over!”

The mechanical voice of 9527 followed closely, and then Jiang Yuan found a strange force integrated into his body, transforming his body, and then Jiang Yuan found that he had an additional ability to make his nails lengthen, harden, and sharp in an instant.

With this understanding, Jiang Yuan subconsciously urged the ability, and with his urging, Jiang Yuan suddenly found that his nails suddenly lengthened, hardened, and extremely sharp.

Although it cannot be compared with the claws turned into Wolverine’s Edman alloy, the power is not small, used to kill people or something, grab on the other party, that is also quite terrible, let the other party’s skin open flesh, open the intestine and stomach, is completely fine, equivalent to carrying a murder weapon with you.

After trying this ability a little, he followed Jiang Yuan and said to the system again: “Continue to random extraction.” ”

“Spend a thousand creatures again to randomly extract cheetah genes!”

“Genes are being randomly extracted!”

“Randomly extracted the cheetah ‘speed’ gene, whether to fuse.”

After a flurry of conventional prompts, a prompt that made Jiang Yuan’s eyes light up appeared.

“Merge me immediately.” Jiangyuan Road.

“Convergence is ongoing.”

“Fusion is over!”

Following Jiang Yuan, he found that his body had changed to a certain extent, and his body was actually strong again with the fusion of cheetah genes, making his physical strength stronger on the original basis, and while his body became stronger, Jiang Yuan found that his body was now full of explosive power.

It gave him a desire to run wildly.

So he ran around the manor like crazy.

“Brush, brush, brush…”

This run, Jiang Yuan’s stride is like flying, and the speed is quite amazing.


The cheetah (scientific name: Acinonyxjubatus), also known as the Indian leopard, is a species of feline and the only species in the genus Cheetah. Cheetahs are the fastest animals on land, running at speeds of up to 120 kilometers per hour. Cheetahs have black spots all over their bodies. There is a black stripe from the corner of the mouth to the corner of the eye, and the end of the tail is one-third of the end) with a black ring; The hair on the back of the neck is relatively long, like a short mane, and the body is slender, with long legs and a small head.

Now that Jiang Yuan has fused the speed gene of the cheetah, coupled with his own body, he has successively become stronger in obtaining the ant gene and the electric eel gene, and his speed is suddenly much faster than the speed of the cheetah itself.

One hundred and twenty kilometers per hour) is not at all the limit of Jiangyuan.

However, running speed is only one of them, after Jiang Yuan ran for a while, he experimented with attack speed, and his attack speed and reaction speed have been greatly improved on the original basis.

“The speed, the reaction are there, and then we must start to consider the body’s recovery genes, save life to the greatest extent, and also take into account the flight.”

After more than half an hour of tossing, Jiang Yuan ended the toss, and then planned his next gene extraction.

Although his speed is now fast, Jiang Yuan does not consider himself the fastest person in the world.

Because he knows very well that there are too many people running fast in the Marvel universe.

And some of them cannot be described as running fast, they are directly spatial teleportation.

His strength is now at most able to save his life to a certain extent, and he can’t crush others, so Jiang Yuan will choose to keep a low profile, rather than a variety of high-profile like Tony Stark.

“Nine-five-two-seven, if I extract the flight genes of other creatures, will I mutate?” After turning his thoughts, he followed Jiang Yuan and asked Nine Five Two Seven.

“It depends on what kind of biological genes the host extracts, if the other party is flying by wings, then it is normal for the host to extract such genes and grow wings.” If it’s a sound wave or something, naturally there is no need to grow wings…”

“Well, I see.” Jiang Yuan nodded, followed by his eyes narrowed, and his expression became solemn: “Nine five two seven, in fact, I have always wanted to ask you a question.” ”

“What problem?” Nine-five-two-seven.

“Since you said that you can help me extract the genes of living things, and people are also living things, then I should be able to extract other people’s genes, right?” Jiangyuan Road.

“Of course you can.” Nine Five Two Seven said without hesitation.

“Or is it really possible?” Jiang Yuan’s eyes widened sharply.

“No problem, but there is one thing I have to remind the host, if it is just an ordinary creature, then each extraction only requires a thousand biological energy, and if the host wants to extract some abilities that the creatures themselves do not have, but the ability to mutate, then it is not just a thousand biological energy that can be extracted.” Nine-five-two-seven.

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