In terms of biological research, the Marvel world is a lot of talents, whether it is to let the green fat man join, or let Dr. Hank Pym join it, it can definitely make the research of genetic agents go further.

However, last time Norman Osborne had gone to Dr. Hank Pym once, but the other party did not agree, and then continued to find him, and he may not agree.

As for the green fat man, he has not heard the relevant news yet, which means that the green fat man has not yet transformed.

And Green Fatty, whose real name is Robert Bruce Banner.

Although his main job is to engage in physics research, he will become the Hulk, and he will become a green fat man named Hulk because of the radiation contaminated by gamma bomb radiation, but many studies are actually common.

In the later stage, after the green fat man transformed into the Hulk, in order to suppress the anger, he also kept looking for a solution, and finally let the green fat man get a lot of relief, but absolutely suppressed anger, but he was also able to have a certain degree of consciousness behind.

Even the Hulk, a powerful existence that relies on anger, can be relieved to a certain extent, and solving ordinary bestiality is naturally nothing.

Because compared with the powerful ability of the green fat man, ordinary genetic potions are strong, and they are not comparable to him at all.

You don’t see that Fatty Lu is a person who can compete with a super existence like a sentinel.

Who is the Sentinel, that is an existence with a million sun explosion-level abilities, which can easily hang Thor.

“Now that Green Fat should still be in the military, with the cooperation between Stark Group and the military, it is not difficult to find him and seconded him to a certain extent.” Jiang Yuan squinted his eyes and thought, and then ordered Jarvis to find the specific location of the green fat man.

However, under Jarvis’s search, he could not find the identity of the green fat man.

This does not mean that there is no green fat man in the world, there is only one possibility, that is, the green fat man’s level of secrecy is quite high.

Just like those in S.H.I.E.L.D., it would be difficult to find out their identity unless Jarvis hacked into S.H.I.E.L.D. systems.

“It seems that the green fat man can’t be found for the time being, then the only way to try his luck is to go to Dr. Hank Pym, if Dr. Hank Pym is really unwilling to help, then go to Mr. Fantastic-Reed Richards to help.”

Although the strength of the Fantastic Four team led by Mr. Fantastic is good, as far as I know Reed Richards, he has never had much money, even if the level of technology is good, but because he often makes various things, he has always been very poor, in addition, there does not seem to be any Fantastic Four name circulating outside, that is, Mr. Fantastic and others may not have obtained superpowers. Jiang Yuan’s thoughts suddenly turned, and he muttered a whisper.

When he thought of the Fantastic Four, Jiang Yuan couldn’t help but have some headaches at a certain level.

The Fantastic Four is known to be a time bomb.

With their presence, there must be silver surfers.

The Silver Surfer is a subordinate of Star Swallower.

Destroyed many planets.

And Star Swallowing He is a cosmic tough character, his real name is Galan, the setting is one of the five gods of the universe of the Marvel Comics Universe, and he is the only survivor after the destruction of the previous universe, known as “Planet Eater” or “Star Destroyer”, generally referred to as “Star Swallower”.

All in all, whether it is a silver surfer or a star swallower, it is definitely very difficult to deal with.

But Jiang Yuan just had a headache, and then he didn’t think about it much, there are many awesome characters on the earth, and there will always be someone who can solve them at that time.

After deciding to go to Dr. Hank Pym first, Jiang Yuan harnessed the exoskeleton armor and left the seaside villa directly, since Tony Stark was still officially studying genetic agents, in order to prevent any trouble, Jiang Yuan moved back in.

As soon as he left the seaside villa, Jiang Yuan asked Jarvis to find Dr. Hank Pym’s address.

Dr. Hank Pym’s address wasn’t kept secret, so Jarvis was easy to find.

So Jiang Yuan flew quickly.

“Young Master Jiang Yuan, if you detect that someone below is destroying the city, whether to stop it.” During the flight, Jarvis suddenly said to Jiang Yuan.

“Show me the video images.” Jiang Yuan heard this, and ordered Jarvis in a deep voice.

The reason why Jarvis will remind is that Tony Stark has set a security alarm mode, and Tony Stark that guy has also made various cameo appearances to fight crime since he became Iron Man, in order to exercise his combat effectiveness.

Jiang Yuan replaced the exoskeleton armor this time, and Jarvis’s program was also written with the order to intelligently detect surrounding crimes and remind the driver.

With Jiang Yuan’s order, he immediately saw a video appear in front of Jiang Yuan.

In that video, I saw a huge sandman attacking a car or something.

“Huh, this is Sandman?” Seeing the video, Jiang Yuan’s eyes subconsciously narrowed.

As far as he knows, the sandman named William Baker was born in Queens, New York, once joined a gang, wandered around all day and was later arrested and imprisoned, and his girlfriend left him. William Baker took revenge on his girlfriend after his release, and was arrested again and sentenced to a heavy sentence, but he escaped from prison with his critically ill daughter, and in the process of escaping he broke into a military test site in the desert, where nuclear weapons tests were being carried out at the time, he was irradiated and buried in the desert, and when he woke up and became a powerful Sandman, in the story, he was defeated several times by Spider-Man, the Sandman himself is not bad, but he became withdrawn because of the blow, but finally became a superhero.

“Since it’s him, let’s go down and take a look, the sandman can also be regarded as a sad man, and he can just be collected under his hand.” Jiang Yuan’s eyes narrowed for a moment, and then he drove the exoskeleton armor and rushed down.

When I rushed down, I saw that the murderer was sand out of a big hand, and slapped it at a car, just one click, and the car flew away.

“Hey, man, stop.”

Seeing this, Jiang Yuan directly controlled the shooting of the exoskeleton armor, fired a shuttle of bullets at the Sandman, and levitated above the Sandman.

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