On the second floor of the villa, Su’s body suddenly disappeared into the air.

“I’m going… Invisible, Sue, can you be invisible? ”

“I am in S.H.I.E.L.D., known as the Invisible Woman, and my ability is invisibility.”

“Hey! Sue, you wouldn’t be specifically here to tease me, would you? ”

“Lin, you think too much. Since Tony won’t let us investigate Obadi, I can only use my stealth ability to sneak into the Stark Group to investigate. My ability to stealth can only make meat. Being invisible and unable to make the clothes you wear invisible, so… Before each stealth, you must hold your clothes. ”

“I went, I thought you wanted to bring me happiness, it seems that I still have to continue to be single.”

“Lin, you’re the type I like, I don’t mind coming with you, but now I have a job, go call Pepper over, I have to let her take me to the Stark Group.”

Lin Feng reluctantly got up, ran to find Little Pepper, and after explaining it to her, Little Pepper understood, left the villa with the invisible Su, and rushed to the Stark Group.

“, it’s great to be invisible! Brother has to find a way to break your invisibility ability, and if you show yourself in front of me next time, I will directly pounce on you. ”

Although Lin Feng wanted to conquer the goddess, he had to break her stealth ability.

Lin Feng immediately contacted the system in his brain again and added the remaining talent points to ‘biogenetic technology’.

Lin Feng quickly found a way to crack the ability to stealth, and in biology, there are many creatures that can see the shape of any object without needing their eyes. For example, the bat bat, its eyes are not important, the bat at night, relying on the ultrasound, can locate any creature, and the image of these creatures, through ultrasound in the brain.

For example, whales, which can communicate with the same kind thousands of kilometers apart, whales can locate the same kind, also relying on the ability of ultrasound.

“Lao Tzu goes to get some genetic potions and integrates the genes of the bat into the body, and he can rely on ultrasound positioning and ultrasound to make the image of the creature appear in his mind like the bat bat. Su, if you show your invisibility ability in front of me again, Lao Tzu will make you kneel and sing conquest. ”

Anyway, the technology of the steel suit has to develop, and it is necessary to wait for the cooperation of other departments of the Stark Group, Lin Feng is also a waste of time when he is idle, and he immediately burrowed into the underground scientific research room, ready to study genetic technology.

Genetic technology is one of the greatest technologies of mankind, take the Earth.

Before the 19th century, the world’s grain mu yield was only about 200 to 300 catties, so people in most countries around the world could not eat enough. It was only later that gene technology developed that food production increased by leaps and bounds. Human beings will not go hungry.

For example, in Huaxia on Earth, there is a scientist surnamed Yuan, and the super rice he has developed has greatly increased grain production, and the Chinese people finally do not have to go hungry.

Gene technology is amazing, the penicillin commonly used in hospitals is made by using microorganisms, if there is no penicillin, in World War II, I don’t know how many people will die in the world.

In the Marvel world, the degree of development of gene technology has exceeded the earth many times, and scientists in the Marvel world can already use gene technology to make ordinary humans have super abilities, and mutants are products of gene technology.

Powerful mutants with god-like abilities, such as the Hulk, who has unlimited power, and the angrier he is, the more powerful he is.

Like Steelwolf, like Magneto, like Professor X, like Laser Eye, like Dr. Doom… At least 80% of Marvel’s superheroes rely on genetic technology to have super abilities.

Lin Feng didn’t want to lag behind and decided to study genetic technology from now on. This kind of technology not only allows people to have super abilities, but also makes crazy money.

Using gene technology to develop a super diet potion, 200 pounds of fat, take the weight loss potion, you can have a perfect body in a week, this potion, will definitely make crazy money.

Use gene potions to help humans treat myopia, myopia can be cured in three days, if this potion is made, 1 billion myopic eyes in the world will be crazy for this potion, Lin Feng can make money to earn hand cramps.

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