Chapter 219 Green Mars, Eco Mars T

Huaxia’s lead has caused a chain reaction, and the whole world is already trying to get together money in order to obtain the territory of Mars.

Lin Feng finally doesn’t have to worry about money, the funds for developing Mars are more than enough.

Asking countries to raise money slowly, Lin Feng began to invest the US trillion he received from China.

The gravity, water source, air, atmosphere, and temperature of Mars will all be normal in two months. Now Lin Feng needs to build a biological chain for Mars, so that Mars has plants and animals.

Lin Feng put out 1 trillion U.S. dollars to buy seeds of various plants, young animals, and even various insects, various birds, and various fishes from all over the world.

In addition, Lin Feng also asked global biological companies to help him manufacture various microorganisms.

On Mars, what is needed most now is soil. To obtain soil, the fastest way is to find other planets with soil, and then transfer all kinds of soil from the outer planet to Mars by atomic transmission. This requires more atomic conveyors, atomic reactors, and material restructuring machines. In addition, more spacecraft are needed.

Lin Feng decided to spend 2 trillion US dollars to manufacture three kinds of machines on a massive scale.

There are only two spaceships now, which are obviously not enough. Lin Feng decided to build 4 more spacecrafts, which will cost 4 trillion U.S. dollars, and the remaining 1 trillion U.S. dollars will be used to build the Hadron Collider and increase the output of antimatter. Produce more antimatter engines and increase the power of the spacecraft.

10 trillion US dollars, only 2 trillion US dollars are left at once. Lin Feng decided to spend 1 trillion US dollars on these 2 trillion US dollars to make various robots. Another trillion U.S. dollars is used to buy toughened cement and build various roads on Mars.

As for the money provided by Japan, the United States, Europe and other countries to purchase Martian territory, Lin Feng plans to spend it again in the future.

A huge investment plan has already begun, and 10 trillion US dollars have been turned into orders, which have floated to companies around the world.

Lin Feng stayed on the earth and worked hard for the spacecraft and antimatter engine.

On the moon, Tony, Banner, Magneto and other Avengers are busy melting ice and increasing water sources for Mars.

Two months later, good news came from Mars. After two months of hard work by the Atomic Transporter and the Material Reorganizer, the mass and weight of the two planets Phobos and Phobos have increased by nearly 20 times. These two satellites have changed the gravitational force of Mars, and the gravitational force on Mars is equivalent to 95% of that of the earth.

The atmosphere above Mars is 1,200 kilometers thick, and the area of ​​the ocean has reached 60,000 square kilometers. In the past two months, after the two spacecrafts continuously transported various fish microbes to Mars, these species grew extremely fast in an environment without natural enemies. Now the Martian ocean is full of fish and fish. Various aquatic plants.

Mars now has animals and plants, but they are all living creatures in the ocean. The land has no soil, no grass or trees.

On earth, hundreds of thousands of factories around the world have gone through two months of hard work…Plus Magneto helped build the spacecraft hull. Human beings have four huge spaceships coming out.

These four spacecraft were named ‘Asia’, ‘America’, ‘Europe’, and ‘Huaxia’.

Lin Feng improved the antimatter engine in these two months. The new antimatter engine uses ‘antimatter’ to produce a more intense reaction, which can double the speed of the spacecraft to 3 million kilometers per hour.

50 antimatter engines have been produced, and the hadron collider has increased from 10 to 100, which can produce 100 grams of antimatter for Lin Feng every month.

Lin Feng’s US trillion has fed nearly 500 million people around the world, and most of this money has returned to China and other countries.

In addition, Japan has raised 50,000 U.S. dollars, the United States has raised 10 trillion U.S. dollars, Europe has raised 10 trillion U.S. dollars, and backward Africa has only raised 500 billion U.S. dollars.

South America, Australia, India, Russia, the Middle East, and other regions have raised a total of US$10 trillion. These countries will get the Martian territory they need according to the funds provided.

Lin Feng can’t wait to turn Mars into human territory.

The new four spacecraft, loaded with robots and advanced machines, under the leadership of Lin Feng, the fleet flew to Venus.

Venus is 460 million kilometers away from Earth and about 500 million kilometers away from Mars. Calculated at a speed of 3 million kilometers per hour for the new spacecraft, it is only 170 hours, which is equivalent to a week.

A week later, two of the four spacecrafts, “China” and “Asia”, reached Venus, and “American” and “Europe” reached Mars.

Venus is the most similar planet to the Earth, with an area of ​​460 million square kilometers. It is a planet composed of rocks and soil. Because there is no water and air, there is no life on Venus.

After Lin Feng landed with the two spacecrafts “Huaxia” and “Asia”, the robot began to move down the “atomic reactor” and “atomic conveyor” and began to transfer the soil.

Millions of robots are driving excavators, digging the soil, and sending it to the atomic transfer furnace. After the original transfer furnace decomposes the soil into atoms, it uses the atomic transfer machine to send it to Mars.

The robots on the two spacecrafts ‘America’ and ‘Europe’ on Mars moved the ‘Material Reorganizer’ down and began to accept the atoms on Venus to reorganize the soil for Mars.

On the two planets, there are millions of robots working hard. They can transport 10 billion tons of soil a day from Venus to Mars.

After Lin Feng left the Asia spacecraft on Venus and ordered the 100,000 scientists in the spacecraft to cooperate with the Yanhuang remote operation robot, Lin Feng took the Huaxia spacecraft to Mars.

Ten days later, Lin Feng rushed from Venus to Mars.

Over Mars, tens of thousands of material reorganizers, with the help of anti-gravity technology, hang automatically in the sky. After they received the upper atom of Venus, they reorganized the soil, and a strand of soil was like mud, venting down from the sky. The desert on the surface of Mars is covered by countless soils, forming a soil shape two meters thick.

Lin Feng began to direct scientists and robots to drop hundreds of thousands of tons of earthworms into the Martian soil. These tiny earthworms will feed on various minerals in the soil. After digestion, the excrement will become organic fertilizer.

After Lin Feng sent people close to 5,000 tons of microorganisms, these microorganisms decomposed the feces of earthworms and began to make the soil active.

Earthworms and microbes multiply at a terrifying speed when there are no enemies. They are helping humans transform the soil.

A week later, Lin Feng discovered that after earthworms and microbes were modified, the soil of Mars had already contained a variety of rich nutrients. Lin Feng ordered the robot to drive the flight machine to throw a variety of grasses on Mars in a large area.

The seeds of these grasses grow rapidly under the action of rain and soil nutrients.

Since the nutrients in the soil only reach one-tenth of the earth, many grasses begin to die slowly after they grow a few feet high. But after they die and rot, they will provide organic fertilizer to the soil, giving Mars the ability to recycle plants by itself.

Lin Feng’s Martian soil transformation plan has been carried out for about two months. The quality of Martian soil has reached half of that of the earth, and patches of grassland have appeared on Mars. The endless green color tells humans that Mars has become the habitat of humans.

The Mars transformation plan has been successful one-third. The land can grow plants, and the ocean can grow fish.

In order to perfect the ecological chain of Mars, Lin Feng sent all six spacecrafts back to Earth, transporting thousands of rabbits, insects, bees, cows, sheep, pigs, wolves and other creatures to Mars.

Plants on Mars grow wildly without natural enemies, growing almost an inch every day. Rabbits, cattle and sheep will use these grasses as food, and their dung will fertilize the earth. Large creatures such as wolves, tigers, and leopards will control the number of herbivores so that they will not gnaw off all the vegetation on Mars.

A complete ecological chain has been formed. On the green Mars, the weather is smooth and everything is full of vitality. Lin Feng’s Mars transformation plan is left with the task of building cities and allowing humans to emigrate.

[Subscriptions are almost gone, many authors persuaded me to eunuchs, say not to make money, what else to write. Why! I don’t want to write about science and technology anymore. I took great pains to write about science and technology, but in your opinion, it is a simple plot to make up the number of words. Then I’ll write about brainless fights and kills, and I’ll go back to the Marvel plot. 】

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