Marvel’s Superman

Chapter 484 Timeline, the final outcome

"Could this guy be a lunatic?"

Green Lantern Hal Jordan looked suspiciously at Batman and asked.

If we talk about the superheroes present, who usually has the most dealings with psychopaths, anti-social lunatics, and perverts?

The dark knight from Gotham, dare to say the second, it is estimated that no one dares to recognize the first.

As we all know, Gotham is a city with simple folk customs and outstanding people.

Clown, Penguin, Riddler, Black Mask... Just throw a brick into the sky when you go out, and you can hit three or four villains.

"I'm not crazy."

Dr. Manhattan replied.

He looked at the superheroes around him, but his vision was extremely dazed, with no specific focus.

A few minutes ago, the space-time of this universe seemed to be disturbed, or affected, in some way.

The violent motion of the tachyon, like a hazy gauze, obscures Dr. Manhattan's quantum perception.

He couldn't see what would happen in the future in a moment, as if a movie had been skipped and could only foresee the ending.

"I want you to explain who you are, your purpose, and why?"

Batman stared at the blue man, trying to get useful information from the other's expressions.

However, nothing was found.

"This guy doesn't look like an intelligent creature at all, and he doesn't even have the slightest emotional fluctuation."

Batman's heart sank, and he silently raised the opponent's danger index by one level.

Even a madman like the clown who can't guess the logic of his behavior will show some obvious emotional tendencies.

But Dr. Manhattan is like a god overlooking mortals, nothing but indifference.

"My purpose?"

Hearing the questioning, Dr. Manhattan's eyes became even more dazed.

He looked through the tachyon fog to July 16, 1940.

A young engineer named Alan Scott boarded the train, but unfortunately suffered a collapse while crossing the bridge.

He held on tightly to a green lantern and miraculously survived.

This is the story of the Justice Society, the first generation of Green Lanterns.

Moving forward in time, Dr. Manhattan's eyes fell on November 22, 1940.

Alan Scott put on a mask and sat at a round table, wondering who would speak first.

This is the first meeting of the Justice Society.

This is the story that should have happened.

And Dr. Manhattan didn't let that happen.

On July 16, 1940, Alan Scott boarded the train according to the original trajectory of his life.

The bridge collapsed and the accident occurred.

A blue arm stretched out and moved the green lantern.

So Alan Scott didn't get it and didn't survive.

The first-generation Green Lantern of Justice Society, disappeared.

"It's an experiment."

Dr. Manhattan replied.

His eyes stopped on Batman, but passed through the other's body, looking further into the past.

On April 18, 1938, Dr. Manhattan left the Watchmen universe and entered the DC universe.

The first person he talked to was a down-and-out actor named "Cavill Coleman".

Dr. Manhattan just glanced at each other and knew everything.

In December 1928, Cavill Coleman came to Los Angeles alone, carrying only seventeen dollars and a few changes of clothes.

On January 19, 1929, Cavill Coleman had been delivering newspapers at Paramount Pictures for eight months, and people still couldn't remember his name.

On February 14, Cavill Coleman lost his job after the studio burned down.

On February 12, 1937, Cavill Coleman was fired from the Dan Tana restaurant for skipping work to line up for an audition.

On April 18, 1938, Cavill-Colman was kicked out of the house by his landlord and had to spend the night on the street.

Ten minutes before midnight, he was awakened by a blue light and saw himself.

Dr. Manhattan, who left the Watchmen universe, was confused for the first time.

He came to new places and met new people.

Everything in this world and this universe is like a puzzle, and there is no answer yet.

So, Dr. Manhattan did a simple experiment.

He invited the down-and-out Cavill Coleman to dinner and tried to foresee the future in three minutes.

However, it failed.

Realizing he needed a "coordinate" to focus his attention, Dr. Manhattan stared at Cavill-Colman for a year into the future.

On April 18, 1939, Cavill Coleman successfully auditioned.

The successful attempt made Dr. Manhattan's state of seeing flowers from the fog and returned to normal.

His quantum senses seem to be constantly adapting to this multiverse.

The future looks more and more clear.

On April 18, 1943, the movie starring Cavill Coleman was a box office hit.

On April 18, 1952, Cavill Coleman won the Oscar for Best Actor.

On April 18, 1954, Cavill Coleman died of cancer soon after.

On April 18, 1955, the seats opposite were empty.

In a short moment, Dr. Manhattan saw the life of that person.

Then, he noticed a more interesting presence than Cavill Coleman.

On April 18, 1938, news of Superman quickly spread across the United States.

There was a man in a red cape who easily lifted a car.

Dr. Manhattan sensed that this was the beginning of a change in the world.

A theoretical physicist named "Bryce-DeWitt" has hypothesized that the universe is splitting into distinct timelines all the time.

According to this theory, the birth of parallel worlds is endless, like the branches of a big tree.


Dr. Manhattan opened his mouth and said something that superheroes on Mars don't understand.

His eyes are still moving around the timeline, at that special time on April 18, 1938, when Superman made his first appearance.

Dr. Manhattan keenly felt that the man in the red cape called "Superman" was not only the world's first drag hero, but he was also the center of this world and this multiverse.

With the advent of Superman, in July 1940, young engineer Alan Scott would become Green Lantern.

In January of the same year, a college student named "Jay Garrick" lost consciousness in a school experiment and inhaled heavy water vapor.

When he wakes up, he will be the fastest man in the world.

This is the generation of The Flash.

That same month, archaeologist Carter-Hall came into contact with an ancient knife, awakening the memory of being an Egyptian prince in a previous life.

This is Eagle Man.

In May, a golden helmet with unknown supernatural powers fell into Kent Nelson's hands.

This is Doctor Fate.

In October, Al-Platt, frustrated by his size, found one of the world's greatest fighters and began training under him.

This is the atom smasher.

In April 1939, Wesley Dodds dreamed of a serial killer who was taking advantage of the World's Fair.

Wearing a gas mask, he caught the killer.

This is the original Sandman.

Jim Corrigan's body lays still in February 1940.

Afterwards, he came back to life in search of revenge.

This is a generation of ghosts.

In November 1940, everyone came together and the Justice Society of America was formed.

Dr. Manhattan read the past and read the story of the drag hero.

Then, something unexpected happened.

When Dr. Manhattan went back further, he was surprised to find that Superman had disappeared.

As if deleted, no one heard of it again.

It wasn't until 1956 that the man in the red cape appeared at the Met.

Twenty-five years ago, a meteorite fell over Kent Farm in Kansas.

Jonathan and Martha found the Kryptonian orphan and adopted him as "Clark-Kent".

Superman disappeared because a mysterious force that even Dr. Manhattan could not detect changed his story.

Such changes affect every world in the multiverse at the same time.

By October 1986, when Superman arrived on Earth, things changed again, and the story was different.

Dr. Manhattan is bewildered.

He could not understand such a phenomenon.

Why do established facts keep changing?

In May 1949, a young Clark Kent sat in bed with his dying parents.

Dr. Manhattan watches Clark as he sweeps the grave in 1956.

And in October 1986, he saw the Kents, who should have died, and they were still alive.

A few years later, Jonathan Kent died in his son's arms again.

Dr. Manhattan stands quietly in the palace of Mars, but his consciousness travels through the past and the future.

Time is like an empty room to him.

He can exist both in the past and in the future at the same time.

"I misunderstood the nature of this universe."

Dr. Manhattan spoke again, saying something that other superheroes didn't understand.

He no longer clings to the past, but looks to the future.

Follow the track of Superman and see a thousand years later.

Clark Kent is still there, not gone, like Cavill Coleman.

Superman's legend, Superman's brilliance, Superman's name, as if inscribed on the multiverse, unbreakable.

As a result, Dr. Manhattan was inexorably curious.

After becoming a quantum life, the world no longer has any secrets for him.

Human beings are too ordinary, and life is too mediocre.

Everything seems to be the same, but it is completely different.

Until he came to the DC universe and discovered Superman, Dr. Manhattan found something of interest again.

For example, reshaping the multiverse.

If this world, and even other parallel universes, all exist and change because of Superman.

So what will be the result of him directly changing Superman?

Therefore, Dr. Manhattan eliminated the first-generation Green Lantern, Alan Scott.

On the eve of the Clark-Kent High School prom, Jonathan and Martha were killed in a car accident.

Clark, who lost his parents, became more and more estranged from human beings.

Since then, Dr. Manhattan has made several changes.

Like having Jonathan Kent die in a tornado.

Or let Superman die on Doomsday.

The man with the red cape will always return.

No matter how Dr. Manhattan is changed.

The bigger and bigger changes have finally caused violent fluctuations in the multiverse.

Three generations of Flash, Wally West, discovered the existence of Dr. Manhattan.

Later, Batman also vaguely glimpsed.

"I want to know my end."

For the last time, Dr. Manhattan said something the superhero didn't understand.

When he made these changes, he observed the changes in Superman, the changes in the world, the changes in the multiverse.

The blue man saw the end of the future.

The cloak fluttered, and the fiery eyes spurted hot light.

Superman shook his fist at himself angrily, and darkness fell.

In the following hundred years, one thousand years, nothing has changed.

"So, did I destroy the world, or did Superman kill me?"

Manhattan's dazed eyes seemed to have found the focus and looked at the superheroes who surrounded him.

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