Master Dan Dao

Vol 2 Chapter 7756: The conspiracy of killing two birds with one stone

For ordinary people participating in the trial, it is just a big realm to be promoted from the peak of knights to wild gods.

But Qin Yichen is only in the middle stage of the knight's strength. Even if he is talented, there is still a long way to go before he can become a real wild god.

The appearance of the Snow Emperor is to lend it strength to complete the final step of this trial.

As Qin Yichen followed the Snow Emperor to the top of Fengming Mountain, the surroundings became colder and colder. Looking down, Fengming Mountain had disappeared.

It was as if everything he had experienced before had not really happened.

"There is the most essential difference between the ancients and the gods of the fairy world, not only in strength."

The surroundings became dim, Qin Yichen took a deep breath.

"It's really not the same."

This change in thinking has given Bai Lao a psychological quality that surpasses that of divine envoys.

However, this is not important to Qin Yichen.

"Next, you can continue to develop as a hundred-year-old. I am very optimistic about you."

"There are only two levels above the fairy world, the gods of the earth and the gods of the sky."

"I'll wait for you to step up to this level."

Qin Yichen nodded, and when he looked outside, his eyes changed slightly.

Suddenly, a light appeared in front of Qin Yichen.

Qin Yichen saw the phoenix that was screaming all the time, blazing like fire, luxurious and graceful.

"Oh? He's actually a mid-knight boy."

"You have a chance to ask me for advice. When you leave here, I will give you the secrets that Bai Lao should know, but you can't tell them."

Qin Yichen thought for a while before asking.

"Have you eaten today?"

This nonsensical question directly caused Phoenix to break the defense.

It stared blankly at Qin Yichen.

"Are you serious?"

Qin Yichen nodded affirmatively.

What else is there to ask?

I want to know what question, with the Snow Emperor on the side, of course, it is more honest to ask the Snow Emperor.

And doing so is invisible, showing his attitude to the Snow Emperor.

Seeing Qin Yichen nodding seriously, Fenghuang sighed helplessly.

"Since inedia, you only need to eat the essence of heaven and earth. If you are talking about ordinary food, then I haven't eaten it for a long time. If it is to swallow the essence of heaven and earth, it should be all the time."

This answer can be considered very serious, Qin Yichen nodded affirmatively.

Seeing that Qin Yichen really didn't want to ask any more questions, Fenghuang couldn't help but say more.

"If you take this as a temptation, I can give you another chance."

The main reason is that Phoenix seldom encounters such people.

As a divine beast bred in the fairy world, it knows countless times more than other people, and almost any question can be answered here.

From practice to insight, to perception of the rules of the world, there is no doubt that anyone has any doubts.

Qin Yichen scratched his head, and suddenly a light flashed in his mind.

"What is my relationship with Athena?"

This question is what Qin Yichen wants to know most.

Athena is too biased towards him, to the point of surpassing ordinary interests.

Especially when he left the Temple of the Lord of Light today, the familiarity of grilled fish made Qin Yichen feel that things were not so simple.

Fenghuang hesitated for a while before transmitting the sound to Qin Yichen.

"Okay, the answer to the question has been given to you, let's go out and greet the honor that belongs to you."

The world in front of him changed for a while, Qin Yichen had come to the front of the Hall of Nothingness, and in the Hall of Nothingness, he was exactly what he looked like. Qin Yichen sighed, and then walked into the hall of nothingness. Bai Lao had a calm face. They knew that from this moment on, all their plans would be known to Qin Yichen.

When slim.

"Master of Light, do you have the title bestowed by the Phoenix?"

Qin Yichen said a word lightly.


Although Bai Lao was unhappy, he still bowed to Qin Yichen according to the rules.

"In the future, I would like to take care of you when I plan to do something with Lao Lao."

It was Qin Yichen's name to kill the old.

And this name seems to form a perfect echo with Qin Yichen's plan.

As Qin Yichen took his seat, Bai Lao couldn't wait to enter the next process.

According to the original etiquette rules, now they should chat and get to know each other, and then invite Qin Yichen to take a seat.

But when it came to Qin Yichen, things became much simpler.

The two sides didn't chat or warm up, Qin Yichen sat down directly, and Bai Lao started the arrangement directly.

"Fa Lao has his own believers in the Canglan Star Region, and there are also ruined cities outside, so there should be no need to think about sealing the land for you."

"I don't know what the old man needs?"

Qin Yichen put his hand on the table and tapped the table with four fingers in an orderly manner.

From now on, all the time when he leaves the Hall of Nothingness, everything in the Hall of Nothingness will appear over every floating city in the Immortal Realm.

This is an excellent opportunity.

Banging on the table, Qin Yichen looked up at the old man in front of him, and said lightly.

"I intend to conquer the Fire Slaughter Starfield, and by the way, I will conquest and recapture dozens of starfields such as Youqu Starfield, Chimeng Land, Kroll Starfield, and Jianzha Starfield that are connected to the Fire Slaughter Starfield."

Bailao fell into silence directly, and no one took Qin Yichen's words casually.

No matter how they negotiated at other times, today in front of everyone in the Immortal Realm, every word has to be cautious.

"Now that Immortal Realm is newly defeated, it will take some time to recover. It is better to slow down this matter for now and bring it up later."

Qin Yichen's fingers tapping on the table suddenly stopped, and he looked at Bai Lao.

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't ask for your consent."

"I'm just telling you that I need divine envoys to cooperate with me in what to do, so don't give me another name for treason."

"According to the rules of the Temple of Nothingness, if the internal opinions of the elders are not unified, the divine envoys will choose voluntarily." "According to the plan, it will take ten days to prepare the ordnance, another ten days to assemble the army, and another ten days to rectify the training camp. After one month, restart the same The space passage to the Huotu Star Territory, this time, I will personally arrange for the space passage to be stationed to ensure that there will be no aftermath of the war

worry. "

"Praise my reputation in the fairy world."

The last sentence was very calm, but it made the whole fairyland boil.

Bailao's face was gloomy, they didn't expect Qin Yichen to come up with such a ruthless trick.

Straight to the point.

Bailao's biggest problem now is the loss of land, and if Qin Yichen really succeeds in conquest, their prestige will be instantly cleared.

Moreover, this move has virtually weakened the number of divine envoys in the hands of Bai Lao, and has won an excellent living environment for the Temple of the Lord of Light.

one stone two bird! Bai Lao still has no ability to refuse, this is a naked conspiracy.

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