Uninvited Guest

As they approach the door, a noise emerges from within.

Out of curiosity, she walks ahead of the principal and slightly opens the door. Just then, a paper plane flies her way, hitting her nose before crashing to the ground.

The room boasts a class of thirty students. Almost no one’s listening to the teacher’s lecture. Students are applying makeup or nail polish, sleeping, chatting, or playing on their mobile phones.

Jesus, is this the legendary learning environment the school boasts?

Puzzled, she locks eyes with the principal. The teacher pinches the bridge of his nose to cover up his embarrassment. The principal’s knock and presence deters some of the class’ behavior. At least, the playing cards are tucked away in the drawers at an incredible speed.

“Do you have anything to do with the principal?” The teacher asks as he stands by the entrance.

“This is An Chuxia, the student I mentioned yesterday.” The principal gazes at An Chuxia. “I leave her in your care.”

“Yes, of course.” The teacher smiles and looks at An Chuxia. “Welcome to class A.”

An Chuxia nods. “Thank you, teacher. I will work hard.”

“Now that it’s all arranged, I will be in my office,” The principal says to An Chuxia.

When the principal leaves, the classroom rises up and down.

An Chuxia’s presence causes an uproar.

“Be quiet. She’s a new student in our class.” The teacher calls An Chuxia towards the podium. Many of the faces look straight at her. She admires those who kept their eyes down.

“Hello everybody. My name is An Chuxia.”

“Well… that’s what a small mosquito sounds like.”

She didn’t know who among the boys made the statement, but the class is immediately filled with laughter.

She’s being ridiculed? What a shame.

She doesn’t wait for the class teacher to let the commotion die down. An Chuxia quickly picks up a chalk and writes ‘An Chuxia’. Three characters. As she turns around, her eyes sweep the class and exclaims, “It’s An Chuxia. Please be polite!”

Everyone suddenly quiets down.

“Good. Chuxia, sit with the fourth group of the first table. You have textbooks in the drawer. This section is the language class,” the class teacher says, looking at the space she’s to occupy. “Fei Lixiya, please get along with your new classmate.”

An Chuxia heads over to her assigned seat and meets with the rotund girl who looks timidly at her.

“Hello, I hope you can lend me some advice.”

That girl is momentarily surprised. Then, she puts on a smile. “Ah!”

“Well then, let’s start the class. We all know the poet Du Fu is a … .”

Class A goes back to being noisy.

“We are here today to study. If you’re not like everyone who’s here to seriously complete the homework, get out of class!” An uninvited guest appears at the door.

To what point do these girls get excited? An Chuxia can’t understand their thoughts. She shakes her head and continues to review the next lesson.

“An Chuxia, did you reveal our secret?!”

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