Master of Fist

Chapter 169: 1 arrow shocked the whole city

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Fu Changsheng slid back a few meters, lowered his arm blocking the door, and looked not far away in horror. Suddenly, he saw that half of the courtyard wall had collapsed, and the part directly pierced by the arrow had been turned into powder.

At the same time, it pierced through the outer wall, pierced through a house tens of meters away, and pierced all the way until it could see the bustling market obliquely shooting farther away.

The explosion almost alarmed half of the Fu family, apart from the few unlucky ghosts who were closest to the courtyard, there were no casualties. As for the arrow, ghosts can still see its shadow.

Jiang Heng was a little sad, the corner of his mouth twitched as he looked at the sparrow that was frightened and flew away.

How did you make it so obvious that you were aiming at the sparrow, how did you shoot it out? What the **** is the distance of two or three meters? This human body stroke master can't be counted, right?

With his qi and blood backtracking, his burly figure quickly returned to normal, and he smiled wryly as he looked at the clothes on his body that were once again shattered into slag.

"Haha! Good! Good!" Fu Changsheng was already overjoyed at this time. The power of the arrow just now, not to mention monsters, at least even if the master was shot, he would be shot straight through. kind of.

Jiang Heng was also very happy to see this, but he still didn't agree with Mr. Fu's statement in his heart. With the arrow just now, he vaguely felt that if the arrow goes down, not to mention the master, even the demon will have to drink a pot!

Although I have never encountered a monster in its heyday, but with the monster I saw in Hengjiang City back then, as long as this arrow hits, the opponent will be destroyed in half!

But this hit....

Jiang Heng was depressed, this hit must be well practiced, otherwise you won't be able to hit where others are standing, let alone in the middle of a fight, the opponent will not give you a chance to shoot.

The others didn't know what Jiang Heng was thinking at this time, they were all inexplicably excited after being horrified, and the aftermath caused by such great power made them feel uncomfortable for a while, let alone the person who was hit by this arrow.

Especially Yang Dalang, he has seen his own adults take action, but it was only a trip to Xicun Village a month or two ago, plus a trip to Dadaomen. Later, due to his busy schedule, he didn't have time to follow the adults often.

But he didn't expect his lord to have reached such a point. He didn't have high vision, and he didn't know how far his lord had reached. He can only compare with Commander Lu.

"My lord's strength is probably not as good as Commander Lu's?" Yang Dalang sighed and thought to himself.

At the same time, under the Zhenbao Pavilion, there is a special place for guests to drink, eat and listen to ditties. Every day, the shopkeeper will arrange some skilled storytellers or young ladies who go to sing songs in the city to perform on stage.

Upstairs in the private room, Zhang Jiangzhu was sitting near the corridor, looking with great interest at the little lady playing and singing below. The inseparable woman at the side handed me some fruit and snacks from time to time, and fed them to the handsome man in front of her with affection.

Standing behind him was the tall and strong man who had always been taciturn, but today he also changed into ordinary casual clothes and stood behind the two of them like an iron tower. I didn't see how he was on guard, but he seemed to be listening to this with his eyes slightly closed. Pretty interesting little song.

"Good! Good! Miss Yi sang well, let's do another verse!"

A young master clapped his hands in applause, and at the same time waved his sleeves, the servants who were waiting by the side hurriedly stepped forward knowingly to present a silver ingot to the maid of the little art girl.

Generally, the people who come here to perform arts are not poor and poor families. Most of these women who sell singing are the nobles in the brothels. Now that it is near the middle of this year, the brothels can’t do it anymore, so they often go to restaurants or teahouses to sing. Xiaoqu earns her daily necessities, and she usually brings along one or two maids to help her.

Seeing a reward from a respected guest, the little art girl who looked pretty well-maintained once again played the pipa in her hand and sang.

This little art girl is not pedantic, she didn't sing the elegant poems in the brothel, it is elegant in a place like the brothel, most of the guests don't understand, but in order to highlight their identity, they will listen with interest and pretend to listen Know how to applaud.

But in this restaurant and other places, if you sing it that way, it will be out of place. The guests prefer that kind of ditty with a story, and this little art girl sang a ditty similar to country folk tales.

It is generally about the weird things in folk rumors. This is a painted skin, and it is about a scholar who was rushing to take an exam. He met a down-and-out woman. But one time, the scholar accidentally discovered that the woman went to the creek in the middle of the night, curious in his heart, but saw a creepy scene. But I saw that the woman began to paint on a faceless skin little by little with the reflection of the moonlight on the lake.

Such country and grotesque ditties are generally very popular, and storytellers who come here to tell stories are also willing to tell some such grotesque rumors. But in the end, there will generally be some plots where some extraterrestrial masters save the world, which is very popular among the people.

Master Zhang also felt a little stroking his beard and said with a light smile: "This song is a bit interesting, give the red silk a hundred taels of silver!"

"General~ What's so good about this singing!" Hong Sijia said coquettishly But she got up obediently and went downstairs.

Zhang Jiang continued to listen, with a slight smile on his face, listening very interestingly.

But at this moment, a faint roar that pierced through the air flew across the sky of the Treasure Pavilion, as if the tiles on the roof were blown away, causing a burst of clattering.

All the guests in the building were startled by this sudden change, and the singing girl also stopped and looked up, as if she wanted to see what happened.

"How can there be thunder out of nowhere?"

"Could it be thunder? This sound is a bit like sky fire?"

"Tianhuo, have you seen Tianhuo?"

"Could it be that a master of the rivers and lakes passed by?"

There was a whisper below, and there were different opinions. Some people said that it was the fire from the sky, some said it was the thunder in the daytime, and some said it was the masters of the rivers and lakes flying over the house.

Zhang Jiangzhu, on the other hand, looked dignified, and glanced at the tall and strong man behind him. The two nodded, stood up, turned over and leaped lightly to the eaves outside the window, and leaped lightly to the roof of Zhenbao Pavilion again.

But as soon as he turned over and went up, there was an even more astonishing loud noise in his ear.

boom! ~

The huge sound exploded suddenly, this time it was really like thunder, and the expressions of the two people changed slightly and followed the sound.

However, a big hole had been breached in the distant city wall at this time, and many stones exploded and fell down. It was even possible to see that the patrolling soldiers were shaken and fell to the ground. The soldiers on the entire city wall were inexplicably terrified, and each of them supported the female wall and was terrified.

At the same time, countless people in the city saw this scene, and the city was in turmoil. Countless people watched the shocking change on the city wall in horror, and no one knew what happened!

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