Master of Fist

Chapter 530: war of false gods

In a short while, Jiang Heng had caught up with Li Miaozhen and Ye Lao.

After seeing Jiang Heng's appearance, Li Miaozhen immediately relaxed a lot.

"Is it all right?"

Li Miaozhen said with concern.

"It's all right, although there are turmoil, everything is going smoothly!" Jiang Heng didn't go into detail about the process, and Li Miaozhen and Ye Lao didn't deliberately ask, but just looking at their expressions, they were actually very curious about Jiang. How on earth did he survive such a desperate death.

"Next, we will return to the ancestor star as soon as possible. Brother Jiang, please take care of us along the way!"

Li Miaozhen bowed solemnly to Jiang Heng again, with a very respectful attitude.

"What's your plan after returning to Li's house?" "Choose your confidants and some trusted vassals to withdraw from the alliance!" Li Miaozhen said it directly without hiding anything.

In front of Jiang Heng, she knew that it was useless to conceal it. Instead of doing that, she might as well tell the whole story honestly, so as to leave a good impression on the other party's heart.

"Withdraw from the alliance, but your Li family's foundation is all in the alliance. Wouldn't the accumulation of tens of thousands of years be wiped out in one day?"

Jiang Heng raised his brows slightly, showing a hint of surprise. For such a bold move, ordinary people really can't make such a determination.

"But right now, my Li family has only two options. Either stay in the alliance and live with the alliance, or leave the alliance and give up the alliance completely."

Li Miaozhen thinks very clearly that staying in the alliance is actually meaningless at all. The countless contacts and resources accumulated by the Li family in the alliance for tens of thousands of years are indeed an unimaginable wealth, but this kind of wealth also requires There are prerequisites, such as the alliance still exists, and their Li family has a great say in it.

But these ended with the strong intervention of the Starry Federation, and everything became empty talk.

"Are you planning to go to the empire after withdrawing from the alliance?" Jiang Heng looked at Li Miaozhen.

"Yes! It is indeed going to the empire. Our Li family has already started preparing for the evacuation in advance, but I don't know what the plan is for Brother Jiang. If it is possible, I would like to hear Brother Jiang's opinion."

Li Miaozhen raised her eyes and looked at Jiang Heng with a light smile as she spoke.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng couldn't help grinning. Li Miao is really a smart person. The other party just wants to form a long-term alliance with him. This question is more like wanting to see where Jiang Heng is going. Maybe his Li family can follow the trend. for.

"Master Li, I was thinking that our fate would fade away in the future, but unexpectedly, the Li family has such courage. So, it is a coincidence that Jiang also wants to go to the empire, and there are some things that need to be dealt with. Two, now is the time."

Jiang Heng smiled and said, it is time to resolve the matter in the Qinglan Realm. With the current strength, even without the help of external forces, he would not be afraid to deal with a superior bloodline family of the orc race.

"Oh! That's great!" Hearing this, Li Miaozhen's face immediately beamed with joy. She was still thinking about how to persuade Jiang Heng to go to the empire together or how to try her best to impress this person, but she never expected such unexpected joy.

"I don't know what the plan of Mr. Ye is going here?" Li Miaozhen looked at Mr. Ye who was silent at the side, and said with a smile: "If Mr. Ye is going to leave now, then my Li family's previous commitment must be true. , if you stay, naturally my Li family will still be honored as the honored guest! And the previous benefits are still valid."

Listening to Li Miaozhen's promise and promise, Ye Lao's expression was very tangled for a while, a tangled look of wanting to promise but wanting to think carefully.

However, Jiang Heng glanced at Jiang Heng who seemed to have nothing in his eyes, and his heart was suddenly excited, and he said immediately: "Ye Mou also wants to leave the alliance this time, now the Li family will not give up, Ye Mou is still alive There is nothing to refuse!"

He thought very clearly that the current situation of the alliance is unknown, and the central star has been breached, and the entire alliance will probably fall into a long-term turmoil in the future. He doesn't know the overall situation, but he knows that if he wants to survive, he must be by the side of the strong!

With a strong man like Jiang Heng, I am afraid that there is no threat other than the rumored Taoist powerhouse.

"That's great! Mr. Ye's move is very kind, and Mr. Li will definitely reward Mr. Ye accordingly." In fact, except for Huntian Jin, the Li family will not give too many other benefits.

After all, they begged the other party to help out that time, but now it is an equal employment relationship, and there is no absolute imbalance between the two parties.

As for the benefits given to Jiang Heng afterwards, it is definitely not bad. This mainly depends on the sincerity of the Li family. Judging from the courage shown by Li Miaozhen, this is definitely not less than the reward.

The shuttle was slowly driving towards the portal of the Great Formation Fortress when it came to the central star field. Because the speed of the shuttle was not particularly fast, it was impossible to reach there in a short time.

However, at this moment, the flying shuttle shook violently, and everyone on the flying shuttle stabilized their bodies in amazement, but no matter what, they felt as if they were in a precarious place, swaying from side to side.

"It's not because of the flying shuttle, it's the surrounding space, the space is shaking violently!" Jiang Heng took the lead in responding, this kind of violent tremor definitely couldn't have happened inexplicably, it might have some kind of deeper meaning.

Li Miaozhen and Ye Lao are in even worse condition at this time. This kind of violent tremor in space is obviously extremely high frequency, and it has an imminent tremor effect on soul consciousness. The conscious soul's mastery over the body is plummeting right now.

Jiang Heng didn't have much influence, the strength of his physical body forcibly weakened nearly 80% of the discomfort.

A pair of eyes looked around, and finally saw an extremely horrifying scene.

In the central star area in the distance, a straight and smooth thin line can be seen opening to both sides with the naked eye, as if the cracked black eye is about to swallow everything, the black eye stretched by the thin line lasted for dozens of breaths, and In the end, the dark eyes completely disappeared as the thin lines closed, and the central star that symbolized the central hub of the alliance disappeared at the same time.

"The central star has been devoured!!"

With the disappearance of the thin thread, Li Miaozhen's control over the body gradually recovered, and the consciousness returned to the body, looking at the scene in front of him in shock.

"This is being pulled into the space. It is rumored that a strong man in the Dao realm can use his supernatural powers to pull things into the adjacent space, block them or even seal them to restrict opponents."

Ye Lao muttered to himself in shock.

"A strong man in the Dao realm? There is a strong man in the Dao realm in the central star? How is this possible?" Li Miaozhen was a little surprised, she thought about it for a moment and was a little confused: "Could it be that the winner and the Ji family awakened the strong man in the Dao realm in advance? Impossible , Only by being vigilant in advance will the Dao Realm powerhouse be awakened, otherwise it will be a huge loss for the family to wake up the Dao Realm powerhouse for no reason. But if you are alert in advance, how can you be caught off guard by the Seiya Federation?"

Li Miaozhen was very confused.

"Could it be the one from the Seiya Federation..." Ye Lao reminded.

"No! Absolutely impossible! The secret of the Dao Realm is the greatest secret of our human beings. As a foreign race, the Seiya Federation does not even have a living body, so it is impossible to master the space and achieve the Dao Realm!"

Almost without thinking about it, Li Miaozhen denied this guess.

"It really doesn't look like the one from the Seiya Federation. The Space Eye that appeared just now seems to be pulling someone or an opponent into it together with the central star and trying to trap him.

But now it doesn't seem so good! "

As Jiang Heng said, the situation in the distance changed drastically again, and a super-powerful explosion like a supernova explosion radiated from the position of the central star. Unlike regular explosions. That space is more like a silent explosion, and the explosion is a whole space.

As the invisible explosion emerged, a pitch-black void suddenly appeared in that space, a void that could not see a single bit of light at all. Immediately afterwards, an invisible wave flickered, and the central star and several satellites emerged at the same time. It was astonishing that all the stars that had been swallowed by the eye of space before were all spit out at this time.

At this time, the shuttle is very far away from the central star, and only a few small dots can be seen, representing the range of the central star.

However, at this moment, a bright silver dot in the central extraterrestrial space is rapidly growing and growing.

Jiang Heng's pupils shrank suddenly, because he suddenly discovered that it turned out to be a human-shaped figure. The figure of the human-shaped figure grew rapidly, surpassing the size of the central star in just a few breaths, and eventually it was dozens of times larger than the central star. Many times, the central star was manipulated wantonly in the giant's hands like a small ball in the palm.

This is obviously the giant god-like existence that was constantly struggling to escape from the passage seen at the underground martial art altar.

At this time, there were constant space fluctuations flickering around him, and there were continuous space cracks trying to cause more damage to him, but they were all offset by the quickly replenished star body. The steady stream of stars formed the blood and vitality of the giant.

The metal **** slowly raised his palms, and then snapped them together, his palms were like two huge cosmic celestial bodies crushing directly towards the central star suspended in the middle.

Under the terrifying colossal power and the gigantic size of the metal god, the central star in front of him was completely transformed into a cosmic firework after a burst of gorgeous sparks and many rays of light and heat.

This central star, which symbolized tens of thousands of years of history, was completely reduced to nothingness, and was crushed into powder by this terrifying figure.

With the annihilation of the central star, it seemed to anger a certain existence who was fighting the metal god. A giant space eye opened, and it kept covering the giant figure in the middle, trying to tear it apart. Split into several pieces.

The terrifying space tremor struck again, and the three people on the shuttle were affected to varying degrees. Jiang Heng took the lead in breaking free from this weird feeling, shook his swollen head, and looked into the distance again, He almost couldn't close his mouth.

A more terrifying space explosion struck again, and the successive space shocks cut and merged made the space near the central star fall into a chaotic and distorted state, and a dark vortex was appearing at the original position of the central star.

This is a black hole, and a real black hole is taking shape at breakneck speed.

The space near the black hole is still not stable, and the giant metal gods will appear from time to time, but will soon be swallowed up by the space and disappear.

What makes Jiang Heng a little depressed is that the unstable space is rapidly spreading outward.

"You must get out of here quickly!"

Looking at the two people who were completely incapacitated, Jiang Heng waved his arms, and a thunder light suddenly appeared on his body. His figure rose into the sky and instantly turned into a golden thunderbolt, forming a giant flying Lei Peng. He stretched out his giant claws and snapped The shuttle instantly disappeared in place.

Jiang Heng's flying speed was extremely fast, and soon he completely got rid of the influence of the distorted space behind him...

At this time near the central star, the surrounding space turbulence and space storms are constantly emerging. With a strong Daoist unscrupulously displaying great supernatural powers, there is no doubt that this space will not be able to restore calm within a hundred years.

As for the black hole in the center, it will always exist, unless the Daoist is personally eradicating it, it will always exist.

The Supreme God kept trying to rush out of the space crack, but the surrounding space turbulence was too frequent and weird, which made it difficult for him to escape from the chaotic space.

Seeing this scruffy figure hovering still in the chaotic space, he let out a silent sneer.

"It's said that you can't be killed by your supreme wisdom, even if you kill it, it's just a clone." Li Changsheng chuckled: "But even so, such a powerful star body is expensive and time-consuming. You don’t need to kill them, just trap them forever, I’ll trap one after another, and I’ll see how many of these existences you can create!”

Tens of thousands of years ago, when the Taoists first fought with the Seiya Federation, their morale was extremely even seemed like they were competing with each other to see who would win more. But as time went by, they gradually realized that something was wrong, because the other party had zero casualties in the true sense, and what they lost was only the body.

With such a body, as long as the resources are sufficient and the ordnance industry is working at full capacity, the Seiya Federation can produce hundreds of millions of star bodies every day.

This is definitely a desperate speed, but this kind of giant star body is not common. According to ancient books, the production cycle of a purple-level star body is usually five years. Obviously, this kind of giant star body wants to restore or redo a possible It may be ten years or even a hundred years or even longer.

Of course, after so many years, the Seiya Federation must have accumulated a lot of purple-level star bodies and the giant star bodies in front of them. But there is a maximum quantity limit. The materials consumed by this top-level star body are not comparable to ordinary materials. It is not bad if a star field can gather the materials needed for two or three units.

But it is undeniable that once the central star field is completely occupied by the Star Ya Federation, the army after the Star Ya Federation will once again show explosive growth.

"Blind self-confidence is nothing but arrogance. Your self-confidence comes from your conventional cognition, but without rigorous calculation, you can't conclude that I can't escape from this place!"

Supreme Wisdom spat out a very mechanical and formulaic answer, but before Li Changsheng could refute, he saw a stream of data constantly appearing on the surface of the giant god.

"I have thoroughly analyzed the law of spatial turbulence here..."

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