Master of Fist

Chapter 642: cut the future cut life

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"this is......"

Shenzi narrowed his eyes slightly, then widened them suddenly.

"Heaven-shattering Bow!!"

Almost as soon as he thought about it, the arrow had rushed over. In an instant, he raised his flesh and blood arm to block it.

The next moment he felt a majestic force sweeping through his body. At this moment, he saw the distance through the barriers, and saw the man holding the bow in the sky above the front yard.

This is a person he has never seen before, and he is still a human race. There is an aura from the other person that makes him palpitate.

who is it?

Who is trying to harm me?

Shenzi roared in his heart, his flesh and blood arms exploded under the energy arrows and turned into blood mist, his body exploded and his bones cracked one after another, and he took a few steps back before he stopped.

The arm squirmed slowly, as if to relieve the horrible injury, but large pieces of flesh and blood continued to fall due to the previous energy arrows.

These squirming flesh and blood fell to the ground and quickly turned into living creatures with self-awareness, let out a mournful cry, twitched a few times, and then died.

Seeing this scene, Shenzi's face was extremely gloomy, and the figure looking into the distance was full of overwhelming anger.

"No one will think that I will become the Holy Master! Those who stand in my way will die!"

With a burst of shouting, Shenzi's figure suddenly burst out and rushed towards the person with the bow.

At the same time, Jiang Heng, who had recovered his physical body, narrowed his eyes slightly, took a deep breath, his muscles swelled up one by one, and the majestic power exploded again.

I saw the sky-breaking bow in my hand bend a little bit, and at the same time, the two sections of the sky-breaking bow began to transform into a blood-colored energy bowstring with Jiang Heng's majestic energy pouring in, and the bowstring was stretched a little bit and gradually stretched into a full moon.

Looking at the speedy arrival, the corner of Shenzi Jiang Heng's mouth was slightly raised with anger on his face. The next moment, he loosened his hand slightly, and immediately the blood-red energy arrow formed by the gathering of Qi came out of his hand, turning into a blood light and shooting at the son of God.

"Want to kill me? Break it!"

The Son of God shouted loudly, swung his flesh and blood arm violently, and the blood glow touched it in an instant, a dazzling light erupted instantly, and terrifying shock waves swept from mid-air to all directions.

Shenzi flew backwards, not caring about the squirming flesh and blood on his arms, his eyes were red and he was approaching Jiang Heng like crazy.

The power of divinity erupted in an all-round way, and everything it passed along the way turned into a strange place. All kinds of bewitching deformities grew on the ground, and those servants even screamed and turned into deformed monsters on the ground, screaming indiscriminately.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Heng took a deep breath, it was too late to use the Sky Breaking Bow from such a short distance. Store it in the storage bag at hand.

Jiang Heng's eyes sank slightly, and he looked at Shenzi who was getting closer.

Although his physical body has been tempered by the god-killing gourd, it is infinitely close to the level of the domain master, but even so, it is still not at the same level as the existence with the power of divinity.

Not a matter of physical strength, but something on another level.

"Humans! Die!"

Seeing that Jiang Heng had no choice but to put away the Sky-breaking Bow, Shenzi grinned grinningly, and his big flesh and blood hands began to squirm and were about to slap Jiang Heng violently.

"It's up to you next time!"

At the next moment, Jiang Heng's figure suddenly retreated, and at the same time, he opened the distance slightly and slapped the gourd on his waist.

"Turn around baby please!"

Driven by the thought, the god-slaying gourd was opened immediately, and the whole space trembled suddenly in the next moment.

Immediately afterwards, a scene that Shenzi will never forget happened, the endless saber aura was like stars filling the sky and whistling like a violent wind and rain, almost instantly half of Shenzi's mansion was covered by dense saber aura, everywhere was surging The sword qi is like a storm raging wildly.

There is even a flash of shock flying out in an instant, and the bright shock turns into a streak of horses, piercing the sky in an instant.

Another arc was drawn over the Ten Thousand Beasts City, and then returned to the Zhanshen Gourd, which didn't even take half a breath.

When everything returned to calm, Shenzi who had rushed towards Jiang Heng stopped in place.

He moved his eyes, but he didn't dare to move his neck at all, because he knew that this movement might be the separation of the body and the head.

In his eyes, the left arm fell off and fell down without warning.

Immediately afterwards, the legs, then the lower abdomen, the chest, and even the right arm fell off.

Bloody tentacles danced wildly at the broken part of this fleshy arm, as if they wanted to grab the broken part of the body and try to connect it again, but the son of God could only watch helplessly.

Finally, his head fell with it.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Heng reacted almost instantly, and slapped the god-killing gourd again, but this time instead of flying out the time knife, there was a majestic suction force, and then Shenzi's corpse was taken into it piece by piece. .

Even the divine right arm couldn't resist being put away.

After finishing all this, Jiang Heng breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the gourd on his waist in amazement.

"Cutting one sword is like cutting ten thousand swords?"

Jiang Heng saw it carefully, and also knew it through his connection with Zhanshen Gourd and Time Knife. Just now, the time knife seemed to have only cut it once.

But in fact, the time knife cut tens of thousands of knives at that moment.

It is to cut those parts repeatedly. The reason why it looks like just one knife is because the time knife has crossed a short distance into the future and keeps cutting.

If it was just a few cuts, the physical body of the son of God can quickly restore to the original, and it can span time, and make up the cut again at the node time when he returns to the original, repeating the same as before.

The Son of God's physical body has almost no future, so he will die naturally. It looked like a one-hit kill with no resistance.

"The Zhanshen Gourd not only restored the Time Knife, but also blessed it?!"

Jiang Heng was amazed, he couldn't believe the change of Time Knife. If it was just an incomplete Dao Realm artifact before, then it is now a Dao Realm artifact that surpasses the best.

After all, the ability to span time, even if it is only slightly spanning the most recent period, is comparable to a demigod level existence.

"It's just too much consumption."

Looking at the almost exhausted energy in the gourd, Jiang Heng couldn't help but wry smile.

He put a lot of energy crystals into the god-slaying gourd, and now they are all exhausted at once. If it wasn't for the support of the imperial treasury behind him, maybe he would have to seal this thing up.

After Jiang Heng cleaned up the Son of God, it only took less than ten breaths from the beginning to the end.

At this moment, there was another roar in the hall, and the so-called gate of God's Domain slowly opened, but what came out first was a large skeleton, let alone a skinny mummy that had lost all flesh and blood.

Immediately after, Mr. Jin who walked out slowly was a blond-haired Mr. Jin in a golden robe. It's just that Mr. Jin's physique at this moment is obviously much stronger than before.

It looks like the physiques of Mr. Jin and the Holy Master have been swapped, which is very weird.

Mr. Jin was in a good mood as always. He looked around at the terrified orcs, and then looked in the direction of Jiang Heng.

In the next moment, his figure disappeared in a flash, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Jiang Heng.

The moment he felt Mr. Jin's arrival, Jiang Heng's muscles tensed up, and he stared at him with some vigilance.

This Mr. Jin gave Jiang Heng a very bad feeling all over his body, and the breath of the other party made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Hey! You have changed your body again. Hey, this one is not bad, it's almost at the level of a domain master."

Mr. Jin commented on Jiang Heng's face.

"Friend, since your goal has been achieved, let's go our separate ways!" Jiang Heng said solemnly.

Hearing this, Mr. Jin nodded in agreement, "Indeed, it should be so. But I have changed my mind now, I have taken a fancy to your physical body."

"What's the meaning?"

"I want your physical body!"

Almost as soon as Mr. Jin's voice fell, Jiang Heng was already in trouble.

Ling Yuesuo, who had been ready to go for a long time, slammed towards Mr. Jin like an extremely sinister awl.


This sudden attack directly pierced Mr. Jin's heart. The attack effect of spiritual weapons is an extreme pain in the mental body.

If the physical body is compared to clothes and skin, then the spiritual body is the most sensitive tender meat and nerve cells inside. It would hurt to be stabbed casually, let alone being stabbed so fiercely by Jiang Heng.

This is Jiang Heng's heaviest shot since he owned Ling Yuesuo, and he came here with the idea of ​​killing with one blow.

It was also because what Jiang Heng was thinking in his mind before the attack was completely messed up, and Mr. Jin was also unlucky. On the one hand, he despised Jiang Heng at the beginning.

Since that day, he has seen through Jiang Hengyu's identity as the master-level spirit body, but Mr. Jin is too proud. He has seen too many juniors who have just entered the domain-master level in his life.

An existence like Jiang Heng whose mental body has not yet fully grown is a typical manifestation of the fact that he has just entered the domain master level for a short time.

Of course, Mr. Jin would not pay too much attention to dealing with such juniors, and he even looked down on Jiang Heng because he had just dealt with the king of a family in twos and threes.

It is because of contempt that he suffered such a big loss.

Almost at the same time as Mr. Jin howled miserably, Jiang Heng took out the Sky-Breaking Bow again, and at the same time drew the bow quickly, regardless of his physical fatigue, he pulled it to the full moon in an instant, and shot out one piece in an instant.

An energy arrow pierced into Mr. Jin's chest and nailed him to the ground. At the same time, several arrows simultaneously nailed the opponent's limbs and other parts to the ground one by one.

At the same time, Ling Yuesuo's attacks did not stop, stabbing Mr. Jin's mental body continuously.

It can be said that Jiang Heng's sudden outburst, if he is of the same rank as usual, even the domain master will suffer a dark loss if he is caught off guard.

But right now, Mr. Jin smiled charmingly at Jiang Heng, and the next moment his physical body gradually faded away, and finally it gradually dissipated into nothingness.

Even Jiang Heng couldn't detect the other party with his mind perception, as if the other party had never appeared.

"It's a clone!"

At this moment, Changchun's voice sounded in my ears, and I saw a space passage opened out of thin air beside me, and Changchun, who had been eating banquets outside, came out of it. Looking at the messy Shenzi Mansion, he clicked his tongue.

"What's the meaning?"

Jiang Heng was suspicious.

"Literally, it is said that it is a demigod-level martial art that can be barely mastered by the domain master level. Incarnation outside the body, this person should be another kind of consciousness projection. Simply put, it is the split of the soul. This may be one of the thousands of local clones. one of."

Speaking of this, Changchun looked at Jiang Heng in surprise, "How could you provoke such a guy?"

Wen Yan Jiang Heng also rubbed his forehead, so he explained everything that happened here in detail.

"You said that this person appeared here to kill the Holy Lord?"

"Yes!" Jiang Heng nodded. He also had his own guess as to why the other party wanted to kill the Holy Lord, and wanted to ask Changchun if he knew something.

"He's at the domain master level... Could it be for the power of divinity?" Changchun pondered, and made the exact same guess as Jiang Heng.

"But why do outsiders need this kind of divine power?"

Jiang Heng knew that the power of divinity could not be absorbed casually, or it would be conveyed by his master himself like Qingyue, even if his body couldn't bear it like this, it would be a huge backlash.

Or like the orcs, they are the flesh and blood of demigods, so naturally there are no side effects.

It was also because of knowing this that Jiang Heng did not dare to confirm what the other party needed divine power for.

"Not necessarily!" Changchun shook his head, "The power of divinity is not impossible for outsiders to absorb and use. When the strength reaches the peak of the domain master level or the demigod absorbs and utilizes the power of others, it can be gradually refined. This is actually beneficial to oneself. favorable.

In addition, there are some special ways to seal up the power of divinity and use it to forge weapons with special attributes or magic tools of the temples! "

Dharma tool is also the cosmic title of Dao Realm Real Artifact.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng understood a little bit, that is to say, no matter what the opponent's purpose is, the power of divinity is an indispensable good thing.

This thing is like the origin of demigods, often even living demigods will not easily give the power of divinity to others, so it seems that this kind of godless power is the greatest wealth.

Looking at it now, the divine power that was just received from the Son of God is still a treasure.

"But his clone has been killed by me, those divine powers..." Jiang Heng said in a deep voice, recalling the scene just now.

"He ran away. It's hard for you to stop the conscious avatar from trying to escape, unless you can kill his soul body in an instant!" Changchun shook his head and sighed softly.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng felt troublesome.

"The other party can appear here, who is he? Brother, do you know any hidden old monsters in this galaxy that can match up with this person?"

Jiang Heng had no choice but to ask Changchun, there was a domain master level in this galaxy, which made him feel restless, like a stick in his throat.

Since the opponent can appear in the ancestral land of the beast race, he can easily appear in the imperial capital.

Killing the Holy Lord by a consciousness avatar is like killing Although I have Ling Yuesuo who seems to almost kill him in an instant, but the chance of this kind of surprise attack may not be there next time.

"There are no living domain masters in this galaxy. The domain masters I know are the legends of this galaxy in the early years. If there are such strong people in these years, they have appeared long ago. Unknown?" Changchun shook his head and smiled wryly.

"Right, what should we do now?"

Hearing this, Jiang Heng immediately looked at the huge City of Beasts below him, and his eyes gradually burst into unprecedented radiance.

"This is a natural treasure, brother, what do you think if I take away the entire ancestral land of the beast clan?"

"Ah?" Changchun was stunned for a moment, feeling that he didn't understand what Jiang Heng said.

"Brother, thanks to the fact that you are far superior to me in space attainments, this place is transformed into a secret cave, but it is only hundreds of times larger than my small emerald jade world. Do you think this is the same as the half-sized world back then?" Owned by God?"

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