Master of Fist

Chapter 87: Big talk

"I wonder what Sectional Master Zhou thinks about the current situation in Cangzhou City after the Great Sword Sect is destroyed?"

Liu An still had a smile on his face, and looked at Zhou Yan with a smile, as if it was just an ordinary question.

"I don't have any ideas. This junior is just the leader of a small gang in the west of the city. How can I have any ideas? Senior is joking!" Zhou Yan was very afraid of the pulse-refining person in front of her, and at the same time, she didn't dare to provoke him with words. opponent's actions.

Hearing this, Liu An nodded slightly, and said with a smile as usual: "Then change the question, I don't know Sectional Master Zhou, do you have any objections to joining our Canglang Gang?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Yan's expression changed drastically. He didn't expect the other party to be so direct. One mouthful is about to swallow his entire Black Tiger Hall!

"Senior Liu, this... this junior doesn't seem to have mentioned joining the Canglang Gang?"

Zhou Yan arched her hands, forced a smile, and said dryly.

"Isn't this brought up now? Why is Section Master Zhou unwilling?" At the end of speaking, Liu An's expression became serious, and his tone became cold.

Zhou Yan knew that there was no other way for now. The other party obviously didn't intend to make a detour when they came this time, but had an extremely tough attitude, which was much tougher than the envoys from the Iron Sword Sect and Arhat Sect the previous few times, and the one who came this time was not a young man from the Canglang Gang. Cats and puppies, but a helmsman, which also shows his attitude.

But just as Zhou Yan was sweating profusely under Liu An's aggressive attitude, there was a burst of calm footsteps from outside.

With steady and strong footsteps, it can be heard that this is definitely a high-quality Lianjiazi.

"Who is Sectional Master Zhou?"

A young voice sounded, Zhou Yan followed the prestige, but saw a tall and strong young man with a height of two meters walking not far away. The young man had a stern face, and his height was a head taller than Zhou Yan and Liu An present Come.

The young man was playing with a pair of iron pellets, with a calm and unhurried expression on his face, as if he was relaxing on an outing.

"You are?"

"What? Sectional Master Zhou just took my things and forgot now?" the young man asked with a smile on his face.

"Things? It's you!" Zhou Yan was startled, but she was puzzled when she saw the young and unfamiliar face opposite her.

This is not Luo Yangsheng, is it Luo Yangsheng's confidant? To deliver a message?

"So Section Master Zhou still has guests here! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Hearing this, Liu An looked at the young man's posture, but raised his eyebrows slightly.

What a strong blood!

"Today, Mr. Zhou has something important to discuss, so you go back first, and I'll talk about it another day!" Zhou Yan frowned, he didn't want to talk to the young man in front of him right now. There was someone from the Canglang Gang present, and this person was likely to be Luo Yangsheng's confidant, if he made a mistake, it would be hard to explain it later!

The young man frowned upon hearing this, but immediately said with a smile on his face: "Master Zhou, I'm afraid I can't leave like this today, I have to get back what belongs to me!"

Zhou Yan waved his hand when he heard the words, and handed the previous sword order to Liu An. He just wanted to send this person away quickly.

But the young man took the token, but still stayed in place without moving a bit.

"Master Zhou, I'm afraid you've misunderstood me! My things are not this, but the whole thing here!"

The young man said this in a flat tone, Zhou Yan and Liu An present were both taken aback.

The two of them didn't react for a while, it's really unbelievable that these words were suddenly uttered from the mouth of a young man with a slightly immature face.

"Haha! Hahaha!!"

After a while, Liu An was the first to react and burst out laughing. At this moment, Zhou Yan also felt that his face turned green and pale, Liu An from the Canglang Gang came to ask for the Black Tiger Hall, that's all, after all, the status and strength of others is there!

But you, a brat, dare to speak wild words!

"Hmph! What a shameless boast!"

Zhou Yan's face was livid, and she stared coldly at the smiling young man not far away: "Get lost! This is not a place where you can run wild!"

Because considering that the person in front of him might be Luo Yangsheng's confidant, after all, Zhou Yan didn't kill him, but just scolded him.

But the young man on the opposite side seemed to be unaware, still standing quietly, playing with a pair of iron pellets in his hands, and seemed to be still looking at the layout of the lobby with great interest, as if this place would soon be in his pocket things in general.

"Master Zhou, do you need this old man to help you teach the younger generation a lesson? Tsk, young people these days are really crazy!"

Liu An looked at Zhou Yan's livid face with a smile on his hands behind his back.

Zhou Yan was about to refuse, but with a twitch in her heart, she cupped her hands and said with a smile, "It's the first time I've seen this junior, so arrogant, since the senior is interested, I just want the junior to observe the methods of the senior!"

Zhou Yan was worried that this matter could not be resolved, so she decided to abandon Luo Yangsheng. Anyway, the Canglang Gang is acting today, and even if they can escape today, the Black Tiger Hall will not be able to escape the hands of the Canglang Gang. Taking advantage of this opportunity to express his attitude, Luo Yangsheng gave up his mind.

And from Zhou Yan's point of view Even if the young man's identity is exposed, Zhou Yan can stand up to the truth!

Hearing this, Liu An showed suspicion.

He just said it casually just now, but he didn't expect Zhou Yan to react like this, which made Liu An feel suspicious.

But thinking slightly, she sneered endlessly.

No matter what tricks you play, in the face of the general trend, can the little third-grade realm still turn out to be successful?

"Haha! Good! If this is the case, then the old man will show his shame!"

Although Jiang Heng looked casual at this time, his attention was always on Zhou Yan and Liu An.

Jiang Heng came here this time, naturally to subdue Heihutang. The Black Tiger Hall occupies the west of the city, and the west of the city is the most chaotic place in the entire Cangzhou City. There are many shady activities here, and the black market is what Jiang Heng is very concerned about right now.

Some medicinal materials, as well as some precious high-grade martial arts, would occasionally show up on the black market. Moreover, Jiang Heng needs the chaotic environment here, so that the huge wealth he obtained from Dadaomen can quickly become a steady stream of medicinal materials and martial arts!

It's just that if you want to complete these operations, you first need a local spokesperson.

Heihutang naturally became Jiang Heng's first choice!

Looking at the two people in front of him, Jiang Heng had seen Zhou Yan's portrait before, but he had never seen the middle-aged man next to him.

just this guy...

Jiang Heng felt that the middle-aged man in front of him gave him a very strange feeling, and he could only feel a little bit of the other's energy and blood fluctuations.

This situation.....

Jiang Heng has only seen it on the commander and deputy commander, and the second is the two silver-clothed guards he saw in the conference hall!

This is a martial artist in the pulse refining state? !

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