Metri faction 126.

Anat Thorrand is out of luck.

No, she wouldn't be able to describe her situation in terms of luck...

bad luck But on the other hand, bad luck has to be good.

I must have been out of luck that she was an 'unwanted child' as soon as she was born.

Nevertheless, it must be said that it was bad luck to be able to stay in the mansion because of his high magical talent.

Being ignored by her brothers and her present mother, and being treated like garbage, I guess I was not lucky.

Nevertheless, I have to say that I was fortunate enough to get along well with the users and live like a human being.

I must have been unlucky to lose her mother, who was Thor Lang's maid.

Nevertheless, it must be said that I was fortunate not to be swept away by that 'unfortunate accident'.

......3 years ago.

It must be said that Anat wasn't really lucky that most of the users who would have been on his side went to Phoenix.

Even though the users knew that it was better to go to Phoenix than torrang.


Worried about being beaten by the remaining father and older brothers.

When she goes down to the village secretly, fearing that she will be the maid's substitute. On that cold night alone, when I was trudging down the street wearing a hoodie.

The fact that blood and wind blew in the mansion at that time must be said to have been her bad luck.

‘It’s full of bad luck. really.'

Anat still remembered that day vividly.

The mansion she returned from walking until dawn was very quiet.

Normally, at this hour, I hear a cry from somewhere.

someone is being punished Something bad is happening or doing.

The mansion without a single welcoming person was a cold space.

When I inhaled, I felt the smell of blood.

Looking at the corpses of the Hunters spread out in the garden, Anat slowly entered the mansion.

Of course, it was the same inside.

Her first brother's room too. Second brother's room.

And- Herix's office.

It was the mansion I used to walk in with a smirk.

Anat was able to walk normally for this moment.

And after he went around all the mansions.

Where no one survived.

Slowly, slowly, she walked over the sea of ​​blood, and she headed towards the room that was allowed to her.

She took off her shoes, soaked in gooey blood, and squatted down on the tattered bed.

She just, she just she sat.

... She doesn't know how much time has passed since then.

All she remembers was that her stomach rumbled.

I couldn't count how many times it squeaked.


(“-Girl?! Miss Anat, no way.......!!”)

(“Ah, you’re safe……! I’m glad, I’m glad…!”)

Only after being handed over to the servants who returned to the mansion with the kingdom soldiers, Anat understood that several nights had already passed.

It wasn't until the smell of blood permeated his entire body that he slowly began to understand reality.

The users hugged Anat tightly and said.

The one who has survived in this family now is the ‘mother without blood’. Only her brother, Jax, was in her dorm.

It is said that the Torrang family had been attacked by the Mother Mage.

The appearance of the Mother Mage, which had been infamous for several months.

party leader's death. death of the successor.

The only thing left in Thor's family is a woman who does not know anything about the world and only reveals to men. One wretched man who doesn't help the family. He himself now that he is only eleven years old.

Such a series of information, Anat blankly accepted.


At that moment, Anat's head thought of the word 'opportunity'.

No, it was a real opportunity.

opportunity that appeared before your eyes.

Receiving the hugs of relief from the butlers and maids,

Anat was determined to seize the opportunity.

The maid's daughter, more than this, did not want to live full of bad luck.

She never wanted to miss the opportunity that was coming her way.

――The Colosseum, where the battle will begin soon.

Anat sat in the audience with his ugly brother and thought, looking out over the field.

“……What’s the next best thing, because I roughly prepared it. The best solution is not the only answer.”

"What? What do you mean, Anat?”

"Do not worry about it. Don't do anything more useless than that, and get ready for the match. Put it in your eyes and brain properly.”

“Yes, yes.”

As his sister glanced at him, Jax quickly turned to the field.

* * *

“With Anat Thor? .......Huh? What?! With Thor?!”

“Then you’re the youngest with Thor.”


While Firti's relay was temporarily cut off to prepare for the battle.

At the name that Eud said they had met yesterday, the children were all in agitation.

Of course. Isn't that Torrang?

Of course, Anat Torrang has a slightly different relationship from the previous Torrang, but...

Still, it was quite shocking that Anat had contacted Eud first.

Francesine and Drow, who had seen Thorrand's actions in the past, were even more so.

".......i See."

Only Flora kept her cool between them.

“Skill enough to be called ‘The Demon of Official Wars’…… Yes, if it’s skill, then I have enough qualifications. Notoriety at the academy is also fame. It will double the name value. But-”

He stretched out his hand towards Daman Ewood and grabbed his nose.

“No, but Torrang?! Don't you remember I told you not to touch it?!"

The coolness is only temporary. Even Flora couldn't hide her embarrassment.

“Aww! Ai, you're saying it's from the other side (No, it's from the other side)......!"

Eud, whose nose is caught, makes a snoring sound.

“Besides… Then you met yesterday?! When to take care of the garden?! Eud, get down on your knees!”

“Eud, get down on your knees.”


I thought I was all scolded yesterday.

By his two older sisters, Eud was on the verge of being re-punished.

Even the other children won't dry it this time.

What was fortunate for Eud was-

“Come out, the Metri faction!”

“Ontras factions are coming out one after another!”

Just before being scolded, a large number of people came out one after another on the Colosseum Field.

In the waiting room on the left, seven elves with long ears and green hair.

And in the waiting room on the right-

“Truth……! It's true....!"

“It even came out with her younger sister, Lenny Anne……!”

“The other five are all great people.”

“But I don’t think Metri’s ‘3 entourage’ is a starter.”

“Is that so much self-confidence……!”

Metri faction.

Leading five faction members, True and Lenian stood on the field.

“Uh, the match is 7v7.... How did the other rules work?”

“Hold on, Tiana. I must have put yesterday's newsletter in my bag..."

When Tiana was confused, Drawa in the front seat rummaged through her bag. That was then.

“7 to 7. The randomly selected battle method is ‘Annihilation Battle’. It’s like fighting until one faction is all incapacitated.”

"ah-ha, I see! Thanks for letting me know-”


There, everyone shook their heads.

.......The voice that Tiana was explaining now was a voice she had never heard before.


"It's a surprise?!"


Belatedly, Tiana and Drowa get angry.

Tiana was holding Wood's hand tightly with hers, so she attacked Wood with an intense pinch for a moment.

When the children looked to the right of the seat, a girl suddenly came and stood there.


“Long time no see, Flora-sama.”

“I, it is me!”

Did Flora recognize the girl? Startled, I got up from my seat. The girl named Irina quietly lowered her head once.

“This is Irina Sombrero. She is the eldest daughter of the Sombrero family.”

The current three families close to Metri are ‘Housebolt’, ‘Garum’, and ‘Sombrero’, which were families in charge of ‘throne’, ‘armor’, and ‘business’, respectively.

In other words, Irina Sombrero is the story of the young girl of the Sombrero family in charge of the 'business division'. She is one of Truth's best aides.

Her three brothers and sisters had often heard about him.

Irina also paid tribute to Drawa and Francis in turn.

They both got up and greeted each other like Flora.

From the point of view of the Eirna family of Drow, and the Lindgard family of Francesine, it was a greeting from a higher rank in the Metri force.

The two girls also had to show Irina proper courtesy.

Irina's age is probably about the same as Firti.

Her shiny black hair was neatly braided and tied up behind her. The sense of volume is felt, perhaps, if she loosens her hair, she will have long hair.

Then she asked Irina calmly, she asked Selena, “Selena, may I sit down with you?”

At first, she looked at Irina like that, but Selena was wary, but-

"...Yeah, it doesn't matter."

“Thank you, Selena.”

Immediately Selena nodded her head to Irina. The eldest daughter of Phoenix is ​​absolutely not cold-hearted to those who keep manners.

In the meantime, of course, Selena was holding Eud's hand tightly.

Tiana was still there. Still, she was gently stroking the back of her hand, wondering if she was sorry for pinching Ewood earlier.

Sitting in her seat, Irina watched the two ladies from Four Enix play with her sister in the center.

“As I heard from Truth, you are on good terms, the three of you.”


For Eud, he couldn't help but laugh shyly.

More than that, I heard from Truth.

Eud was worried that Truth might be talking about something strange in a place he didn't know.

“So, Irina- what’s wrong with Irina-senpai?”

Tiana asked it, keeping a little vigilant as usual.

Now, the Metri faction faces a faction battle.

If you belong to a faction, even if you don't participate, you'll probably be together on the side of the faction.

You will not come here without a purpose.

Then Irina nodded her head slightly towards her three siblings and said,

“Truth-sama asked you to join us for a while, so we’re here.”

“Truth, you mean?”

"Yeah. As I was swept away before the faction, if there is something I don’t know, I will tell you one by one.

After all, it seemed that he already knew everything about the Black Lion faction.

Well, it's almost all spread across the academy, so it'd be weird not to know.

“Chin, you’re kind, Mr. Truth…… um.”

Francis said with a laugh. But after a while, a strange expression appeared. The other children also have a strange energy on their faces.

That's right, that's the truth.

There is always a sense of caution in the favor of Truth.

A love call may come at any moment, and an intense event may occur.

“Aside from that, there’s something to be said about Trues-sama.”


Also. It would not have been that Irina was sent solely out of her favor. The three of her three siblings nodded her head together.

[“Then, let’s start the faction battle from now on!”]

Firti's slightly tensed voice resumed.

Still, not stuttering her words, had she calmed down a lot in a few minutes?

[“I would like to inform you that this faction battle is an official match approved by the student council and dean Bernay! All records will be engraved on the academy, and in the outcome of the match, both factions promise to win!”]

At the declaration of Firti's official match, all of her students go to cheer.

The Colosseum, where many ordinary students and other factions gather, is covered with a huge sound.

In the cheers, Fir Ti took a glance next to him and continued his speech.

....... Apparently, cheating papers exist.

[“The rule is 7-7, annihilation battle! Immobilizing or abstaining from all seven members is the condition of victory! And each other's bet is......!”]

There, Eud noticed a change in Firti.

It's a stomach ache.

And, making eye contact with someone in the field.

As Eud followed her gaze—Truth was smirking at Firti.

Does that mean, “Ah, it’s like this because I did it~” is it a feeling?(Read more @

[“Ugh, really...! The loser and the loser faction will be subordinated to the winner faction! It’s a battle to take control of each other’s factions!”]

As if tired of True's gaze, Firti shouted at the cost of the war. At the same time, the shock spread from the audience.

“Right of faction leadership?!”

“You mean faction absorption, not interest?!”

“It’s only then that Metri and Ontras are trying to ‘unify factions’ with each other, aren’t they?!”

“Next week, Griffiner and Gellord are said to be on the same condition!?”


The entire audience was excited.

He must have been able to realize just how big the wave of the content that Firti had just delivered.

Soon, Eud tilted his head at the action of a girl standing next to Truth.


Lenianne looked around the noisy audience seats.

Eventually, the head turned towards the Phoenix faction (provisional).

She guessed right away that she had found Wood. Her blue eyes that did not reveal her magic eyes twinkle. He puffed out her snort.

It was a snoring that was strong enough to feel it even though it was far away.

Then he flapped his arms towards Wood.

Not caring about the audience or the number of factions, it was like Lenian as always.

As much as Eud made eye contact with her, for a moment Tiana took her hand away and gently waved it.

puck! Pak!


As soon as Eud waved her hand to Lenny Anne, her two older sisters attacked her in the side.

The side piercings of the samurai clan girls are stronger than expected.

* * *

“Aha- After all, Lenian. Thanks to you, everyone knows where they are.”

Truth said, looking back at Lenny Anne, her arms waving, and her audience. At the same time, Eud is blocked by two older sisters.

Make sure that Irina is also sitting next to her.

After laughing cheerfully at the always cheerful appearance of the three siblings-

Truth looked towards the enemy's overflowing opponent for a moment.

“Well then. I don't know if you're ready, you royals of Ontras."

“-Metrey's little bastard. I didn't know you would dare to declare war on us from the start. But please don't admit it. From now on, I will have to work under our elf royal family with that spirit.”

“Thank you for hitting me high. But- that's what I'm talking about."

The starting staff of the Seven Ontras faction.

Naturally, at the center of it stood a person of elven royal blood as the faction leader.

However, the elves are as complex as the Eugrassia royals.

In fact, the leader of that Ontras faction - Shyarn Ontras, was not a member of the immediate royal family. From a standpoint, should he say that he is a relative of the royal family?

It must be said that he is in a similar position to ‘a certain Eugrassia royal who is currently in this academy’.

Of course, the fact that they are not direct does not change the purpose of the Truth.

‘Because in the first place, the royal family was struggling not to be noticed. Well, more than that-'

Even for the 'aggression line' to be built later......

Truth first needed to obtain the cooperation of powerful elves. The blood concentration of the royal family is the next story.

“Lenianne. You have to prepare slowly.”

“(Bung-Bung-Bung) ……Chiit.”

At her brother's words, Lenny Anne also stopped waving her arms.

In Lenian's eyes, an intense blue light of magic flashed.

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