Match Point

Chapter 655: return to paris

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It's autumn.

Press Hall No. 1 of the Accor Arena Press Center in Paris was bustling and lively, and the dense crowd filled the entire space.

In 2014, the last ATP Masters event will be officially ignited in Paris today. This is also the last battlefield leading to the year-end finals. For such a special moment in a special year, the enthusiasm of the reporters has also reached a new peak. But today is still a bit beyond imagination.

Originally, five rows of seats were neatly placed in the center of the conference hall, allowing reporters to set up computers and record while interviewing. People are suffocated, I am afraid that even ants cannot find a place to stay.

Press Room No. 1, which can accommodate 150 reporters, was filled with more than 200 reporters at this time, and the scene in front of us was not surprising.

Of course, reporters can always choose to watch the live event in the lobby of the news center through the simultaneous live broadcast on the big screen, but the point is that if they can see the screen but cannot ask questions, then this is meaningless to the reporters , so everyone stuffed it all in.


With the appearance of the press officer, someone in the group of reporters shouted.

click. Click click click click.

The sound of the shutter is like rolling thunder, venting down overwhelmingly, the bright and dazzling silver flash light covers the entire space tightly, and it is almost impossible to breathe. The noisy and hot air waves lick the surface of the skin like flames, vividly interpreting being in a sea of ​​fire real experience.

Vision, hearing, and even touch and smell are all lost, leaving only chaos in the whole world.

Such momentum is really shocking.

It has been a long, long time since professional tennis has felt such vitality. Even if Wawrinka reached the top of the Australian Open at the beginning of the year, even if Bouchard turned out this season, they have not been able to be so sought after by reporters.

However, Gao Wen did it.

All the reporters present were here for Gao Wen. Although the Chinese media accounted for nearly half of them, the other media still accounted for more than 50%. Their faces were full of sadness and excitement, and the air in the No. 1 conference hall was ignited.

"Gao Wen, look here."

"Gao Wen, smile, and make your smile brighter."

"Gao Wen, Gao Wen, Gao Wen!"

The hoarse shouts, one after another, lingered for a long time. The whole photo session lasted for three minutes, and there was no sign of weakening at all.

Even the Big Four have not been treated this way.

Gao Wen was also very cooperative. He did not sit down in a hurry, but kept standing, looked at the camera with a smile on his face, and cooperated with reporters from different directions to take pictures.

It can be seen that Gao Wen has adapted to such treatment, showing his usual calmness and composure.

Gradually, the sound of the shutter and the flash light gradually subsided. After the reporters' needs for taking pictures were met, they were ready for the interview.

However, Gao Wen still did not take his seat. Looking at the reluctantly flickering lights in front of him, he showed a surprised expression and pointed to the mineral water bottle on the table.

"Oh, I know, you're expecting me to be able to take a picture with it, but I won't let that happen to you."

A joke that came in handy instantly made the atmosphere that had calmed down a little bit become noisy again, and both of them let out good-natured laughter—

Just three hours before the start of the press conference, another heavy news was announced one after another, and the first day of the official opening of the Paris Masters was taken away.

The three brands successively announced that they have formally reached an agreement with Gao Wen, and Gao Wen will join their big family and become a part of the brand spokesperson:

Gillette razors, Mercedes-Benz, Evian water.

All three are top brands in the industry, and each endorsement means that Gao Wen's image label has been further improved, and gradually presents a youthful, professional, solid, elegant and wise personal image. Gao Wen is quietly becoming a superstar. On the road, the more you walk, the more solid you are.

If the U.S. Open is a fairy tale, all brands were killed by surprise, and finally achieved a head-to-head game between Nike and Adidas, the two giants in the industry; , is down-to-earth progress.

What's more, everyone can see that Gao Wen is competing for a seat in the year-end finals at this time - even if the hope is slim, the topic is always high, and all aspects prove Gao Wen's current popularity and enthusiasm.

If you make the same mistake the first time, you will lose a lot, so naturally you should not make it a second time.

It is rumored that several Chinese brand manufacturers are trying to form a large-scale signing of the Pan-Pacific Triangular Interaction with Gao Wen and the Australian Open to create a brand new brand image and truly make Gao Wen an idol of the new era. And form a more far-reaching influence in social culture.

Therefore, the three brands chose to announce the news on the first day of the opening of the Paris Masters, and they did not hesitate to crash each other, which shows their determination:

They believed in Gao Wen, and they took the bus before the year-end finals were revealed. Otherwise, like the US Open, after the championship is announced, the world will be turned upside down again. I am afraid that if they sign Gao Wen's endorsement contract at that time, it may be another Another offer is made.

None of the three brands announced the details of the contract. According to industry sources:

Mercedes-Benz is the most sincere and signed a five-year contract with Gao Wen, which is also in line with their consistent signing strategy, which is stable and long-term. It is not easy to sign a spokesperson, but once signed, it will be long-term.

Evian is the most generous. I heard that the average annual signing amount even exceeds Nike, but the contract period is shorter, only signed for one year, and we will wait and see the situation next year.

But no matter what, the industry speculates that the current sponsorship contract on Gao Wen has easily exceeded 10 million US dollars; and there are still many contracts under negotiation. The sponsors are very eager, but Tobias needs to conduct more comprehensive consideration and review , to plan the entire career for Gao Wen.

It is precisely because of this The three top brands have thrown heavy weights one after another, and the news media immediately fry the pot—

If one family came slowly, the reporters would not be flustered after the excitement; but now three companies come at one go, which is equivalent to a heavy weight.

Obviously, Gao Wen also got an early warning and knew the intentions of the reporters, so he came up with the sentence just now:

Among the official sponsors of the Paris Masters, there is Evian mineral water.

If Gao Wen took the initiative to take a photo with Evian Mineral Water, the effect of media publicity would be too blunt and blatant, and it would be impossible for reporters to publish relevant photos for free publicity; Let the attention of the reporters all gather in the past.

Moreover, with a kind of self-deprecating lightness and banter, it has to be said that this method is very pleasing.

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