55. Beyond Dimensions (1)

Even after Lee Ji-hye passed away, Cha Shin Hyeon was in thought for a long time.

As a result, her visit was profitable. Rather than when she was alone in her thoughts, the act of having a conversation with anyone as she liked helped clear her mind.

It was certainly something to be proud of, starting from an ordinary human being and eventually reaching the height of God after adversity, but whether he really wanted it was another matter.

Cha Shin Hyeon said she didn't want to leave the human world yet.

When she met Lee Ji-hye, her thoughts became certain.

She had a relationship with him that she had not yet sorted out, and she didn't want to leave her immediate surroundings after organizing them. He may be different after the years have passed, but he is good now.

After confirming his mind, he no longer hesitated. Numerous possibilities ran through my head, searching for answers.

Neither the goddess nor the godless said there was no way, but Cha Shin Hyeon did not give up easily. He is not necessarily omniscient or omnipotent just because he is a god, as he is. Who knows if there might be a way they haven't come up with.

'something… It reminds me of... … .'

Information from the gods. The change you are experiencing yourself. A hypothesis that can be derived by correlating the two. All of this is tangled in my mind.

It was still a foggy shape, but a faint path could be seen. It may or may not work, but it might be worth a try.

Cha Shin Hyeon, who stopped thinking for a moment, returned to reality.

It was because he recognized that the cell phone he had placed on the desk in his study was ringing. When he reached out his hand, the far away cell phone was pulled like a magnet.


- Are you Cha Shin Hyeon?

A little slurred, but not difficult to understand Korean was heard.


- This is the St. Petersburg Dungeon Management Office.

"what's going on?"

-I received a request from a dragon blood called Elther a while ago. I'm asking Cha Shin Hyeon to visit.

"Is that so."

Why is Elter, who should be on Jeju Island, contacting me from Russia? Did he even go to help with the restoration work?

“Tell me that you are coming soon.”

-Yes. Well, there was a request to accompany a person named Saltion, but… … .

"Well? Ah yes. All right. then."

After ending the call, Cha Shin Hyeon frowned.

It was hard to say anything to Cha Shin Hyeon, and he endured it because he was reconstructed to obey from the soul level rather than simply suppressing it, but Elther did not like Saltion itself very much. It was as natural as a demon's dislike of dragons.

But what kind of wind blew, he even mentioned Saltion's name and asked me to accompany him. Curious, Cha Shin Hyeon stood up.

“He goes out for a while. Saltion! You follow me.”

Cha Shin Hyeon said as she passed the living room. Cha Eun-seol was pleased with whether he was willing to leave the house after a few days.

“Are you going to get some air?”

“Don’t go to Russia for a while.”

“… Don't say it like you're going to some local supermarket. Anyway, I'm going to work. Goodbye!”


Cha Shin Hyeon opened up the space with her sister's see-off. Saltion quickly followed.


The two disappeared from Seoul and appeared in front of the St. Petersburg dungeon.Elter was waiting in an area where access to non-related people was strictly controlled.

“You came quickly.”

“Because it wasn’t really what I was doing.”

Cha Shin Hyeon said as she slowly got down to the ground.

The question of what you were called for became unnecessary the moment you arrived here. In front of the White Dragon, there were three demons who were completely suppressed and waiting for their disposal.

With just one glance, Cha Shin Hyeon immediately recognized the level of the demons.

“Are you an intermediate demon?”

"okay. A total of ten people passed through the crack. If the defensive barrier had been perfect, he would have died as soon as he crossed it, but the fact that it was not yet completed was a good thing. Because I was able to capture three of them.”

“What are you going to do by sending them all over this country?”

Even at the level of a high-ranking hunter, they were the ones who played the role of pawns in the Demon King's Army. What was it that these ten people who would turn to dust if they blow it came to do it?

“It's not strange. Because I couldn't know what you were doing from the other dimension."


“Leave not a single demon king army behind… Didn't he kill all but Saltion? Of course, they wouldn’t think that the Demon King was dead from that side, and they would think that the dungeon here continues to serve as a passageway.”

“I think so.”

Cha Shin Hyeon nodded his head.

“After brief interrogation, it appears that these guys were mere messengers. Since the demon lord who has crossed the dimension has not received any news, they are the ones who sent them to find out what happened.”

“Is it because of these guys that you asked me to bring Saltion?”

"okay. If you're an intermediate demon level, you can easily break through the mental barrier with my magic, but there are limits to the questions I can ask. Since I can't know the details of the Demon King's army... … .”

“Good idea. Because people who know a lot have to ask a lot to get a lot. Saltion.”

“Yes, my lord.”

“Give me some useful information.”


It was a very ambiguous command, but Saltion is not without reason, except that his personality has been altered (?) to be blindly loyal to Cha Shin Hyeon.

Soon, Saltion began to kill the demon scouts. It is a rule of thumb to break the body first before using spiritual magic.


They were old men, but Saltion's hands were relentless. After all, the middle class demons are so different from each other that they do not dare even make eye contact with the demons, so it was difficult to even call them subordinates.

Cha Shin Hyeon, who had been watching the process for a while, listened to the first part of the interrogation a little and turned her attention. Seeing that Saltion was doing well, he turned his head to El Ther.

“How are the dragon blood these days?”

“Somehow, everyone went back to their normal lives. The death of 200 people is harsh enough for our kind, with less than 5,000 left, but… Thanks to you, everyone knows that we ended up here.”

Since the opponent was a demon king army including a demon king, it could be said that it was a miracle that it ended with 200 people.

And fortunately, among the 200 dead, there was no dragon, and only two higher dragon blood died.

No matter how important life is, there are definitely people who are ‘more valuable’ in a group where there is a clear difference in ability. As a dragon blood, it could be said that the war was fought with the least amount of damage.

“There should be no such sacrifices in the future.”

“Because I didn’t know there would be an undiscovered crack. It was unfortunate that the devil came out of there.”

Elther muttered bitterly.

Although it was difficult to attack because they ran across the dimension, the dragons felt strange that the warlike demons suddenly stopped their offensive.

However, I couldn't even think that there would be another crack, so I thoroughly monitored the existing crack and was severely hit in the head. The slaughtered bloodstains of St. Petersburg were a painful lesson.

“It will never happen again.”

“I hope so.”

Cha Shin Hyeon also said sincerely.

It is not for anyone else to suffer hemolysis. As the hemolysis decreases, the burden on mankind will increase. Humanity still desperately needed the power of dragon blood. When it comes to dealing with demons.

“How is the defense barrier progressing?”

“The existing seven are perfect. The barrier between Qilian Mountain and this place will be complete within a month. If you can place two dragons in one barrier, then you won't be able to attach a foot other than the Demon King."

“You mean you can defend against even a demon.”

“Unless there are about five people holding hands and jumping in at the same time. However, due to the habit of a demon with a strong sense of pride, the probability of that happening is very slim. Even if the Demon King forced me to do it, I doubt he would listen. A sane demon lord wouldn't even make him do such a thing."

Elther muttered.

“The problem is, again, when the Demon King comes over directly. In that case, whether there is a barrier or not does not mean much. Unless you know in advance that the Demon King will come, and all the dragons are waiting in front of the rift.”

“Are you coming over again?”

“Because there is not only one Demon King.”

Saltion answered, removing the bloodstains from his body with magic. After completing the interrogation, he returned to Cha Shin Hyeon's side.

“When I checked in, they were scouts sent by Lafriz.”

“Who is that?”

“It is a demon directly under the Demon King who acts on behalf of Demon Lord Delite when he is absent. It was a rivalry with me.”

Saltion politely explained.

“Originally, I would have put in the fuel tank earlier, but since there has been no contact so far, it seems that a scout has been dispatched to investigate the situation.”

“Then you will soon find out that something is wrong with the Demon King.”

"Yes. He's a cautious person, so he'll go through several checks. And when he finally becomes convinced, he will report to the other demon lords. The fact that the Demon King was defeated is such a big event.”

"After that?"

“If there is a new demon who will rise to the position of the demon king, he will inherit the position, but due to the long war with dragon blood, there is no suitable demon now. Perhaps the territory of Delite will be redistributed to other demon lords.”

“Then do you mean that the newly appointed Demon King will invade Earth again?”

“It is only a realm of conjecture… … .”

After a brief pause, Saltion continued. Elter, who was listening next to him, also pricked up his ears.

“Maybe Delite is dead, so I might cut it off because I think it’s dangerous.”

“This is the best scenario.”

“All of the Demon Lords are proud of their abilities, and curiosity will prevail as they may have learned that humans are terribly weak when there have been several invasions of lower-level demons. It is believed that in all probability, it will cross the rift.”

“What if I kill him again? We're both dead, so should I be a little scared?"



Elter and Saltion answered Cha Shin Hyeon's question at the same time.

“The demons do not like coexistence very much. Just as the dragon blood has been uprooted, war will be waged again to face the enemy beyond the dimension. We are also expanding our territory at the same time.”

“I don’t know to what extent it will be possible to defeat each individual, but even demon lords will not act alone if they feel a crisis. Of course, the master's force cannot even guess the end... … .”

Even so, it was a nuance that he couldn't deal with multiple demon lords. When Cha Shin Hyeon looked at him quietly, Sal Tion lowered his head as if he was sorry.

I didn't mean to look at it as a reproach.

Cha Shin Hyeon himself didn't know if he could or not. It is said that he defeated the Delite without a wound, but the story may be different if he faces multiple Delite-level demon lords at the same time.

only… There was no need to go there.

Before things got bigger, he wondered if he would remain without disappearing.“… Elther.”

Cha Shin Hyeon, who had been silent, opened her mouth.

“Did you call?”

“Can I look inside the dungeon for a moment? I want to check the cracks.”

“It is not difficult. but… … .”

“If it bothers you, let it go. Saltion, wait.”

After reading El Ther's mind, Cha Shin Hyeon spoke up first. Saltion answered faithfully.

“Yes, come and go.”

“Thank you. I don't think my fellow countrymen would like it if they recognized me. Follow me.”

Elter took the lead and entered the dungeon. Cha Shin Hyeon followed.

As soon as they entered the dungeon, Elter's magical power enveloped Cha Shin Hyeon without any effort to move by hand.


After moving through space together, they appeared in the air near the crack. It was natural to know the coordinates of space movement because it was necessary to move quickly in case of an emergency.

As Elter gave instructions, the magic barrier was temporarily lifted.

Cha Shin Hyeon, who lightly expressed her gratitude, descended to the ground.

“… … .”

It's a crack I haven't seen in a long time.

Perhaps because it was large enough for a demon king to fall over, the hole with its mouth open in the air contained a far-off darkness.

Cha Shin Hyeon, who had been watching the crack for a while, slowly reached out. His hand gradually moved closer to the black shadow.

[for a moment! Stop!]

At that moment, a system message suddenly appeared in front of my eyes.

At the same time, the sensation of someone hurriedly knocking on the door of his image world was transmitted.

Cha Shin Hyeon's eyes narrowed.

Once he lowered his hand, his consciousness split in two. In reality, he was silently watching the rift, and the consciousness of the other side entered the image world.

He was dealing with two minds at the same time, but it wasn't as hard as he thought. it's just creepy The fact that the consciousness of reality doesn't do much may also have played a part.

After Cha Shin Hyeon allowed it, the goddess and the god of war appeared.

“Did you just keep watching me all day? You're talking to me at the same time as a ghost."

“He is a being who will soon become a god, so of course he should be interested. No, more than that, what were you trying to do?”

“As you can see, I tried to touch the cracks.”

Cha Shin Hyeon, who replied indifferently, asked the question backwards.

“It was fine. I also had a question. Before we talk about the rift, please answer that first.”

“… tell me.”

“If you were watching me, you would have heard the conversation I had with Elther and Saltion a while ago, right?”

Mushin nodded his head. Cha Shin Hyeon asked again.

“You or the goddess… In preparation for an invasion from the other dimension, wasn't it that humankind had been given a status spear and sprung fire? I can’t go out directly, so indirectly.”

“It is.”

“Then I will ask you at this point when another demon king’s invasion is almost foreseen.”

Cha Shin Hyeon's eyes went cold.

“How are you going to stop it without me?”

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