Maximum Comprehension: Taking Care of Swords In A Sword Pavilion

Chapter 425: Kill him, my sister will be widowed

The mouth addiction is over, and being beaten is not good.

With a bang, you could see the aura outside Li Zhongjing shattered, and then flew out backwards.

Zhu Guangshou, who was wearing a robe, held a dark golden whisk in his hand, swaying thousands of golden lights, chasing after Li Zhongjing, who was flying backwards.

If this golden light collided, Li Zhongjing would have to peel off his skin if he didn't die.

Han Muye shook his head.

In fact, Li Zhongjing's cultivation base is higher than Zhu Guangshou and Wu Yazi, and it is he who is single-minded and has an unimaginable fighting level.


The long sword hidden in the Wanhe sword box behind it was unsheathed, and the sword light was instantly cut out.

As if tearing the cloth, Zhu Guangshou's whisk shattered into countless threads.

The originally aggressive Zhu Guangshou turned pale and took a few steps back.

Li Zhongjing, who fell to the ground, looked up and saw Han Muye and his long sword, his face flushed red and tears were streaming down his face.

That look, really aggrieved.

Han Muye would have believed him if he hadn't heard this guy say that he was in love with his junior sister and did whatever he liked.

"It's you!" Zhu Guangshou gritted his teeth and glared at Han Muye.

At the beginning, it was this guy who beat himself up, and then provoked a battle of pills, causing himself to be defeated.

It's all this guy!

Zhu Guangshou looked at the bald whisk in his hand and suppressed his anger.

This guy's sword is awesome.


Several figures fell behind Zhu Guangshou.

Zhu Guangshou breathed a sigh of relief and lowered his voice: "Brothers, this person belongs to Li Zhongjing's group, and his swordsmanship is beneficial."

Zhu Guangshou is only a dan cultivator, and his own combat power is limited.

The same sect behind him is a cultivator with strong combat power.

Several people heard Zhu Guangshou's words, and one of them, a black-bearded old man wearing a light blue Taoist robe, raised his hand: "I have already made an enmity with Jinming Taozong, so I won't leave any of them."

As his voice fell, several other people flew, and the sword light and the spiritual light burst out in an instant.

The body and the sword are combined, and the aura and the light and shadow are intertwined.

The sword stretched out ten feet, and the spiritual light turned into a flying butterfly.

He Qing Daozong's swordsmanship and magic were vividly displayed in the hands of several great out-of-body cultivators.

Compared with the practitioners in the land where the ancient gods fell, the practitioners in the ancient cloud galaxy fought more concisely.

After all, in these worlds without the Dao of Heaven, battles are basically fought with their own strength.

If the out-of-body major repair of the Profound Sky World were to take action, the power of heaven and earth triggered by light would probably have collapsed and tsunami, causing thousands of miles of spiritual energy to surge.

It's not like the practitioners of these ancient cloud galaxy, the out-of-body major repair shot, but it was silent.

Han Muye sighed with emotion, the sword in his hand had already been handed out.

The sword light was clear, without the slightest hint of aura, just a faint sword light shining.

Swords collide with swords.

Han Muye's sword edge stirred and drew the opponent's sword aside.

Then the sword edge swept across, and several auras were chopped up.

The sharpness of the sword is not comparable to Reiki magic.

The strength of sword repair is invincible at the same level.

With the sword in hand, people follow the sword and cut off the wings of those flying colorful butterflies.

Han Muye walked forward, but in an instant he passed by several people from the He Qing Dao Sect.

One enemy and several people, breaking through the opponent's attack methods.

After one blow, everyone in the He Qing Dao Sect changed their expressions.

The combat power of the man in front of him is completely different from Li Zhongjing who was being hunted down.

Li Zhongjing is now standing in the back with a proud face.

Han Muye's sword was praised even by his own sect master.


Han Muye turned around, and the sword light rose again.

His sword is fast, not only in speed, but also in response.

The two He Qing Dao Sect's Jian Xiu Jian lifted up, and had already been approached by Han Muye's sword.


A sword flew up and hit Zhu Guangshou who was standing there blankly.

Before Zhu Guangshou stepped back, the second sword flew up again.

The two Heqing Daoist cultivators could not stop Han Muye's sword.

A close sword, invincible!

"Fast back-"

The old man who had spoken before growled lowly, raised his hand, and a cloud of smoke covered the ground, turning into green vines all over the ground, bound towards Han Muye.

This is a technique, and it is also a supernatural power, a great monk's method.

Before the supernatural powers, even Jianxiu had to hold back.

Han Muye held the sword in his hand, his expression remained unchanged, and he slashed out with one sword.

"Fire pulse, shadow fire."

Before the long sword, a flame turned into a phantom, or like a long dragon, or like a galloping horse, slammed into the ivy all over the ground, wrapped all the ivy, and then ignited a flame.

Not to break the magic power, but to destroy the magic power.

Until all the green vines and flames dissipated, the great monk of the Heqing Dao Sect still hadn't reacted.

Such means of cracking magical powers are really too light, right?

Han Muye's expression did not change at all.

How to deal with the enemy's means is his accumulated experience.

Swordsmanship is as smooth as drinking water.

This is the sword cultivator who cultivates swordsmanship to the core.


Han Muye slashed his sword again.

This time, the Jianguang led a clear streamer to lead, and brought the wind and sand into a wind roll.

Several Heqing Daoist strongmen were wrapped in wind and sand, and their own magical powers were unable to show their power.


The leading black-bearded old man turned around and left, while the others were caught in the sand and unable to escape, and some fled with serious injuries.

When the wind and sand dissipated, several figures were already lying on the ground.

Zhu Guangshou, who was slashed by two sword lights, did not leave.

Li Zhongjing strode forward with a grim smile on his face.

"Dare to chase and kill Lao Tzu?"

When he shook his hand, a fire of spirit slammed down, covering Zhu Guangshou.

The flames lingered, and Zhu Guangshou wailed in it.

After ten breaths, the flames dissipated, and Zhu Guangshou was covered in smoke, with black smoke coming from his mouth.

Li Zhongjing stepped forward and snatched the storage bags of Zhu Guangshou and several others.

Han Muye frowned and said, "They hunted you down, why did you keep him alive?"

I thought that Li Zhongjing wanted to kill Zhu Guangshou and the others by himself. After all, the feud between Li Zhongjing and Zhu Guangshou was complicated and difficult to break.

"Kill? Why kill." Li Zhongjing waved his hand: "If you kill him, my junior sister will be a widow."

Speaking of this, he paused and lowered his voice: "It will take three hundred years to get rid of my flame poison."

"Three hundred years, this old boy can't touch women."


Han Muye turned to look at Zhu Guangshou, who was smoking on the ground.

Is this worse than killing him?

Han Muye felt that Li Zhongjing must have deliberately punished the junior sister who betrayed him.

Three hundred years...


The practitioner who brought Han Muye to rescue Li Zhongjing was named Tao Zijun, a deacon elder of a small sect.

Among the ancient cloud galaxies, it is common for the sects to be controlled by the heavenly realm and the half-step heavenly realm, and the large sects that have surpassed the heavenly realm powerhouse are not everywhere.

Jinkexing Jinming Daozong and other sects are only slightly weaker than several top sects.

Tao Zijun was also obedient, and followed Li Zhongjing's back and saddled his horse, all kinds of flattery.

He was a little scared of Han Muye.

The three of them and Daoist Dayan who were searching around with a group of puppet guards formed a special team.

Tao Zijun was careful not to scramble for elixir from Daoist Daoist, but only to pick up those elixir that Daoist Daoist despised.

Don't look down on Dayan Daoist, for Tao Zijun it is already quite a precious elixir.

If he hadn't followed Han Muye, he would have already shrunk in a certain corner, not daring to come out.

Li Zhongjing is not very keen on collecting elixir, and only chooses what is useful to him.

Sometimes it is to exchange with Han Muye which elixir can be refined.

Han Muye's means of purifying the medicinal power twice had completely conquered him, and now Li Zhongjing worshipped Han Muye's alchemy fans.

Among these people, Han Muye was the most leisurely.

With the power of the grass whip, you can completely gather those elixir on your own.

Li Zhongjing and Tao Zijun could only envy after seeing batches of elixir being collected by Han Muye.

They can't get it like this.

Treasures such as grass whips are not owned by everyone.


Ahead, the sword light shone, and a three-foot-tall long-legged spider fell to the ground.

No matter how powerful the monsters were, they couldn't stop two hundred puppets from being slammed into battle formations.

Daoist Dayan stepped forward proudly and collected the useful spiritual materials from the monster.

Han Muye walked over, took the spider's body into the grass whip, as a supply for the spirit medicine stored in it, and then walked to the two golden lilies guarded by the spider, and carefully collected it.

This is the elixir of ten thousand years, and it is extremely precious.

Li Zhongjing and Tao Zijun almost drooled when they watched Han Muye collect the elixir.

Just after receiving the elixir, Han Muye frowned and looked aside.

In the fog over there, several figures flew over.

The leader has a big axe on his back.

Coincidentally, it was the big man I met in the medicine garden more than ten days ago.

At this time, the big man had two storage bags hanging on his body, and there were several equally tall cultivators behind him.

Seeing Han Muye, the big man was stunned, his eyes fell on the wooden whip in his hand, and his eyes flashed with joy.

"Master, the wooden whip in his hand is a treasure!" The big man whispered.

Hearing his call, the eyes of the people behind him all fell on the wooden whip in Han Muye's hand.

The grass whip has stored a large amount of elixir, as well as the immortal energy collected in the past ten days. At this time, the entire wooden whip is flashing immortal spirit energy, and the halo is intertwined.

Just visible to the naked eye is a rare treasure.

"Haha, Chen Datou, you have made a contribution." Behind the big man, a bald middle-aged man with a big axe on his back smiled, then stepped out, stretched out his hand and patted Han Muye in the head.

An oppressive force as heavy as a mountain pressed down, driving the gang wind in the void.

This blow made Li Zhongjing and Tao Zijun change color instantly.

too strong!

This is pure physical power!

"They are from the Mangshan Sect!" Li Zhongjing exclaimed.

Mangshan Sect is a rare body-refining sect, and the strong in the sect can move mountains and take mountains with physical strength.

The man in front of him is obviously a master in the Mangshan Sect, and with a single blow, the mountain can be shattered.

Han Muye raised his head and seemed to be frightened by the blow.

The bald-headed man showed a smug smile on his face, and the **** aura on his body became more intense, turning into a blood-colored wall, blocking Li Zhongjing and Tao Zijun.

Of course, what he didn't know was that Tao Zijun and Li Zhongjing would never rescue Han Muye in danger.

This one, why do you need them to save me?

Even Daoist Dayan not far away was too lazy to direct the actions of the puppets behind him.

Why is it so troublesome?

Is there anyone else who can withstand the next blow from the beast tyrant?


When the palm of the bald man fell three feet above Han Muye's head, a roar came from Han Muye's body.

This is the fury of the divine beast at offending its majesty!


When the roar started, the bald man and the people behind him all turned pale.

The handprint that originally fell, also instantly retreated, and then dissipated.

Because the retreat was too fast, the bald man's blood was reversed, his face flushed red, and he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Han Muye looked up, with a smile on his face, he moved and rushed out.


The phantom of the beast appeared.

Only a trace of Baxia's huge body was revealed, and the force of oppression it brought directly caused the bald-headed man to fall, and blood spurted from his mouth.

Several other people shuddered and did not have the slightest heart to resist.

Han Muye's eyes swept away, and he immediately understood.

These body refining practitioners use the power of monsters to integrate a trace of monster blood into their bodies.

This kind of body refining method can quickly pass the low-level time, and achieve a large number of masters from the realm of the realm to the realm of the sky.

But this trace of monster bloodline, when encountering high-level bloodline, the opportunity is suppressed.

Just like at this moment, Han Muye didn't have the slightest effort, the powerful power of the divine beast's bloodline had already suppressed them all, and he could not resist in the slightest.

Dayan Daoist laughed, stepped forward, and gathered the storage bags on the bodies of the big men and the big axe behind them.

Han Muye didn't take their lives either, and led Li Zhongjing and the others away.

Until Han Muye walked away, these Mangshan Sect people slowly stood up, their faces pale.

"Li Datou, you, who are you offending..." A strong man who had taken off his storage bag and took the big axe muttered with a bitter face.

Li Datou was also at a loss at this time.

How did he know that Han Muye actually had the blood of a divine beast!

You know, he didn't dare to offend.

"Li Datou, you have done a great job this time!" The bald man turned around and stared at Li Datou.

The sight made Li Da's head tremble.

"Zhao, Zhao, Senior Brother Zhao, I, I—"

Before he finished speaking, the black-bearded old man on the side narrowed his eyes and said solemnly: "Yes, the sect has already secretly ordered to find the blood of the beast, and he is the same elder."

"Elder Li, you will have to take care of us in the future."


Li Datou raised his head blankly and looked in the direction Han Muye was leaving.

Is this your chance?

Han Mu, who was walking in the medicine garden, had a smile on his face.

"Tell me what happened to the Mangshan Sect." He looked at Li Zhongjing.

Li Zhongjing hurriedly introduced the situation of Mangshan Sect in a low voice.

This is a famous body refining sect, and the strong people in the sect are said to have cultivated to the point of sanctification of the flesh.

With the power of the flesh, roam the void world.

Most of the disciples in the sect are physically tyrannical, and when they fight against others, they resist and kill.

In high-level battles, the Mangshan Sect disciples could not take advantage.

But if there is a fight between low-level disciples, a Mangshan Sect disciple can swept the whole area.

"There is actually a shadow of the Reckless Cultivation Technique, which is interesting." Han Muye nodded and whispered.

He didn't kill the opponent just just because he saw the shadows of their exercises.

Could it be that behind the Mangshan Sect is a great power from the wild?

Han Muye has news of the wasteland in his hands.

Come to think of it, every strong man in the wild will be close to him, right?

Just like the unicorn of the Ten Thousand Demon Palace on Broken Star Island, didn't he promise to help Tianxuan Dao struggle.


With a soft sound, Han Muye's expression changed, he raised his hand and took out a black dragon scale.

This is the dragon scale that Huang Laoliu gave him.

Within 10,000 miles, there can be sensors and messages.

"Brother, be careful, the guy in the town is nearby." Spiritual energy perfused, and a voice came from the dragon scales.

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