Cangyun Xianjun's relics?

If this is the place, it would save a lot of time searching.

Even if it wasn't, the relics of another Immortal Monarch's Fallen Land were worth taking.

After pondering for a moment, Han Muye looked at Qin Zhaoyuan: "I can make a move, but there is no guarantee that I will be able to save people successfully."

Xiangtian Immortal Demon King, this is a strong man who is expected to dominate the Bitter Immortal Territory.

In the hands of such a strong man, Han Muye dare not say how much he is sure.

Hearing his words, Qin Zhaoyuan nodded, bowed and said: "Yunlan Jianxian is willing to take action, Qin is already grateful."

At this time, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then his face was pale, and the whole person was paralyzed to the ground.

Although he looked extremely weak, Chang Linhui and the others on the side showed a smile on their faces.

Heavenly powerhouse, no matter how seriously injured, as long as you don't want to die, you won't die.

Han Muye raised his hand a little, and a blue fairy light wrapped a medicinal pill and flew down.

Qin Zhaoyuan stretched out his hand to catch it, with a strange look on his face.

This elixir is actually a rare good elixir.

Han Muye has been in the Immortal Realm for so long, and he has hardly ever made any medicine pills.

This pill was also obtained from Dongtian, a strong heavenly immortal who was beheaded by him.

He was a little nostalgic for the time when he was in Tianxuan Imperial City, and he spent every day concocting pills with Mu Wan in the Danyuan Pavilion.

Han Muye promised to rescue him, but it didn't mean he would go immediately.

Qin Zhaoyuan also needs to recuperate.

The situation in the Bitter Immortal Territory also needs to be explored first.

In the next few days, Chang Linhui attracted a lot of storm thieves.

On a barren hill outside Yunlan City, Han Muye stood there, and in front of him were dozens of immortal cultivators in green robes who were full of qi and blood and had deep immortal light.

Each of these people has a tyrannical cultivation base, and most of them are in the fairyland.

"Jianxian Yunlan, you can ask our brothers to submit to you." The black and thin middle-aged man in blue armor with a **** aura on his body stared at Han Muye.

"But Jiang has a question, and please ask Yunlan Jianxian to answer it truthfully."

Looking at Han Muye, a suppressed fighting spirit surged from his body.

"Jianxian Yunlan, let me ask you, was it related to you when my more than 100 brothers of the Storm Pirates fell for no reason?"

A team of Hurricane Pirates was beheaded on the Yunteng Wasteland, and the Hurricane Pirates gathered in the wasteland, and they have been looking for the murderer all these years.

After the black and thin middle-aged man finished speaking, the others beside him stared at Han Muye with complicated expressions.

Standing in front of Han Muye, Chang Linhui slowly turned his head with a nervous expression on his face.

The storm thieves have always been rampant in the Bitter Immortal Realm and the wasteland by virtue of their large numbers of people.

There are a lot of people because they are loyal and can gather people's hearts.

Even if they were hit hard this time and exited the Bitter Immortal Realm, the brothers would support each other and cover up desperately.

Chang Linhui voted in Yunlan City, and this time to attract old brothers, he also wanted to find a way out for the big guy.

After all, without a backer, the Storm Pirates would no longer be able to run rampant in the wasteland.

Looking at Han Muye, Chang Linhui clenched his teeth tightly.

He was afraid that Han Muye would admit it.

If Han Muye had anything to do with beheading his own brothers, then the Storm Pirates would never surrender.

He himself didn't know what to do.

"Their disappearance is indeed related to me." Han Muye's voice made Chang Linhui's eyes show despair.

Those knights in blue armor were filled with blood and evil spirits.

"In the end, it's Yunlan Sword Immortal, and you can speak easily." The black and thin middle-aged man's expression remained unchanged, and he said solemnly: "In the past few years, Jiang has found some clues."

"Those brothers fell when they killed you, and their souls were broken."

Gritting his teeth, the black and thin middle-aged man said, "Jianxian Yunlan, tell me, did you do all this?"

is not it.

The atmosphere slowly solidified.

Everyone looked at Han Muye.

If so, today is a desperate battle.

What about Yunlan Sword Immortal?

Whoever kills his brother must pay the price.

The wind thief speaks the righteousness first.

Chang Linhui gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.


Han Muye spoke again.

He disdains lying.

Nor will it take the blame.


Those Blaze Robbers who looked at Han Muye only felt relieved.

The black and thin middle-aged man took a deep breath and was about to speak again when Han Muye raised his hand.

A spear flew out of his palm.

Battle Spirit Gun!

This is the spirit gun used by the Storm Thief Brothers!

Didn't it say that the fall of those brothers had nothing to do with him?

I saw Han Muye waved his hand again, and golden phantoms appeared.


Looking at these ghostly ghosts with familiar yet unfamiliar faces floating in the air, Chang Linhui and the others' expressions gradually turned into surprises.

"Brother Zijian!"


"Two Rivers!"

All the fighting intent that was originally condensed has collapsed.

A group of high winds stole forward, and those remnant souls all flew down with excitement on their faces.

Han Muye didn't say anything and just stood aside.

Separation of life and death, separation of life and death.

Goodbye, there are only remnants left.

Seeing these hurricanes laughing and roaring wildly, Han Muye felt an indescribable emotional surge in his heart.

As a human being, we cannot escape these pains.

Isn't life worth cherishing because of these regrets?

If you want to live a happy life and be invincible all your life, don’t you just want to make up for these regrets, seize more opportunities, and hold all the things that you would have lost in your hands?

This is the purpose of meditation.

Unconsciously, there was a seed of firmness sprouting in Han Muye's heart.

The sword in hand is for protection.

Cultivation is for protection.

What is the avenue?

What's beyond the avenue?

Can't everything you care about be your own way?

Isn't the good and evil in the heart also the way of one's own?

A golden halo burst out from Han Muye's body.

This golden halo is invisible to outsiders, but those remnant souls seem to be illuminated by the warm sunlight.

They turned their heads, looked at Han Muye, and bowed slightly.

If it wasn't for Han Muye's efforts to protect them, their remnant souls would have dissipated long ago.

If it wasn't for Han Muye, how could they see each other brother again!

The movements of these remnants stopped the laughing Storm Pirates.

The black and thin middle-aged man who had questioned Han Muye before walked slowly forward and walked in front of Han Muye.

He lowered his head and fell to one knee.

Kneeling ceremony.

There is no bowing ceremony in the world of practice.

Only in the mundane world.

"Jiang Zheng practiced for 238,000 years, soared from the lower realm, became an immortal in retrograde, and entered the realm of bitter immortals as a thief. He never served anyone in his heart."

The pseudo-immortal who has soared from the common world is also a thief in the Bitter Immortal Realm.

Of course, such a person cannot have any surrender.

If he didn't want to surrender in his heart, how could he become an immortal against the sky?

In fact, many practitioners who have ascended from the lower realm also look down on those cultivators in the immortal realm.

Immortal practitioners feel that practitioners in the mundane world are wasting their time, but practitioners feel that these people do not have enough understanding of the Dao.

"Yunlan Jianxian fought against the battle for hundreds of thousands of miles, and Daozong did not regret it."

"Jianxian Yunlan left a home for me and other homeless monks."

"Jianxian Yunlan left a ray of remnant soul for my brother Storm Robber."

Jiang Zheng pressed his hand on a short knife, the blade slid across his palm, and blood sprayed.

He splattered blood at Han Muye's feet, and then touched the ground with his head.

"Today, I, Jiang Zheng, surrendered to Yunlan City's Yunlan Sword Immortal, and I have no regrets in this life."

"Today, I, Du Shensi, surrendered to Yunlan City's Yunlan Sword Immortal, and I have no regrets in this life."

"Today, I, Yu Cheng, surrendered to Yunlan City's Yunlan Sword Immortal, and I have no regrets in this life."

The strong wind robbers bowed to Han Muye and threw their blood on Han Muye's feet.

If there are any restrictions on such blood oaths, it is not really big.

But this kind of oath from the heart is the shackles in the heart of every practitioner.

This is more useful than any constraint.

"I can't promise you anything."

Han Muye raised his head and looked into the distance, and then his eyes fell on those remnant souls.

"I can only tell you that one day, I can reach the peak of the world, reverse the yin and yang of heaven and earth, and give you a chance to be reborn."

Top of the world!

Reverse Yin and Yang!

This is not a promise of a promise!

For Jiang Zheng and the others, no kind of promise is as good as this sentence!

Give their brothers a chance to be reborn!

These storm thieves who only have remnants of their souls are unable to even regenerate.

Only those strong people who set foot on Daluo can reverse time, reverse yin and yang, and give them a chance to be reborn.

Han Muye's words represent his positioning of himself.

This is something that no Jinxian dares to think about or say.

Sword Immortal Yunlan has such ambitions!

Yunlan Sword Immortal can cultivate to such a level, and following the wind thief who surrendered to him, he will definitely reach a cultivation realm that he never dared to imagine.

Follow the real powerhouse, then the practice is fun!

Han Muye stood there, and when he said these words, he felt a lot of relief in his heart.

It turns out that he has always had that kind of ambition, but he never revealed it!

"City lord, Yuan Mo Dao Sect intercepted my brothers of the storm thieves, we must not let them go."

Jiang Zheng stood up and spoke in a low voice.

Han Muye nodded and said in a daze, "I'll give you three days."

Three days is enough.

The Primordial Demon Dao Sect did not have a strong person in charge, only the Luoyang Daoist who was quite capable in the formation path.

Daoist Luoyang is the inheritor of the Immortal Venerable, and he has quietly surrendered to Han Muye. When the Storm Pirates arrived at the residence of Yuan Mo Dao Sect, he found a reason to leave.

In one day, Yuan Mo Dao Sect was besieged and killed by Wind Robbers, and the entire sect was destroyed.

A pile of black material was dug out of this sect, which was originally indistinguishable from right and wrong.

Intercepted in the wasteland, secretly traded with the Bitter Immortal Realm monster, and manipulated resource transactions.

Shaking in the sun, what Yuan Mo Dao Sect has done can destroy the door ten times.

"I really didn't expect that the Primordial Demon Dao Sect did all the bad things."

"Hehe, Zhenyuan Guan, what a joke."

The Zhenyuan Temple, known as the Daomen's upright sect, secretly supports the Yuanmo Daoist sect, who has done all kinds of filthy things.

This is a Daomen joke.

But a joke, sometimes it's about strength.

On the second day of the Storm Pirates Destroying the Primordial Demon Dao Sect, the three immortals from Zhenyuanguan came to chase after them all the way, and the army of hundreds of thousands of Storm Pirates was scattered.

If he was still in the Bitter Immortal Territory back then, with the Immortal Demon King Huntian as his backing, the Storm Pirates would dare to fight against the three Lianxu.

It is possible to kill these three with all his strength.

But the current storm thief does not have that strength, nor the courage, nor the confidence.

However, the storm thieves were good at gathering and fleeing. One day later, the army was divided into pieces and assembled again.

The place where they assembled was outside Yunlan City, a thousand miles away.

"I heard that Yunlan Jianxian once said that the homeless in the world can come to Yunlan City to be their home."

"Today, I have nowhere to go. I am willing to surrender to Yunlan Sword Immortal. I wonder if Yunlan City would dare to take it in?"

Standing in the front, Jiang Zheng shouted loudly, and the sound spread thousands of miles.

Beside him, there are several knights wearing blue armor and complex expressions.

"Brother Jiang, if Sword Immortal Yunlan didn't leave us, we would really die without a place to be buried." A pale young man said in a low voice.

"Yeah, since the eldest brother and the others have fallen, the Immortal Demon King has been reborn in Nirvana, all of us storm thieves have been shouted and beaten, and there is no more—" The big man who spoke could not go on, he could only grit his teeth and clenched the gun in his hand.

No value for the year.

Will Yunlan City confront Zhenyuan Guan for the sake of these people?

"Zhenyuanguan, hehe." Jiang Zheng turned his head and looked at the three celestial lights.

"You don't understand, Yunlan Jianxian doesn't take Zhenyuanguan in his eyes at all."

A strong man who vows to step into Daluo will not take any power in the fairyland in his eyes.

Their goal is in Daluo Zhoutian God Realm!

"Hmph, today you can't live anywhere you escape!"

"Hurricane Pirate, this name will not be mentioned again in the future."

In the void, an indifferent voice came.

The three fairy lights turned into tornadoes, causing the power of heaven and earth to sweep towards the place where the army gathered.

The strength of this power made those warriors tremble.

At this time, it was Jiang Zheng, who also clenched the spear in his hand.

Thousands of miles away, countless spiritual thoughts fell.

Today, perhaps we have to witness the demise of the forces that have been traversing the Bitter Immortal Territory for countless thousands of years?

"This city lord, you never change your words." At this moment, a voice sounded.

Yunlan Sword Immortal!

The Lord of Yunlan City!

Yunlan City is willing to accept Storm Pirates!

"Han Wudi, are you going to be my enemy, Zhenyuanguan?"

"Hmph, are you really arrogant, do you really think that if you can escape under Daozong's rule, you are qualified to face my Zhenyuanguan?"


Three voices responded, and the tornado kept ramming into the military formation.

It's hard to ride a tiger.

Zhenyuanguan could not back down.

No one would have thought that the City Lord of Yunlan City actually fulfilled his promise to accept the Storm Pirates.

Will the immortal cultivators in the city support this decision?

In Yunlan City, countless people raised their heads.

Many people look complicated.

Yunlan City is strong, and they dare to compete with the Daoist sects, of course they are delighted.

However, what if Yunlan Sword Immortal is defeated?

"In the past, the city owner, you challenged the strong swordsmen in the three million miles to forge the foundation of Yunlan City."

"Now, I don't know what step the city owner can do?"

Zuo Baichou, who was standing beside Han Muye, spoke softly with a smile on his face.

At this moment, the people in Yunlan City who were familiar with Han Muye all had relaxed expressions on their faces.

Along the way, Yunlan Sword Immortal has never let them down!

Back then, everything in Yunlan City was fought back by the city owner with one sword and one sword, and today he will defend it one by one.

"Jianxian Yunlan is gambling this time."

In the distance, someone whispered.

"Yes, he has a gambling attitude."

"As long as Zhenyuanguan Jinxian doesn't show up, he will win."

Someone's eyes gleamed, staring in the direction of Yunlan City.

As long as Han Muye can win this match, he will not only keep the boundless Storm Pirates, but also show his own strength.

At that time, there were only a handful of big cities in the entire wasteland that could stand side by side with Yunlan City!

As long as Yunlan City can win, countless immortal cultivators in the wasteland will join Yunlan City.

Today, Sword Immortal Yunlan will stand up for Gale Robber, and in the future, Sword Immortal Yunlan will stand up for herself.

As long as Yunlan City can win this battle and the people in Yunlan City are united, it will be indestructible!

"Haha, after today, there will be no Stormwind Pirates in the world, only Stormwind Guards."

"Yunlan City, Storm Guard."

Jiang Zheng laughed, raised the spear in his hand, and pointed at the three wind scrolls.

"Wind, battle—"

"Wind, battle—"

Countless voices rang out, and the Blast Thief Battle Array instantly condensed, and a black 100-foot tiger rushed towards Kazura.

They fled all the way, it does not mean that there is no strength to fight.

Now with Yunlan City as their backing, they dare to fight!

You can't let Yunlan City see his combat power, how can he be taken in by others?

Are they really useless people, can't they just come to the door to seek shelter?

Storm Pirates, haven't been reduced to that level!


Jiang Zheng flew up, and the aura of a virtuous powerhouse surged directly from his body.

There are no top powerhouses among the storm thieves, and several Hua Xu have fallen in the bitter fairyland.

But there is still practice!


The power of the battle formation collided with the wind scroll and was entangled with the three wind scrolls.

Above the wind scroll, the three gloomy Taoists had to deal with it with all their might.

Stormtroopers have the power to fight.

Yunlan Sword Immortal does not need to take action.

Today's situation turned out to be like this!

This is as if Yunlan Sword Immortal and Hurricane Pirates made an agreement!

Yunlan Sword Immortal wouldn't really make an appointment with the Storm Pirates, and then come to count the Yuan Demon Dao Sect, right?

"Hey, back then, the Sect Master of Yuan Mo Dao Sect was beheaded by Yunlan Sword Immortal, right?"

"Yes, Zhenyuanguan didn't have the trouble of looking for Yunlan Jianxian at that time."

Until now, no one could remember what happened back then.

It's no wonder that Xiu Xianjie has no memory, the main reason is that today's affairs are all related to the Storm Pirates, and they don't do anything about Yunlan City.

If someone hadn't mentioned it, who would have thought that Yunlan Jianxian, the sword-wielding cultivator, would count on the Primordial Demon Dao Sect?


The three wind scrolls were smashed by the army formation, and the three gloomy Taoist figures stopped in the air.

The three refining virtual, unable to take down the storm thief!

If you can't win it today, when the blast steals into Yunlan City, it will be directly confronted with Yunlan City.

If you can't take the Storm Pirates today, no amount of people can take it tomorrow!

"Jianxian Yunlan, you really want to be my enemy in Zhenyuanguan!"

The first Taoist in Zhenyuanguan gritted his teeth, looked in the direction of Yunlan City, and shouted loudly.

Today, their Zhenyuanguan face is afraid to be lost outside this Yunlan City.

But at this time, it is difficult to ride a tiger, and there is no way to retreat!

"An enemy of Zhenyuanguan?"





Word by word.

Han Muye stepped out one step, and appeared on top of the Gale Wind Pirates battle formation.

"Meet the city master!"

Jiang Zheng shouted loudly.

"Meet the city master!"

"Meet the mayor—"

The sound shook thousands of miles, the sky and the earth were turbulent, and the clouds were surging.

Outside the city of Yunlan, endless power churned.

At this moment, everyone turned their attention to Han Muye.

Han Muye, who was above the battle formation, was wearing a white robe, his hair was tied with a golden crown, and he was standing with a sword box behind his back and his hands behind his back.

"I can't fight..." Looking at Han Muye standing in the sky, someone whispered, "The name of Yunlan Sword Immortal has already shocked Elder Zhenyuanguan, today..."

When Yunlan Jianxian came forward, Zhenyuanguan would retreat!

Many people have fire in their eyes.

Today, I did not witness the demise of the Storm Pirates, but witnessed the rise of Yunlan City!

Yunlan City took Zhenyuan Temple as a stepping stone, climbed to the top of the wasteland, and became a city that existed side by side with several large sects.

"Okay, Yunlan Jianxian, okay, you wait." The Taoist Zhenyuanguan standing in front flicked his sleeves and stepped back.

Sure enough, in today's situation, Yunlancheng and Zhenyuanguan will not fight.

Daomen has always acted cautiously.

For the immortals who have practiced for countless thousands of years, they can only do things they are sure of.

Unprovoked fighting, never participate.

Zhenyuanguan, choose to retreat.

Everyone looked at Han Muye who was standing in the air.

"The mighty city lord—"

Jiang Zheng laughed, raised his arms and shouted.

"The mighty city lord—"

The storm pirate army shouted.

"The mighty city lord—"

In the entire Yunlan City, countless immortal cultivators shouted.

Yunlan Sword Immortal alone forced back the three Zhenyuanguan Refining Void Heaven Immortals, and subdued the Storm Pirates, one of the three major thieves in the Bitter Immortal Territory.

Today, the name of Yunlan Sword Immortal is raised again in the Yunteng Wasteland.

Unlike before with the name of sword fighting, today's Yunlan Sword Immortal can suppress the Daomen sect without a single sword.

This kind of power belongs to Yunlan City and everyone in Yunlan City!

Countless people looked at Han Muye with eager eyes.

Han Muye shook his head, raised his hand and pressed it down, then looked forward and spoke softly.

"Senior Lingjian Jinxian, as the No. 1 expert in Zhenyuanguan, senior in Kendo, if you don't have a sword today, I will be disappointed."

Lead the sword Jinxian!

Zhenyuanguan's first powerhouse!


Han Muye's voice fell.

Thousands of miles of emptiness and silence.

Whether it is the immortal cultivator under the rule of Yunlan City, or the Hurricane Pirate who submits and surrenders.

Whether it was someone who was close to Yunlan City and hoped for the rise of Yunlan City, or someone who was watching from a distance and was full of malice towards Yunlan City, at this moment, their faces were full of horror and their eyes were blank.

Yunlan Sword Immortal spoke out and challenged the first powerhouse in Zhenyuanguan, the Golden Immortal Spirit Sword of Kendo!

Lingjian Jinxian, one of the few experts in Taoism who achieved the status of Jinxian with swordsmanship, with a fairy sword in his hand, he traversed and covered the rain fairy world.

This was a strong swordsman who fought against countless swordsmen from the Xuanling Sword Sect, and did not fall behind.

If it weren't for the fact that Lingjian Jinxian has not been able to retreat in these years, I am afraid that Zhenyuanguan's reputation would be even better.

It is precisely because the Spirit Sword Jinxian is not in the wasteland that the Primordial Demon Dao Sect has just converged.

"Jianxian Yunlan, are you crazy..." In the distance above Yuntao, a middle-aged Taoist man in a blue Taoist robe, with his hands in his sleeves, couldn't stop his trembling arms whispering.

"Crazy? Sword madman, Jian madman, how many people in Jianxiu are not mad?" The old man beside him shook his head with a sneer on his face: "It's this kind of madness, it's rare."

No matter how crazy Jian Xiu is, he won't completely forget who he is.

Heavenly Immortal challenged Jinxian, and she is still a Heavenly Immortal who has not even stepped into the Heavenly Immortal level.

This is not courage.

This is arrogance!

"Haha, when Yunlan Jianxian was under the rule of Daozong, he once fought against his own Shu Ming Jinxian."

"It is estimated that that sword made him swell, right?"

Someone shook his head and smiled lightly.

It was the sword from the beginning that made Yunlan Sword become famous.

But that's from the elders, the moisture in that sword, I still don't have a point in my heart?

"Speak directly to challenge the strong Jinxian, I hope that one - is here!"


Zhenyuanguan Jinxian powerhouse flew into the sky with a sword!

Above the sky, the sword light slashed the endless clouds, and the entire world, under a golden sword light, seemed to be directly smashed!

Not a word, just a sword!

This sword has the potential to sway the sky, coming from hundreds of millions of miles away.

The sword is a murder weapon.

The sword comes, just to kill!

This sword is here to kill Yunlan Sword Immortal!

With one sword attacking thousands of miles, everyone in Yunlan City felt trembling all over, and even their souls were suppressed.

Thousands of miles of empty space around Yunlan City, all the cloud waves were chopped up, and the wind swept across the earth.

This sword, with the general trend of heaven and earth, came for the Taoist sect!

If this sword cannot be caught, Yunlan Sword Immortal will die!

If this sword cannot be caught, Yunlan City will be destroyed with one sword!

If this sword can't be caught, Daomen will compete with Jianzong and go to the next city first!

"Why, here..." a white-haired Taoist whispered tremblingly.

"Kendo, it's really so cruel..." A young man with a long sword on his back looked at the cut down sword light, clenched his fists, and his shoulders trembled.

Whether it is cruel or gentle, at this time, Yunlan Sword Immortal can't stop Jin Xian's sword, then everything will be over!

"Jinxian's sword." Han Muye looked at the sword light above his head, and his eyes burst into endless expressions.

What he was waiting for was this sword!

To outsiders, he was arrogant and deliberately provocative.

But since yesterday, this sword has been condensed.

Yesterday, a sword light locked his soul.

This sword came from the void and condensed into the world in the void.

This is a sword cultivator of the Golden Immortal realm. He shoots his sword in his own cave, first slashes the soul, and then breaks the body.

Such a sword is impossible to avoid.

There is only one battle.

Since there is going to be a battle, then deal with it happily, why hide your head and show your tail?

Han Muye raised his hand, and in the palm of his hand, a nine-story sword tower appeared.

Today, he represents Jianzong.

In such a battle, he could no longer hold back.

Except for the power of the divine beast that cannot be revealed, he will take out all his power.

Nine-story sword tower.

Endless sword light.

Kui cattle blood.

Wan Jian returns to the ancestors.

Below, the power of the blasting thief battle formation turned into a black sword light, vacated and landed on the sword tower.

At the rear, the power of the great formation protecting the city of Yunlan City was stimulated and turned into a blue sword light, which matched the sword light in front of Han Muye.

Above the sky, the golden soul power on the Conferred God List turned into a golden long sword and fell in front of Han Muye.

Above Han Muye's head, the sword of the soul, which was transformed by the immortal Taoist cultivation, appeared.


The fighting spirit surged.

Thousands of sword lights condensed into one.

Killing intent, condensed.

Spiritual energy, condensed into a sword.

The long sword was in the air, did not stop, and slammed into the sword light that came from across the sky.

Facing Jinxian Jianxiu, he did not sit still, but blocked the sword with his sword.

As a sword cultivator, even if you die, you will die after the sword!

With a single sword, it is about the life and death of Yunlan City!

The battle in the world, in the final analysis, is still life and death.


Out of nowhere, there was a roar.


In the entire Yunlan City, countless voices came.

Fight for your life.

Han Muye turned into a sword, but his mind was clear.

It has been a long, long time since he used the sword in his hand to fight for his life.

Sword, it's really my life...

At this moment, his sword revealed a cyan brilliance.

The sword of life, without hesitation.


The two long swords collided, and the sound was crisp.

The sword lights collided, causing the sky and the earth to surging, and the gust of wind scattered freely, arousing the power of the heaven and the earth and the immortal energy into a vortex.

Under the gods, no one can stand firm.

Above the angels, all their hearts were shaking and their faces were pale.

The power of heaven and earth triggered by this sword is not magnificent, and it is not even as intense as the collision of the peak of the gods.

But the divine soul killing contained in this sword has already surpassed the level of heavenly beings.

This is the collision of two golden immortals!

Lingjian Jinxian is a strong kendo Jinxian, but Yunlan Jianxian can be so tyrannical.

No wonder he dared to face a golden immortal!


The power of heaven and earth turned into a torrent, surging towards the surrounding like waves.

Han Muye's figure reappeared, holding a sword in his hand, his expression unchanged, and he stood in the air.

"Senior Spirit Sword, how is this sword?"


This is provocation!

In the void, there was silence, only the wind whistled, and the immortal energy roared like a tide.

Yunlan Jianxian can block the Spirit Sword Jinxian, can he block the second sword and the third sword?


But in the void, there is no sword light coming.

"Boy, the old man is waiting for you in Immortal Burial City."

A voice was neither soft nor dull, resounding in the void.

Burial Immortal City.

One of the three Jedi in the rain-covering fairyland.

This kendo golden immortal is actually far away in the city of buried immortals, and this sword comes out!

Such a method is really terrifying!

"it is good."

Han Muye spoke loudly.

The sword light from the sky dissipated, the three immortals from Zhenyuanguan retreated, and the storm thieves lined up to return to Yunlan City.

Everything, with the slowly calm Gangfeng, returned to silence.

But everything is completely different!

"Sword Immortal Yunlan can block this sword, so it is impossible for Spirit Sword Jinxian to strike again." Seeing Han Muye's figure disappearing in mid-air, Yunlan City's great formation dissipated, and a white-bearded old man revealed in his eyes. clean.

"The Daomen has to be cheeky, and Jianzong is not a soft persimmon that anyone can handle." The middle-aged Jianxiu next to the old man showed a smile.

"Come on, Jianzong Jinxian has already arrived, right?"

Looking at Yunlan City, someone whispered.

Indeed, Jianzong Jinxian has arrived.

Yunlan City, the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

Zuo Baichou and the others stood below, with their heads lowered, not daring to let out the air.

Han Muye stood at the front, and at the top was a 40-year-old Taoist in a blue and white robe with a long blue sword hanging from his waist.

The Taoist looked at Han Muye with a calm expression.

"Senior Brother Shu Ming said that you act prudently."

"Is this called stability?"

The Taoist put his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist and opened his mouth.

"Jian Xiu acts, only asks about the sword in his hand, what does it have to do with stability?" Han Muye said loudly.

In the main hall, Zuo Baichou and the others could not help but twitch the corners of their mouths.

In the face of Jinxian, can't you say something good?

The sword sect Jin Xian in the previous chapter didn't seem to expect that Han Muye would answer so straightforwardly. He glared at him and snorted coldly.

"There is no peace of mind..."

These words are much gentler.

"Forget it, forget it, you didn't lose face to my Sword Sect."

"Much better than those bastards."

"Brother Shu Ming, too, under the rule of Daozong at that time, you should be able to kill that Su Yunzi with one sword, why bother."

"Today, your sword is good. I know the means of that guy with the spirit sword. He wants to kill, but there is really not much that can stop him..."

"Speaking of How did you achieve the unity of spirit, energy and spirit? Among the younger generation of Sword Sect, there are not many who have achieved this step."

Zhang Zhenbiao and the others were stunned.

Just now, Jin Xian, who was so cold and stern that he was still full of sword intent, did not dare to look directly at him.

"Li Yungang, the first seat of the Zhantian Temple, is called, forget it, it is a false name."

"Boy, let's have a fight."

"I will suppress the cultivation base in Dongxu, how about it."

"Seeing your sword, my hands are itchy."

"Don't worry, I'm measured and won't hurt you."

Full comprehension level: Sixty years of sword pavilion

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