Thinking of this, Lu Chen no longer hesitated!

He began to move his huge body and ran in the other direction!


The prehistoric forest shook continuously, and the roar of the giant beast resounded throughout the sky!

Lu Chen hadn't moved in such a big stride for a long time.

He could clearly feel that every cell in his body was excited!

They crave release!

And what is the way of release?

That, of course, is atomic breathing!!

Lu Chen also wanted to test the skills he had just acquired!

With a huge body, it's hard not to get noticed.

And right now, another basin center.

The Lighthouse Nation's support forces also spotted an anomaly in the distance.

After the captain of their team discovered the anomaly, he quickly connected with Colonel John of the original plane.

"Report Colonel John!".

"The beast suddenly behaved in an unusual way!".

"And, judging by sight, there's a good chance we're the beast's target!"

"Please give me instructions!".

In the original time and space, in the desert base.

John's face changed slightly, the last time he teleported supplies past.

The monster didn't riot much!

Could it be that this time the giant beast also noticed the strength of the weapon I sent?

"How much force do you have now?" John asked quickly.

"Report, ten ninth-generation Tomahawk Island-launched armored vehicles, as well as twenty Sidewinder helicopters. The captain of the Lighthouse Nation replied immediately.

"Okay, send the Rattlesnake to interfere first, and then launch two tomahawks. John said heavily.


Here, after getting John's affirmation, he immediately began to plan the battle.

At this time, Lu Chen was still one hundred and fifty kilometers away from them!

However, Lu Chen's movement speed is very fast.

Although it is heavy, it is not bulky, on the contrary.

The power you have is very huge!So, even if it's such a super tonnage, you can move quickly!

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes, he had already seen a lot of small dots, flying towards him.


I was also a little surprised in my heart, I didn't expect Lu Chen's helicopter to come over!

However, if the last time it was a helicopter, maybe Lu Chen would really have nothing to do with the other party for a while.

But right now, Lu Chen has unlocked the Atomic Breath!

Isn't it true that these helicopters were given to me to feed them?


With a loud roar, Lu Chen began to walk towards the helicopters.

Twenty Sidewinder Y11 helicopter gunships began to fly towards the Behemoth.

These Sidewinder helicopters are armed with the latest anti-tank Hellfire C-Island shells.

Extremely powerful!

Each Sidewinder has about 100 such rounds on it.

Right now, these helicopters are within range!

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes and looked at these helicopters.


I'm worried that I don't have anything to practice!

Isn't this lighthouse country a roundworm in my stomach?

Then, Lu Chen's eyes were aimed at one of the helicopters!



"Academician Zhang!".

"Suddenly a huge amount of heat energy was detected in the throat part of the giant beast!".

Fifty kilometers away, the scientific researchers around Zhang Ke hurriedly brought the thermal energy detection instrument to Zhang Ke.

Zhang Ke swallowed his saliva, looked at the testing instrument, and then glanced at the giant beast in the distance.

Giant beast, shouldn't it evolve again?!

It's a possibility!

At this moment, the skin of Lu Chen's throat had already appeared heat lines.

The thermal energy pattern is constantly rising.

In the end, it all came together in the mouth.

Ten kilometers away, a Sidewinder helicopter in the sky, the pilot immediately pressed the weapon launch button!

However, at this time!

A strong light suddenly burst out from the abyssal jaw of the giant beast in the distance!

And the driver also subconsciously closed his eyes.

After all, the bright light is too dazzling!

"Atomic breath!!".

Lu Chen quickly activated the atomic breath!

The skill of the King of Monsters!

An incomparably hot beam of atomic thermal energy shot out from Lu Chen's mouth!

A dazzling light burst out in the sky!

This was Lu Chen's first time using it, so he didn't know how much Atomic Furnace energy to use.

Anyway, I have 9,000 points of energy!

Be luxurious, and use a thousand directly!

If it's not gorgeous enough, then wouldn't it be too cheap for yourself as a monster?

The atomic heat energy beam was in front of Lu Chen, and it shot straight towards the rattlesnake Y11 in the distance!

Not only that, but the thermal beams are constantly getting thicker and bigger!

The beam, which was originally only about 20 meters in diameter, suddenly expanded to 40 meters!

And it seems that there is a tendency to expand!

The rattlesnake in the distance disappeared without saying a word...

It disappeared directly into the atomic thermal beam.

Seeing this, Lu Chen naturally couldn't waste this atomic breath!

Moreover, it seems that the energy of my atomic breath must have been overused...

There was no way, Lu Chen continued to face the next rattlesnake!

The atomic breath also began to expand!

The final diameter is estimated to be more than 100 meters!

It's comparable to one-third of Lu Chen's height!

Lu Chen's sweep!

The Sidewinder helicopters didn't react at all, they all vaporized in the thermal beams!

There's not even a scum left!

This atomic breath directly vaporized eighteen rattlesnakes!

These rattlesnakes didn't even make a muffled sound, and they were gone....

This terrifying scene was naturally observed by quantum cameras in various countries.

Dragon Kingdom Research Headquarters.

All the staff stopped what they were doing.

Horrified looking at the monitor.

The power of that laser thermal beam just now is terrifying!!


Such a terrifying beam of light was actually emitted from the mouth of a giant beast!

What kind of terrifying monster is this monster!

Beacon Nation Research Headquarters.

Luke sat directly down on the console.

Look at the rattlesnakes that didn't leave any traces.

He's going to collapse!

The beast seems to be getting stronger!

Moreover, the strength is also growing wildly! The means are also mysterious to the extreme!

Luke finally knew what kind of monster he had provoked.

Where is this prehistoric beast!

This is a super prehistoric killing machine!



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